Now showing items 2439-2458 of 5506

    Factores que determinan la licencia social para operar en el Perú : el caso de la gran minería 

    Sícoli Pósleman, Claudia Irene (Date of defense: 2016-07-04)

    This thesis has been developed within the framework of Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) concept, due to analyze the importance of the Social License to Operate (SLO) in the context of extractive mining sector of Peru, ...

    Factores que facilitan el éxito y la continuidad de los equipos de mejora en la empresas industriales. Modelo de implantación, aplicación y medición de los resultados en una empresa piloto 

    Robert Gadea, Antonio (Date of defense: 2005-05-16)

    Des de l'inici de la meva activitat laboral a final dels anys setanta he viscut experiències de implantació de Equips de Millora en diverses empreses del nostre entorn industrial, algunes de les quals formaven part de grups ...

    Factores que inciden en la intencionalidad de emprender de los estudiantes universitarios en Panamá 

    Palma Chorres, Yarissa Marcela (Date of defense: 2012-03-30)

    El objetivo de esta tesis es estudiar los factores que inciden en la intencionalidad de crear empresas en los emprendedores potenciales universitarios de Panamá, partiendo de la hipótesis de que la deseabilidad de crear ...

    Factors affecting the engagement of academics of engineering studies towards sustainable development 

    Lazzarini, Boris (Date of defense: 2019-01-14)

    Higher education institutions (HEIs) play a critical role in societies’ transition towards sustainable development (SD), as they educate future professionals and decision makers. Engineering is widely recognised as a ...

    Façanes vegetades. Estudi del seu potencial com a sistema passiu d'estalvi d'energia, en clima mediterrani continental 

    Pérez Luque, Gabriel (Date of defense: 2010-07-12)

    L'objectiu general d'aquesta tesi doctoral és la realització un estudi sobre els sistemes de vegetació de les façanes d'edificis i del seu possible ús com a sistema passiu d'estalvi d'energia en edificació.<br/><br/>En la ...

    Failure and toughness of steel fiber reinforced concrete under tension and shear 

    Barragán, Bryan Erick (Date of defense: 2002-03-22)

    La tesis se enmarca en la caracterización, a nivel material, de la fractura del hormigón reforzado con fibras de acero (SFRC) bajo solicitaciones de tracción y cortante, y sobre la determinación de parámetros que representan ...

    Failure distance based bounds of dependability measures 

    Suñé Socias, Víctor Manuel (Date of defense: 2000-07-03)

    El tema d'aquesta tesi és el desenvolupament de mètodes de fitació per a una classe de models de confiabilitat basats en cadenes de Markov de temps continu (CMTC) de sistemes tolerants a fallades.<br/><br/>Els sistemes ...

    Fair Allocation of Network Resources for Internet Users 

    Banchs Roca, Albert (Date of defense: 2002-02-18)

    In a commercial Internet, the traffic behavior is determined by the contracts between the ISPs and the users, where a user can be a dial-up user, or one corporate network or a group of individual customers or networks. ...

    Fairness Analysis of Wireless Beamforming Schedulers 

    Bartolomé Calvo, Diego (Date of defense: 2005-01-12)

    Aquesta tesi es dedica a l'anàlisi de la justícia a la capa física en entorns de comunicacions amb múltiples antenes i diversos usuaris, cosa que implica un nou punt de vista sobre problemas tradicionals. Malgrat això, el ...

    Farmers' preferences and the factors affecting their decision to improve maize crops in Mexico 

    Sánchez Toledano, Blanca Isabel (Date of defense: 2017-06-08)

    Mexico is one of the countries with the highest corn production in the world (24.6 million tons) (FAOSTAT, 2016). However, in some regions, the yields are very low (2.0 Tn.ha-1) compared to the national average (9.39 ...

    Fashion discovery : a computer vision approach 

    Rubio Romano, Antonio (Date of defense: 2021-07-23)

    Performing semantic interpretation of fashion images is undeniably one of the most challenging domains for computer vision. Subtle variations in color and shape might confer different meanings or interpretations to an ...

    FAST : a fault detection and identification software tool 

    Duatis Juárez, Jordi (Date of defense: 2016-02-05)

    The aim of this work is to improve the reliability and safety of complex critical control systems by contributing to the systematic application of fault diagnosis. In order to ease the utilization of fault detection and ...

    A fast engineering approach to high efficiency power amplifier linearization for avionics applications 

    Wang, Teng (Date of defense: 2020-12-17)

    This PhD thesis provides a fast engineering approach to the design of digital predistortion (DPD) linearizers from several perspectives: i) enhancing the off-line training performance of open-loop DPD, ii) providing ...

    Fast photorealistic techniques to simulate global illumination in videogames and virtual environments 

    Méndez Feliu, Àlex (Date of defense: 2007-06-15)

    Per al càlcul de la il·luminació global per a la síntesi d'imatges d'escenaris virtuals s'usen mètodes físicament acurats com a radiositat o el ray-tracing. Aquests mètodes són molt potents i capaços de generar imatges de ...

    Fast simulation : assisted shape correction after machining 

    Mena Andrade, Ramiro Francisco (Date of defense: 2021-01-15)

    Computer simulation is acknowledged as the third branch of Science. From the seminal work of Turner et al. (1956) [on Finite Elements, impressive improvements have been made in terms of software and hardware, so that, ...

    Fate and effects of waterborne contaminants of emerging concern in the soil-plant system : impact of biochar soil amendment to mitigate their plant uptake 

    Hurtado Cervera, Carlos (Date of defense: 2017-07-14)

    Water scarcity is an issue of global concern due to the increase of the population and the climate change, which both increase the water demand. Many arid and semiarid countries are facing high water stress and the use of ...

    Fault detection and fault tolerant control in wind turbines 

    Tutivén Gálvez, Christian (Date of defense: 2018-09-27)

    Renewable energy is an important sustainable energy in the world. Up to now, as an essential part of low emissions energy in a lot of countries, renewable energy has been important to the national energy security, and ...

    Fault detection and identification methodology under an incremental learning framework applied to industrial electromechanical systems 

    Cariño Corrales, Jesús Adolfo (Date of defense: 2017-09-08)

    Condition Based Maintenance is a program that recommends actions based on the information collected and interpreted through condition monitoring and has become accepted since a decade ago by the industry as a key factor ...

    Fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control of multiphase voltage source converters for application in traction drives 

    Salehifar, Mehdi (Date of defense: 2014-07-15)

    There is an increasing demand for vehicles with less environmental impact and higher fuel efficiency. To meet these requirements, the transportation electrification has been introduced in both academia and industry during ...

    Fault diagnosis in chemical plants integrated to the information system 

    Ruiz, Diego (Date of defense: 2001-06-05)

    La contribución que se pretende con esta tesis se refiere a la implantación de un sistema de diagnosis de fallos en plantas químicas completas integrado al sistema de supervisión, gestión y control de la producción.<br/>El ...