Now showing items 1-20 of 305

    Adoption and discontinuance of innovations 

    Palacios Fenech, Javier (Date of defense: 2011-10-07)

    Diffusion of 31 durable goods in 70 countries over a period of 32 years is analyzed using principal component analysis biplots. While marketers have focused on adoption of innovations, studying discontinuance provides an ...

    Advisors and groups: essays in social decision making 

    Müller-Trede, Johannes (Date of defense: 2012-05-04)

    The three chapters of this thesis investigate social aspects of judgment and decision making. Chapter One analyses the consequences of making decisions based on predictions of future well-being, and the conditions under ...

    Análisis de los factores de éxito y fracaso de las secciones de crédito de las cooperativas en Catalunya 

    Puig Pla, Francisco Javier (Date of defense: 2002-11-19)

    Esta investigación ha intentado realizar un diagnóstico de la situación de las secciones de crédito de las cooperativas agrarias catalanas e identificar las variables de éxito y fracaso de dichas secciones de crédito.<br/>Para ...

    Aspects of the interplay of cognition and emotion and the use of verbal vs. numerical information decision making 

    Trujillo Valencia, Carlos Andrés (Date of defense: 2007-06-27)

    En ésta tesis se estudian 2 aspectos de la toma decisiones. Primero, se investiga la forma en que las personas categorizan atributos numéricos. Se presenta y se prueba experimentalmente un modelo del proceso mental que ...

    Bank risk-taking, small open economy and macroprudential policy 

    Pozo Sánchez, Jorge (Date of defense: 2019-12-11)

    This dissertation consists of three essays. In the first chapter, I develop a two-period small open economy with banks. The interaction of the limited liability faced by banks and the bank deposit insurance results in ...

    Bargaining about wages: evidence from Spain 

    Jimenez-Martin, Sergi (Date of defense: 1994-11-02)

    Throughout all the chapters we have considered some union variables (particularly the proportion of workers representatives belonging to a given union) to capture any difference in bargaining power amongst unions.Concerning ...

    Bayesian interference in heterogeneous dynamic panel data models: three essays. 

    Ciccarelli, Matteo (Date of defense: 2001-04-27)

    The task of this work is to discuss issues conceming the specification, estimation, inference and forecasting in multivariate dynamic heterogeneous panel data models from a Bayesian perspective. Three essays linked by a ...

    Behavioural Biases and Chief Executive Officers Compensation 

    Kolev, Gueorgui I. (Date of defense: 2009-12-11)

    Esta tesis consiste de tres ensayos. En el primero, documentamos la correlación imaginaria entre las decisiones de compensación de los ejecutivos (CEO) al demostrar que el hándicap de los ejecutivos que juegan al golf no ...

    Browsing through products and people: online review, ratings, and swiping 

    Hosseini, Rahil (Date of defense: 2020-09-09)

    In this thesis, I explored three topics, each addressing a different aspect online search for products and people. In chapter one, we investigated whether consumers’ response to online product reviews depends, not only on ...

    Careers, human capital and managerial styles 

    Melero Martín, Eduardo (Date of defense: 2005-01-13)

    The study of career paths within organizations is an issue that has received strong attention in the theoretical literature of organizational economics and management1. From the empirical point of view, however, research ...

    Categories and levels of aggregation: essays on judgment and decision making 

    Woiczyk, Thomas Karl Alfred (Date of defense: 2020-05-25)

    In this thesis I explore how people form and are affected by judgments about objects, people, and categories. In particular, I show how the implications are affected by the level of aggregation; both for human judgment ...

    Categories, variability, and inferences : essays on human judgement 

    Konovalova, Elizaveta (Date of defense: 2018-01-31)

    The three chapters of this thesis explore how previous experience and mental categories shape human judgments. Chapter One provides a sampling explanation for the in-group heterogeneity effect - a tendency of people to ...

    Communication technologies: commercial adoption and institutional environment 

    Andonova, Veneta Stefanova (Date of defense: 2004-12-17)

    Esta tesis contribuye a varios campos del conocimiento. Primero, en ella se estudia el efecto ambiguo que la tecnología de Internet tiene en la estructura de costes de transacción en el caso de las ventas al por menor. En ...

    Competencia Estratégica entre Marcas Nacionales y Marcas de Detallista en el Mercado de Detergentes Domésticos. Teoría y Evidencia Empírica 

    Cavero Brújula, Sandra (Date of defense: 1996-06-28)

    Fabricantes y detallistas pueden decidir permanecer separados verticalmente por motivos de eficiencia o estratégicos. Esta tesis se centra en analizar bajo qué circunstancias la decisión de integración vertical es más ...

    Competència i innovació tecnològica a l'atenció hospitalària : mercats geogràfics i avaluació de l'eficiència de la cirurgia major ambulatòria a Catalunya 

    Dalmau Matarrodona, Eulàlia (Date of defense: 1998-02-11)


    Competitive intelligence analytics for operations managers 

    Tekin, Müge (Date of defense: 2018-09-17)

    This thesis incorporates three studies that revolve around competitive intelligence of a firm, available data sources and improvement of operations through data-informed decision-making. The studies cover a range of topics ...

    Comportamiento del Consumidor, Competencia en los Mercados y Estrategia Comercial de las Empresas 

    Cebollada Calvo, José Javier (Date of defense: 1996-06-28)

    En un contexto dinámica, en el que los consumidores compran repetidamente los productos, la estructura competitiva está influida por la experiencia pasada de los compradores, manifestada en forma de lealtad a las marcas ...

    Consumer choice in competitive location models 

    Colomé, Rosa (Date of defense: 2002-05-17)

    L'objectiu bàsic d'aquesta tesis doctoral és la incorporació dels models de preferència revelada d'elecció del consumidor en els models de localització competitiva en entorns discrets que tenen com a objectiu maximitzar ...

    Coordination and conflict: an experimental approach 

    Gürgüç, Zeynep (Date of defense: 2009-10-02)

    Esta tesis consta de tres proyectos sobre coordinación y los conflictos utilizando un enfoque experimental. El capítulo 1 estudia si un mecanismo de votación incentiva una coordinación eficiente y concluye en comparación ...

    Costs and benefits of the use of derivatives 

    Rangel Hilt, Thomas Alexander (Date of defense: 2007-09-14)

    Se ha escrito mucho sobre la valoración de derivados financieros, pero no se ha estudiado tanto las razones, los costes, las ventajas y el impacto económico de su uso. Esto es sorprendente dada la importancia económica de ...