Now showing items 41-60 of 217

    Contactos selectivos de portadores basados en óxidos metálicos de transición para células solares de kesterita 

    Almache Hernández, Rosa Estefanía (Date of defense: 2023-06-29)

    (English) In recent years, there has been an increasing need to find an environmentally friendly and low-pollution alternative for electricity production through solar energy absorption. Since 1950, photovoltaic researchers ...

    Contribucions a l'optimització dels sistemes de test i caracterització de drivers electrònics per diodes láser : mètode de modelatge de la resposta òptica en temperatura dels diodes làser i programació en entorn Pspice 

    Borràs Cristòfol, Ramon (Date of defense: 2019-03-22)

    La recerca duta a terme en aquesta tesi doctoral ha tingut com a principal objectiu millorar els sistemes de test i de caracterització de la resposta òptica dels díodes làser. La recerca s'ha orientat en l'estudi de la ...

    Contribució a l'estudi de l'acoblament per substrat en circuits integrats mixtes 

    Aragonès Cervera, Xavier (Date of defense: 1997-12-16)

    L'acoblament de soroll a través del substrat en circuits integrats mixtos és un important problema que sovint limita les prestacions de la circuiteria analògica. Les característiques d'aquest tipus d'acoblament i els factors ...

    Contribució a l’adaptació a l'EEES d’assignatures de tecnologia electrònica : un mètode sistemàtic 

    Robert Sanxis, Francesc Josep (Date of defense: 2016-01-29)

    Learning specific knowledge and developing cross-curricular competencies under the new frame of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), is a problem not yet solved by teaching practices based on traditional instructional ...

    Contribución a la caracterización dieléctrica y magnética del tejido biológico mediante métodos basados en inducción magnética 

    Casañas Bueno, Roberto (Date of defense: 2003-12-12)

    La caracterización eléctrica del tejido biológico adquiere mayor relevancia cada día. En este proceso, la determinación de la conductividad y permitividad eléctrica del tejido biológico aumenta en importancia en el área ...

    Contribución a la mejora de resolución de los sistemas de obtención de imágenes por ultrasonidos 

    Salazar Soler, Jorge (Date of defense: 1997-12-15)

    El objetivo principal de esta Tesis se centra en la mejora de la resolución axial de los sistemas de ultrasonidos basados en la medida del tiempo de vuelo y/o la recepción de ecos, utilizando soluciones de bajo coste. Se ...

    Contribución a la obtención de imágenes paramétricas en tomografía de impedancia eléctrica para la caracterización de tejidos biológicos 

    Casas Piedrafita, Óscar (Date of defense: 1998-12-14)

    El objetivo de la tesis es el desarrollo de métodos para el análisis tanto in vivo como in vitro de la composición y estructura de los tejidos biológicos mediante técnicas basadas en la medida a distintas frecuencias de ...

    Contribución a técnicas de modelado y reducción de EMI en sistemas multiconvertidor 

    Mon González, Juan (Date of defense: 2012-11-05)

    This Thesis has been developed in the research group TIEG (Terrassa Industrial Electronics Group). It is focused on the reduction of conducted electromagnetic interferences (EMI) generated by switched power converters. ...

    Contribución al análisis y a la modelación de convertidores continua-continua de orden elevado: estructura Boost con filtro de salida 

    Font Teixidó, Josep (Date of defense: 1993-09-24)

    Este trabajo presenta un estudio del convertidor Boost Bidireccional con filtro de salida, abordando los aspectos de modelación y control. Se presenta un modelo de pequeña señal que permite separar los polos del convertidor ...

    Contribución al estudio de las interferencias electromagnéticas conducidas en circuitos integrados 

    Berbel Artal, Néstor (Date of defense: 2015-04-28)

    This thesis is focused on the conducted electromagnetic Interference generated at Integrated Circuit (IC) Level. Recently, several electrical models have been proposed in order to describe EMI at IC level, but they have ...

    Contribución al estudio de los micropotenciales cardíacos 

    Vargas Drechsler, Manuel (Date of defense: 1996-10-15)

    El objetivo principal de la tesis es el análisis y la reducción del ruido en la electrocardiografía de alta resolución con el propósito de mejorar la detección de los potenciales ventriculares tardíos. La hipótesis es que ...

    Contribution to advanced hot wire wind sensing 

    Kowalski, Lukasz (Date of defense: 2016-01-22)

    The thermal anemometry is a method which allows to estimate wind magnitude be the mean of measuring heat transfer to the ambient in a forced convection process. For Earth's atmosphere condition, this method is typically ...

    Contribution to liquid lens technology 

    Ahmadi Zeidabadi, Maziar (Date of defense: 2016-07-20)

    The interest on microfluidic systems based on electrowetting-on-dielectric (EWOD) and the miniaturization of such integrated devices, has increased significantly mainly due to the advent of mass market applications such ...

    Contribution to the architecture and implementation of Bi-NoC routers for multi-synchronous GALS systems 

    Kamal, Rajeev (Date of defense: 2017-09-22)

    Networks-on-Chip (NoC) is an emerging on-chip interconnection centric platform that influences the modern high speed communication infrastructure to improve on-chip communication challenges in the recent many core ...

    Contribution to the model and navigation control of an autonomous underwater vehicle 

    González Agudelo, Julián (Date of defense: 2015-07-31)

    This thesis deals with the further development of an existing underwater vehicle for autonomous navigation. The vehicle was conceived to navigate over the sea surface and, at certain fixed points, to dive vertically in ...

    A contribution to unobtrusive measurement methods for sleep monitoring based on magnetic induction technique 

    Mahdavi, Hadiseh (Date of defense: 2017-06-30)

    Sleep monitoring is of major importance for various medical areas such as the detection and treatment of sleep disorders, assessment of different medical conditions or medications' effects over sleep quality, and mortality ...

    A contribution to unobtrusive video-based measurement of respiratory signals 

    Mateu Mateus, Marc (Date of defense: 2020-12-01)

    Due to the growing popularity of video-based methods for physiological signal measurement, and taking into account the technological advancements of these type of devices, this work proposes a series of new novel methods ...

    Contributions to electromechanical systems diagnosis by means data fusion techniques 

    Delgado Prieto, Miguel (Date of defense: 2012-10-26)

    Electromechanical drives have traditionally found their field of application in the industrial sector. However, the use of such systems is spreading to other sectors within the field of transport, such as the automotive ...

    Contributions to industrial process condition forecasting applied to copper rod manufacturing process 

    Zurita Millán, Daniel (Date of defense: 2017-09-08)

    Ensuring reliability and robustness of operation is one of the main concerns in industrial anufacturing processes , dueto the ever-increasing demand for improvements over the cost and quality ofthe processes outcome. In ...