Noves técniques en l'análisi del senyal electrocardiogràfic. Aplicació a l'ECA d'alta revolució 

    Jané Campos, Raimon (Fecha de defensa: 1989-07-10)

    L'estudi del senyal electrocardiogràfic (ECG) obtingut mitjançant elèctrodes de superfície és una prova mèdica freqüent que té una gran significació en el diagnòstic de l'activitat cardíaca. <br/>Des de la incorporació ...

    Numerical study of hopf bifurcations in the two-dimensional plane poiseuille flow 

    Sánchez Casas, José Pablo (Fecha de defensa: 2002-11-28)

    In this work we try to analyse the dynamics of the Navier-Stokes equations in a problem without domain complexities as is the case of the plane Poiseuille flow. The Poiseuille problem is described as the flow of a viscous ...

    NURBS-Enhanced Finite Element Method (NEFEM) 

    Sevilla Cárdenas, Rubén (Fecha de defensa: 2009-07-24)

    Aquesta tesi proposa una millora del clàssic mètode dels elements finits (finite element method, FEM) per a un tractament eficient de dominis amb contorns corbs: el denominat NURBS-enhanced finite element method (NEFEM). ...

    On Normal Forms and Splitting of Separatrices in Reversible Systems 

    Lázaro Ochoa, José Tomás (Fecha de defensa: 2003-10-23)

    És difícil dibuixar una frontera, dins la Teoria de Sistemas Dinàmics, entre lleis de conservació i simetries doncs, sovint, les seves característiques es confonen. Un clar exemple d'aquest fenómen el constitueixen els ...

    On some spectral and combinatorial properties of distance-regular graphs and their generalizations 

    Diego, Víctor (Fecha de defensa: 2017-11-24)

    In this work we present the study we did in Graph Theory. In the firsts chapteres of the tesis we study the pieces of information that can be obtained from a graph: the spectrum of the adjacency matrix, the preintersection ...

    On the quasiperiodic hamiltonian andronov-hopf bifurcation 

    Pacha Andújar, Juan Ramón (Fecha de defensa: 2002-10-21)

    Aquest treball es situa dintre del marc dels sistemes dinàmics hamiltonians de tres graus de llibertat. Allà considerem famílies d'òrbites periòdiques amb una transició estable-complex inestable: sigui L el paràmetre que ...

    On the role of oscillatory dynamics in neural communication 

    Pérez Cervera, Alberto (Fecha de defensa: 2019-04-04)

    In this Thesis we consider problems concerning brain oscillations generated across the interaction between excitatory (E) and inhibitory (I) cells. We explore how two neuronal groups with underlying oscillatory activity ...

    p-adic L-functions, p-adic Gross-Zagier formulas and plectic points 

    Hernández Barrios, Víctor (Fecha de defensa: 2022-04-19)

    In this work we generalize the construction of p-adic anticyclotomic L-functions associated to an elliptic curve E/F and a quadratic extension K/F, by defining a measure µ_f^p attached to K/F and an automorphic form. In ...

    Parallel Lagrangian particle transport : application to respiratory system airways 

    Olivares Mañas, Edgar (Fecha de defensa: 2018-11-09)

    This thesis is focused on particle transport in the context of high computing performance (HPC) in its widest range, from the numerical modeling to the physics involved, including its parallelization and post-process. The ...

    Paving the path towards automatic hexahedral mesh generation 

    Roca Navarro, Xevi (Fecha de defensa: 2009-07-23)

    Esta tesis versa sobre el desarrollo de las tecnologías para la generación de mallas de hexaedros. El proceso de generar una malla de hexaedros no es automático y su generación requiere varias horas te trabajo de un ingeniero ...

    Probabilistic and extremal studies in additive combinatorics 

    Wötzel, Maximilian (Fecha de defensa: 2022-01-26)

    The results in this thesis concern extremal and probabilistic topics in number theoretic settings. We prove sufficient conditions on when certain types of integer solutions to linear systems of equations in binomial ...

    Probabilitat i causalitat en el manteniment en la marina mercant 

    Verdera i Tomas, Ernest (Fecha de defensa: 1990-01-01)

    Aquest treball vol ser una aportació positiva a la teoria general del Manteniment Industrial. <br/>La teoria del Manteniment Industrial és un camp de la coneixença tècnica que encara ha de ser desbrossat d'influències que ...

    Product of digraphs, (super) edge-magic valences and related problems 

    Mohan, Prahu (Fecha de defensa: 2019-07-03)

    Discrete Mathematics, and in particular Graph Theory, has gained a lot of popularity during the last 7 decades. Among the many branches in Graph Theory, graph labelings has experimented a fast development, in particular ...

    Propagación de ondas monocromáticas en guíaondas dieléctricas planas formadas por medios no lineales tipo Keir: Aplicación al diseño de dispositivos lógicos 

    Dios Otín, Federico (Fecha de defensa: 1992-03-05)

    El trabajo se enmarca dentro del estudio de ciertas propiedades ópticas con vistas a su inclusión en el diseño de dispositivos de conmutación de señales ópticas. En particular se ha prestado atención a los medios que exhiben ...

    Qualitative properties of solutions to integro-differential elliptic problems 

    Felipe Navarro, Juan Carlos (Fecha de defensa: 2021-07-14)

    The thesis is devoted to the analysis of elliptic PDEs and related problems. It is mainly focused on the study of qualitative and regularity properties of solutions to integro-differential equations. The study of such ...

    Rational-design of new candidates targeting bak and bombesin receptors in cancer 

    Vila i Julià, Guillem (Fecha de defensa: 2023-11-22)

    (English) Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally, only behind cardiovascular diseases, being a major public health issue. Cancer comprises a wide group of diseases characterized by abnormal cell growth, which ...

    Recubrimientos k-arco transitivos de digrafos 

    Pérez Mansilla, Sonia (Fecha de defensa: 2001-02-02)

    Un digrafo o grafo dirigido se dice que es k-arco transitivo si tiene grupo de automorfismos que actúa transitivamente en el conjunto de k-arcos. Para un entero positivo k, un k-arco de un digrafo es una secuencia ...

    Robotic manipulation of cloth: mechanical modeling and perception 

    Coltraro Ianniello, Franco (Fecha de defensa: 2023-03-30)

    (Eng) In this work we study various mathematical problems arising from the robotic manipulation of cloth. First, we develop a locking-free continuous model for the physical simulation of inextensible textiles. We present ...

    Simulation of two-fluid immiscible Stokes flows using hybrid nonconforming methods and geometrically unfitted meshes 

    Piccardo, Stefano (Fecha de defensa: 2023-12-04)

    (English) We consider two-fluid problems involving immiscible Stokes fluids in contact and with surface tension at their interface. We develop, analyze, and compare two approaches for space discretization, the Hybrid ...

    Special values of the triple product p-adic L-function 

    Gatti, Francesca (Fecha de defensa: 2021-03-19)

    Let E be an elliptic curve defined over the field of rational numbers and let f be the corresponding newform of weight 2. Let g,h be two weight one newforms whose nebentype characters are mutually inverse. Let V be the ...