Now showing items 57-76 of 209

    El arquitecto : formación, competencias y ejercicio profesional 

    Puig-Pey Clavería, Ana (Date of defense: 2011-02-02)

    The thesis "The architect: training, competences and professional practice" study and analyze the relationships between the professional competences acquired during the training period and the professional competences ...

    El feedback efectiu personalitzat en entorns virtuals : estudis des de la perspectiva estudiant-professor 

    Plana Erta, Dolors (Date of defense: 2016-07-13)

    La implantació de l'EEES ha plantejat profundes transformacions en l'educació superior al posar l'atenció en el procés d'aprenentatge de l'estudiant en lloc d'estar, com fins ara, focalitzat en el procés d'ensenyament del ...

    El gobierno de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en las instituciones públicas de educación superior en México 

    Franco Reboreda, Carlos Alberto (Date of defense: 2017-09-26)

    Information and communication technologies (ICT) are considered as strategic assets in most organizations because of their decisive influence in an increasing number of processes and their high impact on the competitiveness ...

    El impacto de las barreras de aprendizaje en el rendimiento de las organizaciones 

    Suñé Torrents, Albert (Date of defense: 2004-07-14)

    El resurgimiento de las teorías del aprendizaje, en el campo de la dirección estratégica, aparece como una posibilidad de explicar los resultados de la empresa más allá del paradigma ECR (estructura comportamiento resultados) ...

    El perfil de la mujer emprendedora en la microempresa en el subsector alimentos 

    García Vences, Delia Esperanza (Date of defense: 2017-03-27)

    Business activity has shown fundamental changes compared with women's micro-enterprises entrepreneurship due to their importance in the economy. This doctoral thesis come up from the particular interest to investigate ...

    El protocolo familiar y el manejo de conflictos en empresas familiares peruanas 

    Montalbetti Solari, Pablo (Date of defense: 2016-07-05)

    Family-owned businesses have been an object of study for decades. Likewise, family protocols and their usefulness for these enterprises have been the subject of research, especially in hispanic countries where their ...

    El retorno de la inversión individual en la educación superior privada en México 

    Barrera Villar, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2013-07-25)

    In a dynamic and constantly more complex educational environment, one of the most frequent inquiries students and parents express is whether investment in college education corresponds to benefits obtained at the next level ...

    El rol de los agentes de cambio en el sensemaking de la responsabilidad social empresarial dentro de las organizaciones : el caso del grupo DKV 

    Toro Carnevali, Daniela (Date of defense: 2016-03-18)

    When people are faced with changes in their familiar environment they need others to help them decipher what is happening, understand in which sense this situation is affecting them and how can they withstand such changes. ...

    El valor añadido como medida de la eficacia empresarial 

    Torrents Arévalo, Juan Antonio (Date of defense: 2008-01-14)

    Esta tesis pretende analizar la eficacia empresarial en el ámbito económico-financiero a través del análisis de ratios usados frecuentemente en el ámbito empresarial. La necesidad de encontrar valores, ratios o formulas ...

    Els criteris a considerar en la selecció de proveïdors : proposta per a les organitzacions que adquireixen productes elaborats de la família metàl·lica 

    Moliné Boixareu, Joan Ignasi (Date of defense: 2016-05-12)

    The purchase management is strategic, being crucial to choose the right suppliers and therefore having the appropriate criteria. In order to make a proposal regarding standardized criteria for selection of suppliers current ...

    Emotional states of the individual in a process of organizational change 

    Castillo Gutiérrez, Cristian (Date of defense: 2017-07-27)

    Given the importance of knowing and anticipating employees' reactions before organizational changes when it is perceived as negative, this Ph.D. thesis defines the individuals' six emotional states during the organizational ...

    Emotions in archetypal media content 

    Chang, Huang-Ming (Date of defense: 2014-09-16)

    Emotion is an intriguing and mysterious psychological phenomenon. While everyone seems to know what it is, researchers have not yet come to consensus on its definition, and many questions still remain unanswered. While ...

    Empresas de comunicación, medios de comunicación y periodismo : medición de la confianza en un medio de comunicación periodístico impreso peruano desde la perspectiva del lector 

    Freundt-Thurne, Úrsula (Date of defense: 2015-06-17)

    The objective of the study is to propose a measuring instrument of Trust of a Peruvian print journalistic communication medium from the reader perspective. To this aim, an instrument based on authors' opinions, definitions ...

    En busca de un entorno virtual de formación flexible y capaz de adaptarse a distintos contextos organizacionales 

    Talavera Pedrol, Núria (Date of defense: 2017-02-23)

    Today's organizations are embedded in highly demanding and changing markets, where knowledge and learning has become a key asset to remain competitive. Technology advances modify products and processes at high speed, ...

    Enhancing the profitability of airline tickets purchasing processes through contextual effects : a study of decoy effect 

    González Prieto, David (Date of defense: 2017-07-26)

    Strongly and firmly, product customization and a la carte features have evolved, aided by the extensive development of e­ Commerce, up to becoming an essential trait in most of online purchasing processes across almost ...

    Equilibrado de líneas de montaje en paralelo con estaciones multilínea y dimensionado de buffers 

    Aguilar Gamarra, Harry Nick (Date of defense: 2022-11-18)

    (English) Assembly lines are mass production systems which are relevant in the manufacture of standard and customized products. One of the most elementary optimization problems in this field is the Assembly Line Balancing ...

    Estrategias de entrada en los países de bajos ingresos: una evaluación a partir de los modelos de negocio de empresas multinacionales 

    Sánchez Hernando, Pablo (Date of defense: 2010-05-13)

    El contenido distintivo de la estrategia internacional es la localización de la actividad empresarial. No obstante, a pesar de la importancia del trabajo realizado hasta la fecha, éste se ha enfocado casi exclusivamente ...

    Estratègies formatives en la prevenció d'accidents 

    Díaz Boladeras, Marta (Date of defense: 1997-03-17)

    El problema que aborda aquesta investigació és el de la sinistralitat laboral o, dit d'una altra manera, la pèrdua de salut o qualitat de vida que es produeix en l'àmbit laboral. <br/>Tal com es reconeix unànimement, ...

    Estudiantes universitarios brasileños en España: motivaciones y factores de decisión 

    Kingeski, Luciano (Date of defense: 2021-07-15)

    Introduction: The mobility of international students is a phenomenon of increasing importance in the higher education scene. In recent years the number of studies in the literature and investigations has increased. Objective: ...

    El estudio del trabajo directivo en organizaciones peruanas : sistematización de las acciones que aportan valor a la creación de un nuevo contexto organizacional 

    Alania Vera, Ricardo (Date of defense: 2015-11-10)

    The thesis seeks to determine the best ways in wich the management work impacts in the creation of value in the organizational context. In this thesis is reviewed the context in which Peruvian organizations develop currently, ...