Rull Fort, Guillem (Date of defense: 2011-01-19)
En esta tesis, presentamos un nuevo enfoque para validar mappings entre esquemas de datos que permite al diseñador comprobar si el mapping satisface o no ciertas propiedades deseables. La respuesta que ...
Geng, Linlin (Date of defense: 2021-01-28)
Cloud cavitation is a unwanted phenomenon taking place in many hydraulic machines which damages the surfaces of the solid walls due to the erosive aggressiveness induced by the collapse process. Therefore, ...
Hsieh, Chung Yun (Date of defense: 2022-10-10)
(English) As one of our most successful theories, quantum theory has greatly strengthened our understanding of nature and significantly advanced technologies. Specifically, quantum effects provide ...
Alcelay Larrión, José Ignacio (Date of defense: 2015-09-10)
In this thesis a study was performed to obtain a model of artificial neural network that is able to predict the flow behavior of steel under hot deformation conditions. The hot compression tests are ...
Sánchez López, Sergio (Date of defense: 2003-10-07)
Las redes de transporte se mueven hacia un modelo de redes formadas por routers IP/MPLS (Internet Protocol/Multiprotocol Laebel Switching) de altas prestaciones interconectadas a través redes troncales ...
Rigau Vilalta, Jaume (Date of defense: 2006-11-17)
Aquest treball està enmarcat en el context de gràfics per computador partint de la intersecció de tres camps: rendering, teoria de la informació, i complexitat.<br/><br/>Inicialment, el concepte de ...
Paoliello Guimaraes, Rafael (Date of defense: 2008-07-14)
Over the last years, Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) have captured the attention of the research community. The flexibility and cost savings they provide, due to the fact that no infrastructure is needed ...
Tubella, Jordi (Date of defense: 1996-11-13)
Alquézar Mancho, René (Date of defense: 1997-05-12)
This thesis is structured in four parts for a total of ten chapters. <br/><br/>The first part, introduction and review (Chapters 1 to 4), presents an extensive state-of-the-art review of both symbolic ...
López Arévalo, Iván (Date of defense: 2005-11-05)
Els processos industrials requereixen avaluacions periòdiques per a verificar la seva correcta operació en termes tècnics i econòmics. Aquestes avaluacions són necessàries a causa de els canvis en els ...