Now showing items 2660-2679 of 3217

    Searching for a functional relationship between the breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1 and the progesterone receptor in breast cancer cells 

    Calvo Vidal, Verónica Alejandra (Date of defense: 2009-07-17)

    Germ-line mutations in the breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1 strongly increase the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer in women. Different hypothesis have been proposed to explain this tissue specificity. ...

    Searching for autonomy and prefiguration: resisting the crisis of social reproduction through housing and health care struggles in Spain and the UK 

    Ribera-Almandoz, Olatz (Date of defense: 2019-12-09)

    This doctoral thesis studies the ways in which resistance and self-organisation have emerged in the sphere of social reproduction in the post-2008 global financial crisis context. It argues that social reproduction and ...

    Secondhand smoke exposure in outdoor settings in Europe 

    Henderson Mercader, Elisabet-Mae (Date of defense: 2021-11-25)

    Secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure causes death, disease, and disability among children and non-smoking adults. Total smoking bans have proven effective in preventing and reducing indoor SHS exposures. However, little is known ...

    Securitizing migration in a changing international order: a critical comparative analysis of the cases of the European Union, the United States, and South Africa 

    Planas Gifra, Laura (Date of defense: 2022-09-24)

    Is linking migracion to security threats juscified? How is the secut1t1zacion of migracion applied in praccice? To what extent does it change the lives of migrants around the world? And in a wider context, does this have ...

    Seguro y responsabilidad patrimonial de la administración: los problemas del aseguramiento de la responsabilidad civil de las administraciones públicas y sus soluciones jurídicas 

    Arquillo Colet, Begoña (Date of defense: 2007-03-23)

    Seguro y Responsabilidad Patrimonial de la Administración presenta un detallado estudio del derecho de seguros y de la responsabilidad de la Administración Pública por las acciones y omisiones de funcionarios en la prestación ...

    Selection and linkage desequilibrium tests under complex demographies and ascertainment bias 

    Ramírez i Soriano, Anna (Date of defense: 2008-11-19)

    L'estudi de la variació genòmica ens pot ajudar a entendre la història demogràfica de les poblacions i els events de selecció que hi han influït. Normalment això es fa mitjançant els tests de neutralitat, una eina estadística ...

    Selective antagonism of sigma-1 receptors as a new strategy for pain treatment : behavioural and neurochemical studies 

    Vidal Torres, Alba (Date of defense: 2013-11-20)

    In the present thesis, and in the context of the Sigma-1 receptor (σ1R) research project running at the pharmaceutical company ESTEVE, we addressed, at the preclinical level, the role played by selective σ1R antagonism/blockade ...

    Selective deployment of attention to time and modality and its impact upon behavior and brain oscillations 

    Mühlberg, Stefanie (Date of defense: 2016-07-18)

    This thesis investigates the relationship between attention to time and modality at the levels of behavior and pre-stimulus brain oscillations, measured with EEG. Participants were presented with target stimuli from one ...

    Selenoproteins across the tree of life: Methods and applications 

    Santesmasses Ruiz, Didac (Date of defense: 2016-12-12)

    La selenocïsteina és coneguda com a l'aminoàcid 21. Les selenoproteïnes incorporen selenocïsteina en resposta a codons UGA específics mitjançant un mecanisme de recodificació, el qual és present en els tres dominis de la ...

    The Seller's right to cure under article 48 United Nations Convention on contracts for the international sale of goods 

    Mirambell i Fargas, Miquel (Date of defense: 2017-07-18)

    In principle, contracts are enforceable mutually beneficial agreements. In the event of a breach of contract, many national, supranational, and international legal systems—as well as recent European harmonization projects ...

    Semantic annotation of music collections: A computational approach 

    Sordo, Mohamed (Date of defense: 2012-02-27)

    El consum de la música ha canviat dràsticament en els últims anys. Amb l’arribada de la música digital, el cost de producció s’ha reduït considerablement. L’expansió de la Web ha ajudat a promoure l’exploració de molt ...

    Semantic integration of thematic geographic information in a multimedia context 

    Navarrete Terrassa, Antonio (Date of defense: 2006-09-05)

    Els datasets geogràfics representen la realitat mitjançant un conjunt d'entitats temàtiques que sovint no estan definides d'una manera precisa i que diferents persones poden entendre de diferents formes. La integració ...

    Semantically-oriented text planning for automatic summarization 

    Casamayor, Gerard (Date of defense: 2021-04-26)

    Text summarization deals with the automatic creation of summaries from one or more documents, either by extracting fragments from the input text or by generating an abstract de novo. Research in recent years has become ...

    Sentiment induction for attention and lexicon regularized neural sentiment analysis: improving aspect-based neural sentiment analysis with lexicon enhancement, attention regularization and sentiment induction 

    Bao, Lingxian (Date of defense: 2021-11-11)

    Deep neural networks as an end-to-end approach lacks flexibility and robustness from an application point of view, as one cannot easily adjust the network to fix an obvious problem, especially when new training data is ...

    Senyoriu i Municipi a la Catalunya Nova: Batllia de Miravet, Comandes d'Horta, d'Ascó i de Vilalba, i Baronies de Flix i d'Entença 

    Serrano Daura, Josep (Date of defense: 1996-05-31)


    SEO, periodismo y comunicación: conceptos, herramientas y procesos para optimizar la visibilidad web de los medios digitales 

    Lopezosa García, Carlos (Date of defense: 2019-11-26)

    La difusión de noticias de actualidad a través de plataformas digitales ofrece a los medios de comunicación la oportunidad de obtener más lectores, sin embargo, para que las noticias aparezcan en posiciones destacadas en ...

    Sequence-Dependent nucleosome positioning and chromatin remolleing of hormone-responsive genes 

    Zaurín Quer, Roser (Date of defense: 2009-07-16)

    Evidències recents han remarcat la importància del paper de l'estructura de la cromatina i el posicionament de nucleosomes en processos cel·lulars bàsics com és la regulació de la transcripció gènica. L'avenç de noves ...

    SERS nanosensors for real time multiplexing of intracellular hydrogen peroxide and pH dynamics 

    Xiao, Can (Date of defense: 2021-10-07)

    The existence and progression of certain diseases are associated with the imbalances of different biomolecules. The multiplex sensing of hydrogen peroxide and pH can be potentially used for understanding the progression ...

    Set on competing : contamination effects and parties' entry decisions in mass elections 

    Guinjoan Cesena, Marc (Date of defense: 2012-10-26)

    According to the Duvergerian theories, only viable parties would be expected to stand for elections alone in the long run, whereas nonviable parties would be thought to join a pre-electoral coalition with another party ...

    Several approaches to improve noise removal in photographic images 

    Ghimpeteanu, Gabriela (Date of defense: 2018-01-23)

    Noise acquisition is an unavoidable component when capturing photographs, even in the case of current state of the art cameras. This problem is even accentuated when the lighting conditions are not ideal. Therefore, ...