Ara mostrant els elements 2967-2986 de 5527

    Intertwining the city : the in-between spaces of Caracas as scenarios to achieve urban togetherness 

    García Alcaraz, Teresa (Data de defensa: 2022-01-17)

    This thesis explores the in-between spaces of the contemporary city, and the role they have in promoting urban togetherness through interstitial practice. By looking at different processes that take place in the borderlands ...

    Interval-censored semi-competing risks data: a novel approach for modelling bladder cancer 

    Porta Bleda, Núria (Data de defensa: 2010-07-27)

    Aquesta tesi tracta sobre tècniques d'anàlisi de supervivència en situacions amb múltiples esdeveniments i patrons complexes de censura. Proposem una nova metodologia per tractar la situació de riscos semi-competitius quan ...

    Intervals habitats: aproximacions a l'espai de transició de l'habitatge col·lectiu (1990-2007) 

    Salvadó Aragonés, Núria (Data de defensa: 2013-02-21)

    "Inhabited intervals" is a research about the transition space in collective housing, specifically about the intermediate space located on the way from home to the street. After the work done by Team 10 between the fifties ...

    Intervenciones contemporáneas en los mercados municipales representativos de Cataluña y Valencia, construidos a finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX 

    Zavala Sánchez, María Dolores (Data de defensa: 2013-11-18)

    This PhD thesis is a deep research on the architectural evolution of the most representative municipal markets in Catalonia and Valencia , from its origins to the present day. It includes an extensive comparison of all the ...

    Intervenciones en edificaciones objeto de cambio de uso. Bibliotecas públicas de la provincia de Barcelona : análisis de los edificios ubicados en Barcelona 1994-2004 

    Simancas Alarcón, Leiris (Data de defensa: 2013-07-04)

    There has been interest over the last few decades in Barcelona for buildings in urban cores that have outlived their original purpose. To take advantage of the heritage of these buildings, both public and private sectors ...

    La intervención pública en rehabilitación y regeneración urbana en Barcelona : caracterización de claves operativas y metodológicas 

    Uzqueda Martínez, Ángel L. (Data de defensa: 2023-07-24)

    (English) There is a broad consensus on the need to drive urban intervention public policies with the purpose of promoting more inclusive, sustainable, balanced and diverse cities. Urban intervention is not neutral; it has ...

    Intervenir o conservar: Método de análisis para la evaluación de intervenciones arquitectónicas en comunidades aisladas de alto valor ambiental 

    Fentanes Gutiérrez-Zamora, Karla Angélica (Data de defensa: 2004-11-26)

    La Selva Lacandona de Chiapas, al sureste de la República Mexicana, es una región de 1'800.000 hectáreas de alto valor ambiental. Determinada por las características físicas del ecosistema selvático, ha sido un escenario ...

    An interwoven visualization platform for assessing : the restoration of fragmented landscape structures 

    Qian, Liyuan (Data de defensa: 2016-11-04)

    The process of landscape restoration in highly polluted areas is influenced by complex interactions between a variety of environmental elements; these are interconnected through the comprehensive medium of the landscape ...

    Intracavity spatial filtering in broad area semiconductor laser 

    Gawali, Sandeep Babu (Data de defensa: 2020-12-17)

    Semiconductor lasers in high-power regime typically manifest a poor beam quality due to its asymmetric beam divergence and its large beam quality factor (M2). The emission along one of the transverse directions (slow axis) ...

    Intrinsic osteoinduction and osteogenesis of biomimetic calcium phosphate scaffolds with different nano-, micro- and macroporosities : ectopic and orthotopic implantation in a canine model 

    Barba Serrahima, Albert (Data de defensa: 2018-11-28)

    The development of synthetic bone substitutes with enhanced osteogenic properties is urged by the global ageing population. Sintered calcium-phosphate (CaP) ceramics are the most widely used synthetic biomaterials for bone ...

    Intrinsic randomness in non-local theories: quantification and amplification 

    Dhara, Chirag (Data de defensa: 2013-06-12)

    Quantum mechanics was developed as a response to the inadequacy of classical physics in explaining certain physical phenomena. While it has proved immensely successful, it also presents several features that severely ...

    Introducción del factor humano al análisis de riesgo 

    González Dan, José Roberto (Data de defensa: 2015-11-06)

    The frequency of occurrence of an accident is a key aspect in the risk assessment field. Variables such as the human factor, which is a major cause of undesired events in process industries, are usually not considered ...

    Introducing linguistic knowledge into statistical machine translation. 

    Gispert Ramis, Adrià (Data de defensa: 2007-01-26)

    Aquesta tesi està dedicada a l'estudi de la utilització de informació morfosintàctica en el marc dels sistemes de traducció estocàstica, amb l'objectiu de millorar-ne la qualitat a través de la incorporació de informació ...

    Introducing norms into practical reasoning agents 

    Panagiotidi, Sofia (Data de defensa: 2014-09-29)

    As distributed electronic systems grow to include thousands of components, from grid to peer-to-peer nodes, from (Semantic) Web services to web-apps to computation in the cloud, governance of such systems is becoming a ...

    Introduçao de ferramentas multimédia num contexto de terapia: estudio exploratório aplicado à terapia de pacientes esquizofrénicos 

    Costa Freire, Carla Sofia (Data de defensa: 2012-05-18)

    Nowadays, Information and Communication Technologies and Internet play an important role supporting everyday objectives. The speed of tasks performance, the easy access to all kind of information and the possibility of ...

    Inundaciones urbanas : criterios de peligrosidad y evaluación del riesgo para peatones y vehículos 

    Martínez Gomariz, Eduardo (Data de defensa: 2016-11-04)

    In this research work, an analysis is first undertaken on the hazard regarding people exposed to floods in urban areas. Several experiments with people were carried out in order to determine the stability limit to pedestrians, ...

    Invasive and non-invasive assessment of upper airway obstruction and respiratory effort with nasal airflow and esophageal pressure analysis during sleep 

    Morgenstern de Muller, Christian Rudolf (Data de defensa: 2010-02-25)

    La estimación del esfuerzo respiratorio durante el sueño es de una importancia crítica para la identificación correcta de eventos respiratorios en los trastornos respiratorios del sueño (TRS), el diagnóstico correcto de ...

    Inventory and pricing management in probabilistic selling 

    Zhang, Yi (Data de defensa: 2019-01-25)

    Context: Probabilistic selling is the strategy that the seller creates an additional probabilistic product using existing products. The exact information is unknown to customers until they receive the probabilistic products. ...

    Inverse Jacobian and related topics for certain superelliptic curves 

    Somoza Henares, Anna (Data de defensa: 2019-03-28)

    Given an elliptic curve E over the complex numbers (CC) given by y^2 = x^3 + ax + b, there exists a lattice L in CC such that the group E(CC) of complex points on E is isomorphic to the complex analytic group CC/L. This ...

    Inverse modelling in wildfire spread forecasting: towards a data-driven system 

    Rios Rubiras, Oriol (Data de defensa: 2018-11-30)

    Wildfires are an ecological phenomenon inherent to earth dynamics and widely spread over the globe. In addition to the environmental impact, when wildfires grow beyond controllable magnitudes, they pose a principal threat ...