Now showing items 1248-1267 of 1760

    Models economètrics en entorns big data enfocats a desigualtats 

    Perafita Basart, Xavier (Date of defense: 2023-11-24)

    In the last twenty years, the study of social inequalities has been a topic of special interest, revealing how differences between social classes have increased. During the same period, data generation has exponentially ...

    Models matemàtics per a la predicció dels robatoris amb força a domicili a Catalunya 

    Boqué Busquet, Pere (Date of defense: 2021-11-22)

    Predictive policing is a global strategic orientation of the police that emphasizes the anticipation of crimes to prevent them. Its development comes from various fields of knowledge, in which criminology has created a ...

    Modernidad y colonialidad en el modernismo brasileño: Tarsila do Amaral y Emiliano Di Cavalcanti 

    Duarte-Feitoza, Paulo Henrique (Date of defense: 2017-06-19)

    The present study tries to analyze the artistic production of the painters Tarsila do Amaral (1886-1973) and Emiliano Di Cavalcanti (1897-1976) through the concepts of modernity, coloniality and nation. The Brazilian ...

    Modernitat i canvi de llengua. El pas del castellà al català a l'obra de Pere Gimferrer (aspectes crítics, teòrics i lexicomètrics) 

    Grasset Morell, Eloi (Date of defense: 2011-05-12)

    L’objecte d’aquesta tesi es l’estudi del canvi de llengua que es produeix en l’obra poètica de Pere Gimferrer. Per arribar-hi haurem d’activar un itinerari complex – crític, teòric i metodològic -. La problemàtica que ...

    Modificaciones tecnológicas para mejorar la seguridad y calidad del jamón curado 

    Sánchez Molinero, Filiberto (Date of defense: 2004-03-19)

    Se introdujeron varias modificaciones tecnológicas en la elaboración habitual del jamón curado español de cerdo blanco para mejorar su seguridad y calidad, así como para investigar la contribución relativa de los diversos ...

    Modificacions en la dinàmica de processat i en les característiques finals de productes carnis amb contingut reduït de sodi 

    Costa Corredor, Anna (Date of defense: 2010-10-01)

    In recent years, several studies have linked sodium intake to hypertension, and the consequent mortality risk due to vascular diseases. Several UE member states and the WHO recommend reducing the salt intake level to a ...

    Modificació de fibres de jute per l'elaboració de plàstics reforçats reciclables 

    Corrales Barbé, Farners (Date of defense: 2002-07-29)

    El treball que s'ha dut a terme es centra en la recerca d'agents modificants per a fibres cel·lulòsiques capaços de reduir la polaritat de les funcions alcohol de la seva estructura per formació de funcions ester. Les ...

    Modified hydrodynamics in fragmented canopies exposed to oscillatory flows 

    El Allaoui, Nazha (Date of defense: 2016-07-21)

    The general objective of this doctoral thesis has been to contribute to understand the modification of hydrodynamics in fragmented canopies. The effect of different parameters such as the canopy density, the plant height ...

    The Mods in Catalonia: a critical perspective of the neo-gramscian approach to popular culture 

    Sinclair, Graham (Date of defense: 2016-05-27)

    Through a study of groups of Mods from different generations and geographical settings, I develop the idea that an analysis of their ‘signs’ is not enough. I argue that it is helpful to look at the very particular background ...

    Molecular genetics of cork formation 

    Soler del Monte, Marçal (Date of defense: 2008-06-09)

    La peridermis és una estructura complexa que protegeix els òrgans vegetals madurs (secundaris) i les zones que han sofert ferides de la pèrdua d'aigua i dels patògens. Aquesta funció barrera és deguda al fel·lema o súber, ...

    Molecular insights into mammalian sperm physiology: a comparative study of glutathione S-transferases in male reproduction 

    Llavanera Bruguera, Marc (Date of defense: 2023-05-12)

    Male infertility is a global health problem affecting one in four infertile couples. This also has a negative repercussion on the animal breeding industry, where infertility has a detrimental impact on their balance sheets. ...

    Molecular insights on arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy: assessment of premature termination codons in desmosomal genes and variants reclassification 

    Vallverdú Prats, Marta (Date of defense: 2023-02-03)

    Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ACM) is an entity that groups different clinical forms of hereditable cardiac diseases that are associated to ventricular arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death. The main cases are characterized ...

    Molecular mechanism of PE5-induced cytotoxicity and generation of new cytotoxic nuclear-directed 

    Vert Company, Anna (Date of defense: 2014-07-30)

    Cytotoxic ribonucleases are promising agents to be used in the treatment of cancer. Our group previously described a cytotoxic human pancreatic ribonuclease variant, named PE5, which carries a nuclear localization signal. ...

    Molecular quantum similarity in QSAR: applications in computer-aided molecular design 

    Gallegos Saliner, Ana (Date of defense: 2004-06-29)

    La present tesi està centrada en l'ús de la Teoria de Semblança Quàntica per a calcular descriptors moleculars. Aquests descriptors s'utilitzen com a paràmetres estructurals per a derivar correlacions entre l'estructura i ...

    Moléculas séricas relacionadas con la fisiopatología del adenocarcinoma pancreático como posibles marcadores tumorales 

    Ferri Iglesias, María José (Date of defense: 2012-09-27)

    Serum levels of several molecules associated to pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC) pathophysiology are evaluated in this work, in order to determine their diagnostic value, distinguishing between PDAC patients and healthy ...

    Monitoratge de la malaltia inflamatòria intestinal en la pràctica clínica mitjançant marcadors de la microbiota intestinal en mostres fecals. Estudi prospectiu 

    Miquel Cusachs, Josep Oriol (Date of defense: 2021-12-17)

    The gut microbiota (GM) plays a pivotal role in the maintenance of gut homeostasis, and the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) which includes Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). The degree of ...

    Moral identity and career construction: implications for theory, intervention and research. Example of people in recovery from substance use disorders 

    Kapanadze, Maria (Date of defense: 2018-09-07)

    There is growing interest in the efficacy of career construction as a technique in counseling programs which aim to improve employability. There remains a lack of empirical scholarship on career interventions applied ...

    Morbilidad, utilización de recursos y costes sanitarios en la comarca del Baix Empordà 

    Inoriza, José María (Date of defense: 2015-02-27)

    Los sistemas de atención sanitaria tienden en la actualidad a migrar de formas de organización fragmentadas por líneas o niveles, que al mismo tiempo compiten e intentan coordinarse entre sí, hacia formas que integran todos ...

    Morphometric seagrass thresholds for hydrodynamics and sediment capture 

    Barcelona Arbat, Aina (Date of defense: 2024-03-11)

    Seagrass meadows are globally extensive nearshore ecosystems known as coastal engineers that provide key ecological services in coastal areas such as attenuating wave and turbulence and promoting sediment deposition. ...

    Motion annotation in complex video datasets 

    Mahmood, Muhammad Habib (Date of defense: 2018-11-16)

    Motion segmentation refers to the process of separating regions and trajectories from a video sequence into coherent subsets of space and time. In this thesis, we created a new multifaceted motion segmentation dataset ...