Now showing items 38048-38067 of 41831

    Synthesis and gas sensing properties of inorganic semiconducting, p-n heterojunction nanomaterials 

    Navarrete Gatell, Eric (Date of defense: 2021-09-10)

    En aquesta tesis utilitzant principalment Aerosol Assited Chemical Vapor Deposition, AACVD, com a metodologia de síntesis d'òxid de tungstè nanoestructurat s'han fabricat diferents sensors de gasos. Per tal d'estudiar la ...

    Synthesis and gas sensing properties of single crystalline metal-oxide nanostructures 

    Roso Casares, Sergio (Date of defense: 2017-03-24)

    A la present tesis doctoral, s'han produït diferents tipus de nanoestructures basades en òxids metàl·lics, com per exemple nanofils de ZnO i octaedros d'In2O3, utilitzant el mètode de Deposició Química de Vapor (CVD) a ...

    Synthesis and Gas Sensing Properties of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides materials (TMDs) 

    Alagh, Aanchal (Date of defense: 2022-09-19)

    En el procés de monitorització industrial, el control d'emissions dels cotxes, la seguretat de la qualitat de l'aire interior i exterior i la protecció del medi ambient, la detecció contínua i fiable de diversos gasos és ...

    Synthesis and Magnetic Studies of Quasi-Isotropic Coordination Compounds with 3d and 4f cations 

    Pilichos, Evangelos (Date of defense: 2023-09-22)

    [eng] The present Thesis is entitled “Synthesis and Magnetic Studies of Quasi-Isotropic Coordination Compounds with 3d and 4f cations”. The topic of the Thesis is to prepare coordination compounds of paramagnetic metal ...

    Synthesis and magnetoelectric properties of Co–Pt based porous materials 

    Navarro Senent, Cristina (Date of defense: 2020-12-18)

    La present tesi comprèn la síntesi electroquímica i l’estudi de les propietats magnetoelèctriques de materials porosos basats en cobalt-platí (Co-Pt). S’espera que aquests materials minimitzin la dissipació de calor i el ...

    Synthesis and mode of action of photoswitchable ligands for neuromodulation 

    Dumaze, Anaëlle (Date of defense: 2023-11-08)

    [eng] My thesis was part of a collaborative project at the interface of neuropharmacology and medicinal chemistry that aimed to better understand the neuromodulation mechanisms associated with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). In ...

    Synthesis and optimization of new sphingolipid sensors for metabolism and trafficking studies 

    Pou Cabello, Ana (Date of defense: 2017-06-30)

    Over the past decade, sphingolipids have emerged as a new class of modulators of various cell functions. Ceramide, which is the central molecule in the biosynthesis of sphingolipids and glycosphingolipids, is involved in ...

    Synthesis and performance of heterogeneous catalysts for Fenton-like and photo-Fenton-like reactions at circumneutral pH 

    Cruz Gonzalo, Angel (Date of defense: 2017-06-22)

    As an essential resource for life and most human activities, water resources protection have become one of the major focuses of scientific community, especially the increasing occurrence of emerging pollutants which have ...

    Synthesis and properties of multifunctional single molecule magnets 

    Gonidec, Mathieu (Date of defense: 2010-09-03)

    En aquest treball s'ha dut a terme la síntesi i la caracterització química de varis complexos de doble capa de ftalocianines de terbi amb l'objectiu d'estudiar les seves propietats magnètiques en una varietat de configuracions. ...

    Synthesis and structure-activity relationship of new psychoactive substances. Role of ring-substitutions, amino-terminal group and alpha-carbon side chain length in the pharmacological profile of novel synthetic cathinones 

    Nadal Gratacós, Núria (Date of defense: 2023-05-12)

    Les substàncies psicoactives han estat consumides des de fa milers d´anys pels éssers humans per motius espirituals, medicinals, de plaer, productivitat o socials. Amb l'evolució de la química orgànica, els químics van ...

    Synthesis and Study of Functionalized Porphyrins as Organophotoredox Catalysts 

    Torres Yeste, Pol (Date of defense: 2022-12-20)

    [eng] Visible-light photocatalysis is currently one of the hottest research areas in organic chemistry, due to the possibility that offers to form C-C and C-Het bonds in a green, non-toxic and efficient way. Although ...

    Synthesis and versatile applications of oligoethylene glycol dendrons using click chemistry 

    Fransen, Peter (Date of defense: 2013-12-05)

    Dendrimers are a class of globular highly branched macromolecules with precise architecture. They consist of a multivalent surface with functional group, a core unit where branching starts, and the interior is made of ...

    Synthesis of 1S-ethyl-4-substituted quinolizidines and other potentially bioactive compounds 

    Semak, Vladislav (Date of defense: 2012-12-19)

    Esta Tesis Doctoral se presenta como Compendio de publicaciones. Los capítulos en los que se ha dividido la presente Tesis son los siguientes: Capítulo 1 – parte A: Enantioselective, Protecting Group-Free Synthesis of ...

    Synthesis of 2-Vinyl sphingolipids as S1PL inhibitors 

    Calderón i Almendro, Raquel (Date of defense: 2017-03-14)

    Sphingolipids (SLs) are components of eukaryotic cell membranes that in the last 30 years have shown not only a structural role but also be involved in signaling processes and cellular responses. Therefore, the development ...

    Synthesis of Acid Mesoporous Saponites and its Application in Catalytic Glycidol Hydrogenolysis 

    Gebretsadik, Fiseha Bogale (Date of defense: 2015-11-06)

    La reacció de hidrogenòlisis per l'obtenció de 1,3-propandiol (1,3-PD) a partir de glicerol requereix l'ús de cars metalls nobles y elevades condicions de reacció, tot i això, no s'ha d'oblidar el baix rendiment en 1,3-PD ...

    Synthesis of acoustic wave filters : ladder and transversal topologies : towards a practical implementation 

    Hueltes Escobar, Alberto (Date of defense: 2021-02-05)

    The meteoric growth of the mobile communication market for the last three decades has been strongly related with the evolution of the electroacoustic (EA) filter technology. With way over 5 billion cell phone users worldwide ...

    Synthesis of amino alcohols through one-popt catalytic boron addition sequences 

    Solé Marcé, Cristina (Date of defense: 2013-07-26)

    Els amino alcohols són estructures importants usades en la síntesis de productes naturals, fàrmacs i auxiliars o catalitzadors quirals aplicats en la síntesis orgànica asimètrica. Els organoborans poden ser utilitzats com ...

    Synthesis of antimicrobial peptides derived from BP100 and BPC194 

    Güell Costa, Imma (Date of defense: 2012-01-27)

    In the present PhD thesis we studied the solid-phase peptide synthesis of antimicrobial peptides derived from the lead peptides BP100 and BPC194. First, peptides derived from BP100 containing D-amino acids at different ...

    Synthesis of bi-magnetic core|shell and onion- like nanoparticles based on iron and manganese oxides 

    López Ortega, Alberto (Date of defense: 2012-09-27)

    Aquesta tesi engloba la síntesi i la caracterització estructural i magnètica de dos tipus de nanopartícules polymagnètiques: estructures nucli-escorça (core|shell, CS) i tipus ceba (onion-like). El primer sistema està ...

    Synthesis of biaryl bicyclic peptides for recognition of protein surfaces 

    Garcia Pindado, Júlia (Date of defense: 2017-05-12)

    The present thesis is based on the development and optimization of a solid-phase strategy to prepare biaryl bicyclic pentapeptides. Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reactions were used to obtain the biaryl bridge. The metholodogy ...