Alfabetización ambiental : análisis del proceso de alfabetización ambiental y su relación con el desarrollo sustentable y propuesta de una herramienta que permita cuantificar el nivel de conocimiento suficiente para completar el proceso de alfabetización ambiental 

    Pesis, Susana Paulina (Fecha de defensa: 2015-10-13)

    In a holistic vision, our present global society, thanks to the fast speed of the spread of information permits a wider consciousness of the frequency and the scope of natural phenomena and economic disasters. This disasters ...

    An institutional approach to urban fragmentation : power and sustainability in un-recognized settlements of Mumbai 

    Michelutti, Enrico (Fecha de defensa: 2014-01-10)

    Urban fragmentation is a phenomenon which characterizes the so-called "global city", both in the North and in the South of the world. Since the 1990s, several disciplines have approached fragmentation dynamics from different ...

    Aportaciones a la representabilidad de juegos simples y al cálculo de soluciones de esta clase de juegos 

    Puente del Campo, M. Albina (María Albina) (Fecha de defensa: 2000-04-11)

    La memoria está enmarcada en el contexto de la Teoría de Juegos Simples, aunque varios de los resultados obtenidos pueden ser trasladados a campos como la Electrónica o Fiabilidad de Sistemas. Está estructurada en cinco ...

    Aportaciones al estudio de los sistemas electorales 

    Sales i Inglès,Vicenç (Fecha de defensa: 2016-01-28)

    An important question that modern societies have to decide is the election of some people who represent them and can also make some decisions. Mechanisms to do it are called Electoral Systems. In fact, there are a lot of ...

    Desenvolupament d'una metodologia per a l'establiment de tipologies microregionals: el cas de les comarques de Catalunya 

    Gil Martín, Joan Carles (Fecha de defensa: 1999-07-30)

    Aquesta tesi s'emmarca dins l'àmbit de l'Economia Regional. Es pretén fer un estudi estadístic de les comarques de Catalunya amb un triple objectiu:<br/>- Estudiar les tipologies que es poden determinar a partir de la ...

    El patrimonio cultural como marco estratégico de una revitalización urbana : Estudio de caso del entorno de la Estação Central de Belo Horizonte, Brasil 

    Villaça Diniz, Cláudia (Fecha de defensa: 2015-02-02)

    The notion of destruction and conservation of urban heritage has passed through different generations and, until today, is present in the history of various cities around the world. The issue undertaken in this dissertation ...

    Hacia la ciudad inclusiva. Prácticas sociales urbanas en Barcelona, 1969-1979. 

    Magro Huertas, Maria Tania (Fecha de defensa: 2014-07-15)

    The deterioration of the living environment, urban segregation, the lack of community and local identity, homelessness and lack of living spaces or the impossibility of a collective construction of the habitat have aroused ...

    La rebelión del espacio vivido 

    Jiménez-Pacheco, Pedro (Fecha de defensa: 2018-07-17)

    The dissertation arises from the awakening of Henri Lefebvre’s work, both in social sciences with Marxist approach and urban studies interested in social issues. This scientific and institutional recovery of Lefebvre's ...

    Measuring energy sustainability by using energy sustainability indicators 

    Razmjoo, Ali (Armin) (Fecha de defensa: 2021-02-19)

    The main aim of this thesis is investigating energy sustainability in developing countries using useful indicators. As it is known, serious issues such as global warming and inefficient consumption of energy will lead to ...

    La nueva agenda diplomática y comercial México-Centroamérica : el Proyecto Mesoamérica 

    Contreras Suárez, Aribel (Fecha de defensa: 2015-11-26)

    This doctoral thesis is focused on what nowadays is known as the Mesoamerica Project (MP). The Integration and Development Mesoamerica Project arises due to the need not only to the regional integration but also to the ...