Now showing items 4366-4385 of 5500

    Programming, debugging, profiling and optimizing transactional memory programs 

    Hasanov Zyulkyarov, Ferard (Date of defense: 2011-07-19)

    Transactional memory (TM) is a new optimistic synchronization technique which has the potential of making shared memory parallel programming easier compared to locks without giving up from the performance. This thesis ...

    Promoting cardiac regeneration by biomimetic microenvironments 

    Martínez Hernández, Marina (Date of defense: 2023-12-20)

    (English) Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death in the world. The heart has a very limited regeneration capacity. Thus, following tissue damage – e.g., myocardial infarction –, heart transplantation ...

    Propagació d'informació en grafs i digrafs que modelen xarxes d'interconnexió simètriques 

    Mitjana, Margarida (Date of defense: 1999-03-11)

    L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és aprofondir en l'estudi d'una certa família de dígrafs, els dígrafs de prefix-cicle, donant nous detalls sobre la seva estructura, noves maneres d'enfocar el seu estudi, i dissenyant bons esquemes ...

    Propagació i generació de llum en nanoestructures fotòniques 

    Botey Cumella, Muriel (Date of defense: 2009-07-24)

    Els materials nanoestructats periòdics han ofert, en les dues darreres dècades, un nou marc per a l'estudi de la interacció entre la radiació electromagnètica i la matèria. Aquestes estructures permeten modelar les propietats ...

    Propagación de ondas monocromáticas en guíaondas dieléctricas planas formadas por medios no lineales tipo Keir: Aplicación al diseño de dispositivos lógicos 

    Dios Otín, Federico (Date of defense: 1992-03-05)

    El trabajo se enmarca dentro del estudio de ciertas propiedades ópticas con vistas a su inclusión en el diseño de dispositivos de conmutación de señales ópticas. En particular se ha prestado atención a los medios que exhiben ...

    Propagation in reaction-diffusion equations with fractional diffusion 

    Coulon, Anne-Charline (Date of defense: 2014-07-07)

    This thesis focuses on the long time behaviour of solutions to Fisher-KPP reaction-diffusion equations involving fractional diffusion. This type of equation arises, for example, in spatial propagation or spreading of ...

    Proper generalized decomposition solutions for composite laminates parameterized with fibre orientations for fast computations 

    El-Ghamrawy, Karim (Date of defense: 2021-04-23)

    Composite materials are gaining popularity as an alternative to classical materials in many different applications. Moreover, their design is even more flexible due to the potential of additive ...

    Properties of poly(lactic acid) in presence of cellulose and chitin nanocrystals 

    Singh, Shikha (Date of defense: 2020-10-09)

    Plastic based materials are widely used for packaging applications. However, disposal of such petroleum-based materials e.g. polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) has become a huge threat to the environment due to its ...

    La propiedad industrial como herramienta para el diseño de productos 

    Vega Barón, María Auxiliadora (Date of defense: 2016-01-22)

    The research area of this doctoral thesis is determined by the interaction between legal and technical disciplines such as the Industrial Property (IP) and the industrial or product design respectively. The area they have ...

    Propiedades mecánicas y microestructurales del hierro Armco sometido a severa deformación plàstica mediante presión en canal angular de sección constante (ECAP) 

    Muñoz Bolaños, Jairo Alberto (Date of defense: 2016-07-21)

    Ultrafine grain size Armco iron has been obtained through severe plastic deformation through equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) at room temperature, using a die with interna! angle et> = 90 º, and an angle 4J = 37 º ...

    Propiedades vitreas emergentes en cristales moleculares 

    Gebbia, Jonathan Fernando (Date of defense: 2021-10-06)

    One of the most complex and unsolved problems in physics is the glass transition problem, in which the resulting state, the glass, exhibits unique and anomalous properties. During the transition, a kinetic freezing phenomenon ...

    Proposal and development of a highly modular and scalable self-adaptive hardware architecture with parallel processing capability 

    Soto Vargas, Javier E. (Date of defense: 2014-07-02)

    This dissertation describes a novel unconventional self-adaptive hardware architecture with capacity for parallel processing. For scalability issues, this bioinspired architecture is based on a regular array of homogeneous ...

    Proposal and evaluation of channel assignment algorithms for wireless local area networks with opportunistic spectrum acces capabilities 

    Novillo Parales, Francisco Vicente (Date of defense: 2013-06-04)

    The growing need for wireless connectivity is pushing the massive adoption and usage of Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) based on the IEEE 802.11 standard (Wi-Fi), leading to dense deployments of individual, uncoordinated ...

    Proposal of a model for the management of active networks based on policies 

    Vivero Millor, Julio (Date of defense: 2003-12-12)

    Les expectatives dels usuaris en relació a la quantitat i qualitat del serveis de xarxa estan creixent ràpidament. En canvi, desenvolupar e implantar nous serveis de xarxa (serveis que operen a nivell de xarxa) seguint el ...

    Proposal of an adaptive infotainment system depending on driving scenario complexity 

    Galarza Osio, Miguel Ángel (Date of defense: 2020-01-31)

    The PhD research project is framed within the plan of industrial doctorates of the “Generalitat de Catalunya”. During the investigation, most of the work was carried out at the facilities of the vehicle manufacturer SEAT, ...

    Proposal of energy spectra for earthquake resistant design based on turkish registers 

    Yazgan, Ahmet Utku (Date of defense: 2012-09-07)

    This work proposes design energy spectra in terms of an equivalent velocity, intended for regions with design peak acceleration 0.3 g or higher. These spectra have been derived through linear and nonlinear dynamic analyses ...

    Proposing some innovative study design features to regulatory agencies (EMA and FDA) in bioequivalence trials : Reference Scaled Average Bioequivalence, and Two-Stage Adaptive Designs 

    Molins Lleonart, Eduard (Date of defense: 2021-05-28)

    In applications for generic medicinal products the concept of bioequivalence is fundamental. Two medicinal products, i.e. a test and a reference drugs containing the same active substance are considered bioequivalent if ...

    Proposta de codi normalitzat per a la representació gràfica de la tecnologia de la construcció 

    Zamora i Mestre, Joan-Lluís (Date of defense: 1995-04-06)

    Esta tesis partió de la constatación por parte del autor que todo el contenido técnico de un proyecto de arquitectura se vierte principalmente en su documentación gráfica. Sin embargo esta documentación adolece de muchos ...

    Proposta de desenvolupament de sistema innovador per a l'extradossat de paraments interiors en habitatges cara a la rehabilitació de les seves prestacions 

    Serra Fabregà, Raül (Date of defense: 2017-05-12)

    The present investigation is about the development of a construction system of vertical residential wall's lining, and it is focused on the rehabilitation of the characteristic features of elements and on the implementation ...

    Proposta i avaluació empírica d'un model de màrqueting universitari centrat en el suport organitzatiu percebut i l'ocupabilitat percebuda per l'estudiant 

    Trullàs Casasayas, Irene (Date of defense: 2016-02-03)

    This thesis based on classical models of student satisfaction and their antecedents in the field of higher education aims to deepen and develop a new marketing model for higher education. The antecedents of students' ...