Now showing items 159-178 of 207

    Modelos de evaluación del aprendizaje en un currículo por competencias : el caso del currículo por competencias destinado a la formación de médicos 

    Champin Michelena, Denisse (Date of defense: 2014-10-23)

    Objectives. Propose a model of management skills during the training through an Outcome based education. Materials and methods. Case study applied to a medical school conducted between 2010 and 2013. Data Collected from ...

    Multi-manned assembly line balancing problem con tiempos de proceso dependientes (MALBP-DTT) 

    Andreu Casas, Enric (Date of defense: 2023-12-15)

    (English) The proposed PhD thesis consists in solving the Multi-manned Assembly Line Balancing Problem (MALBP). This type of assembly lines is common in the manufacture of large products, such as automobiles, in which ...

    Negotiation capability : a conceptual model and reference practices 

    Oliveira, Heloísa Maria da Apresentação (Date of defense: 2016-01-29)

    This research studies the topic of negotiation in the business field at a national and international level, and in particular the concept of negotiation capability, understanding that the negotiation processes generally ...

    New forms of entrepreneurship and innovation for developing smart cities 

    Grimaldi, Didier (Date of defense: 2016-11-11)

    Cities are receiving more and more residents while the natural resources are getting scarce and scarce. As a possible answer, diverse streams of thoughts have emerged declaring that cities need to become intelligent, wired ...

    Nivel de adquisición y transferencia de las tecnologías de la información en el desarrollo global de empresas del sector construcción del Perú 

    Soto Vásquez, Duber Enrique (Date of defense: 2017-06-21)

    This thesis develops a study of two important aspects of the construction companies, first known as are the construction companies inside, organization and functional structure and the second how is the level of acquisition ...

    La nueva agenda diplomática y comercial México-Centroamérica : el Proyecto Mesoamérica 

    Contreras Suárez, Aribel (Date of defense: 2015-11-26)

    This doctoral thesis is focused on what nowadays is known as the Mesoamerica Project (MP). The Integration and Development Mesoamerica Project arises due to the need not only to the regional integration but also to the ...

    Oaxaca, de "ciudad intermedia" a metrópoli de Los Valles Centrales 

    Madrid Vázquez, Gustavo (Date of defense: 2012-03-28)

    This thesis aims at observing the current situation of Oaxaca city, a medium-size urban area in the southwest of Mexico. After the industrial era, the globalization of economic and cultural issues in the information era ...

    Organización de empresas y responsabilidad penal corporativa 

    Costa Sanjurjo, Pere (Date of defense: 2015-11-06)

    En la meva tesi, començo exposant una idea general sobre què és el Dret Penal, i en especial el Dret Penal Empresarial. Seguidament desenvolupo unes idees generals envers la organització empresarial. Tenint en compte que ...

    Organizational practices lean enterprises adopt to focus on value streams 

    Gregorio García, Rubén (Date of defense: 2013-07-01)

    The purpose of this thesis is to investigate which practices lean enterprises adopt to focus on value streams. An exploratory case study of four plants is developed. The four plants have successfully performed a lean ...

    Outcomes of Work-Life Balance (WLB) across two different nations: Iran and Spain 

    Tavassoli, Tara (Date of defense: 2021-02-18)

    The nature of work has changed in the last decades; rapidly expanding globalization has led to increased competition in the workplace. Moreover, the growth in female labor force participation has led to the forced shifting ...

    Plataformas on-line de vigilancia/inteligencia : caracterización e implementación práctica 

    Benítez Nieto, Yamilaydis (Date of defense: 2016-01-25)

    Successful decision-making strategies by organisations and generally in the enterprise, strongly depends on the knowledge, assessment and processing of extensive, varied, changing and often non-explicit information, coming ...

    Procediments heurístics de disseny de sistemes d'electrificació rural amb energies renovables 

    Triadó Aymerich, Joan (Date of defense: 2016-12-21)

    Electrification hybrid systems (wind-photovoltaic systems) are a suitable option to supply electricity independently in isolated communities. To design these systems, there are recent mathematical models that provide the ...

    Procedimientos de secuenciación y programación en un sistema productivo de estaciones en serie con transportadores asíncronos de material 

    Mateo Doll, Manuel (Date of defense: 2001-05-21)

    El problema tratado, conocido como “Hoist Scheduling Problem”, pretende determinar la programación de una grúa, y ocasionalmente la secuencia de elementos en una línea de producción. En este caso, los objetos se desplazan ...

    Procedimientos heurísticos y exactos para la secuenciación en sistemas productivos de unidades homogéneas (Contexto JIT) 

    Bautista Valhondo, Joaquín (Date of defense: 1993-02-01)

    Las líneas de fabricación de productos mixtos, muy frecuentes en los entornos JIT (Just-in-Time) y DS (Douki Seisan), permiten tratar diversas variantes de uno o más productos. Esta flexibilidad condiciona el orden en que ...

    Proposta i avaluació empírica d'un model de màrqueting universitari centrat en el suport organitzatiu percebut i l'ocupabilitat percebuda per l'estudiant 

    Trullàs Casasayas, Irene (Date of defense: 2016-02-03)

    This thesis based on classical models of student satisfaction and their antecedents in the field of higher education aims to deepen and develop a new marketing model for higher education. The antecedents of students' ...

    Propuesta de una metodología para evaluar el flujo de conocimiento tácito 

    Rosa, Conrado Pereira (Date of defense: 2017-02-23)

    Competitiveness requires a self-sustaining growth process in specific skills, training and levels of knowledge. Individuals are the main actors of this process, as they are responsible for the knowledge creation. This study ...

    Propuesta metodológica para la determinación y el aprendizaje de las competencias genéricas clave del/la ingeniero/a tic y percepción diferencial del mercado entre el grado y el postgrado o máster 

    Llorens García, Ariadna (Date of defense: 2012-10-17)

    While the European Union is ongoing towards a production system based on the knowledge economy, and in a historical moment when universities are facing the challenges associated with the achievement of the postulates of ...

    Quantifying external cost of air pollution and GHG emissions from private road transport in Catalonia using theory of planned behavior and contingent valuation 

    Zahedi, Siamak (Date of defense: 2019-07-05)

    Internalizing environmental externalities is a market-driven approach to correcting people's private costs and benefits. One way of quantifying these externalities is estimating people’s willingness to pay (WTP) to reduce ...

    Redes, ritmos y mosaicos rurales : Modelo interpretativo del territorio rural cafetero de los municipios del Área Metropolitana Centro Occidente - AMCO, Colombia 

    Londoño Gómez, César Augusto (Date of defense: 2013-12-11)

    La tesis formula un Modelo Interpretativo para el territorio rural del AMCO, en el contexto de la Región Cafetera, como aproximación para comprenderlo apostando por el estudio de las particularidades formales que en conjunto ...

    Relaciones encontradas entre las dimensiones de las estructuras organizativas y los componentes del constructo capacidad de absorción: El caso de empresas ubicadas en el territorio español 

    Fernández Alarcón, Vicenç (Date of defense: 2004-06-10)

    o:<br/><br/>La investigación pretende contribuir a profundizar en el conocimiento de las circunstancias en que las organizaciones desarrollan la habilidad de adquirir o explotar conocimiento de fuentes externas, denominada ...