Ara mostrant els elements 11258-11277 de 41890

    Dynamics and impact of mobile genetic elements in the moss physcomitrium patens| 

    Vendrell Mir, Pol (Data de defensa: 2022-07-25)

    Els elements genètics mòbils son material genètic amb la capacitat de moure's en el genoma o, en alguns casos, entre diferents organismes o cèl·lules. Podem distingir dues classes d'elements genètics mòbils, els virus, que ...

    Dynamics and mixing in the Upper Ocean Layer 

    Figueroa Rodríguez, Jesús Manuel (Data de defensa: 2005-11-24)

    S'estudia la resposta de la capa de barreja oceànica al forçament atmosfèric considerant dades obtingudes durant 12 dies d'abril del 2001 a 42 estacions a través de l'Atlàntic nord seguint aproximadament la latitud de ...

    Dynamics and physical processes involving extreme temperatures in the Iberian Peninsula and Iraq 

    Mohammed, Ali Jasim (Data de defensa: 2018-10-03)

    The occurrence of heat waves and cold spells has received special attention in recent years due to their impact on human health, ecosystems and economy. In the context of climate change, there is evidence that extreme ...

    Dynamics and structural evolution of collapse calderas: A comparison between field evidence, analogue and mathematical models 

    Geyer Traver, Adelina (Data de defensa: 2007-03-28)

    Collapse calderas are defined as the volcanic depression that result from the disruption of the geometry of the magma chamber roof due to down faulting during the course of an eruption. These structures have received ...

    Dynamics and structure of liquids under special conditions: water confined in giant polyoxometalates and co2-brine mixtures 

    Garcia Ratés, Miquel Alexandre (Data de defensa: 2011-09-09)

    L'estructura i la dinàmica dels líquids varien sota determinades condicions, tals com sota confinament o en presència d'ions. Aquesta tesi es divideix en dues parts. En la primera part, s'han estudiat l'estructura i la ...

    Dynamics and Synchronization in Neuronal Models 

    Pérez López, Antonio Manuel (Data de defensa: 2009-09-07)

    La tesis está principalmente dedicada al modelado y simulación de sistemas neuronales. Entre otros aspectos se investiga el papel del ruido cuando actua sobre neuronas. El fenómeno de resonancia estocástica es caracterizado ...

    Dynamics and Synchronization of Motifs of Neuronal Populations in the Presence of Delayed Interactions 

    Lyra Gollo, Leonardo (Data de defensa: 2012-07-20)

    Aquesta tesi estudia les propietats de sincronització de motius de neurones o poblacions de neurones acoblats amb retard. S'ha trobat que dos elements indirectament connectats de forma bidireccional a través d'un mediador ...

    Dynamics in orientationally disordered solids 

    Martínez García, Julio César (Data de defensa: 2011-07-15)

    The key features of dynamics of ultraslowing glass forming systems are their universality in diversity. Its origin is recognized as one of the greatest challenges of condensed matter physics and materials engineering in ...

    Dynamics of axial polarization in embyonic stem cells aggregates and the evolution of body axis establishment 

    Anlas, Kerim (Data de defensa: 2022-07-06)

    Across metazoans, minimal in vitro systems from embryonic stem cells (ESCs) recapitulate the establishment of a body plan, particularly the anteroposterior (AP) axis. In contrast to actual embryos that generally require ...

    Dynamics of benthopelagic food webs of the Catalan slope (NW Mediterranean Sea): environmental drivers and influence on reproductive cycles 

    Papiol Nieves, Vanesa (Data de defensa: 2013-05-24)

    L’estacionalitat en diversos aspectes de la fauna batial s’atribueix normalment a canvis estacionals en l’aliment disponible, però existeix escassa informació respecte aquesta connexió en megafauna predadora. La present ...

    Dynamics of cellular decision making in embryogenesis 

    Torregrosa Cortés, Gabriel (Data de defensa: 2023-09-29)

    This thesis is about development and its study from a theoretical point of view, with special interest in how to describe development as a dynamical systems' problem. The thesis digs into four directions embedded in this ...

    Dynamics of cellular decision making processes 

    Palau Ortin, David (Data de defensa: 2016-02-02)

    Cells, either as unicellular organisms or as part of a tissue of a multicellular organism, can acquire different functions thanks to their capability of changing their expression state. The enzyme synthesis, cell division ...

    Dynamics of chemical microcontaminants in peri-urban agriculture and evaluation of their potential impact on crops and human health 

    Margenat Mas, Anna Maria (Data de defensa: 2018-11-27)

    Peri-urban agriculture carries out environmental, social and economic functions and services to the nearby urban areas. Nonetheless, most of these fields are impacted with organic and inorganic contaminants caused by ...

    Dynamics of cyclones and precipitation over the Middle East 

    Al-Nassar, Ali Raheem Tuaimah (Data de defensa: 2018-09-25)

    Precipitation is one of the most important, and also difficult to predict, elements of climate. This difficulty is associated with the transport of moisture through weather fronts that change their pathway, shape and ...

    Dynamics of disordered systems 

    Vispa, Alessandro (Data de defensa: 2016-11-24)

    Disordered systems are ubiquitous in nature and their study is complicated and often leads to controversial results. In any case, the important role of such systems in science and technological applications should not be ...

    The Dynamics of hippocampal encoding: beyond the spatial metaphor 

    Santos-Pata, Diogo (Data de defensa: 2018-07-10)

    Every animal on our planet wanders around when looking for something. Whether it is in search of food, a mate, or home, navigation is one of the most performed cognitive behaviors in Nature. Nevertheless, our understanding ...

    Dynamics of hydrothermal plumes in Lake Banyoles 

    Soler i Ortega, Marianna (Data de defensa: 2008-06-13)

    Aquesta tesi permet adquirir una millor comprensió de la dinàmica dels plomalls hidrotèrmics en l'estany de Banyoles i correlacionar la meteorologia amb els processos de fluïdització que s'hi produeixen. S'han trobat els ...

    Dynamics of Isotopically Pure He Droplets Doped with Atomic Impurities 

    Leal Martín, Antonio Jesús (Data de defensa: 2016-07-05)

    Helium is the second lightest element and the second most abundant element in the universe. It is named for the Greek god of the sun, Helios, and it was first discovered by French astronomer Jules Janssen as an unknown ...

    Dynamics of large-scale shoreline perturbations 

    Arriaga García, Jaime Alonso (Data de defensa: 2018-07-30)

    Shorelines around the world are rarely smooth and they can present undulations and cuspate shapes. On the one hand, human actions can cause shoreline perturbations via beach nourishments, which in turn perturb the wave ...

    Dynamics of Local Ecological Knowledge A case study among the Baka children from southeastern Cameroon 

    Gallois, Sandrine (Data de defensa: 2016-01-29)

    Esta tesis de doctorado analiza los procesos de adquisición de conocimiento ecológico local por parte de los niños (entre cinco y dieciséis años) en una sociedad de cazadores-recolectores en un contexto de rápidos cambios ...