Now showing items 23-42 of 1765

    A study of the bond and flexural behaviour of reinforced concrete elements strengthened with near surface mounted (NSM) FRP reinforcement 

    Attia Abdelgayed Abdelgawad Sharaky, Ibrahim (Date of defense: 2013-12-12)

    The main objective of the thesis is to study the bond behaviour of NSM FRP reinforcement in concrete elements. With this aim an extensive program of experimental tests complemented with numerical analysis has been performed ...

    A study on the phylogeny and the ecology of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria using a new molecular marker based on the gene amoB 

    Calvó Perxas, Laia (Date of defense: 2005-05-12)

    L'agricultura i la industrialització han causat un augment significatiu del nombre d'ambients rics en amoni. La presència de compostos nitrogenats redueix la qualitat de l'aigua, causant problemes de toxicitat, deteriorant ...

    Abatement of siloxanes in sewage biogas: coupling adsorption and biological treatments 

    Santos Clotas, Eric (Date of defense: 2019-11-08)

    The anaerobic digestion of organic matter causes the formation of biogas that can be used in energy conversion systems for the production of electricity and heat, injection into the gas grid or as a fuel. However, biogas ...

    Accessible tourism: an integrated model of the behaviour of tourists with disabilities in a destination 

    Gassiot Melian, Ariadna (Date of defense: 2016-07-26)

    People with disabilities face a series of constraints when visiting a tourism destination. These constraints have a disproportionate effect on their behaviour compared to those without disabilities. The first article of ...

    Activació d'O2, HOOH i t-BuOOH amb complexos de Cu i Fe amb lligands N-heterocíclics aromàtics i macrocíclics per l'oxidació de substrats orgànics i inorgànics en condicions suaus 

    Costas Salgueiro, Miquel (Date of defense: 1999-02-26)

    This thesis is organized in seven independent chapters: I) a description of the structure and reactivity of the metalloproteins of copper and iron which deal with the oxygen processing into living organisms; II) an study ...

    Actividades de evaluación presentes en la aplicación de la innovación curricular en la formación de los estudiantes de la carrera de Pedagogía en Educación Básica de la Universidad de Playa Ancha, Chile 

    Opazo Salvatierra, Margarita del Pilar (Date of defense: 2020-11-30)

    The purpose of this work is to evaluate the implementation of the curricular innovation of the basic education career at the UPLA, analyzing the evaluation activities carried out, according to teachers and students, the ...

    Activisme patrimonial a Catalunya. La salvaguarda del patrimoni construït (1970-2020) 

    Castañé Curiel, Íngrid (Date of defense: 2023-12-14)

    This doctoral thesis studies the relationship between citizenship and built heritage through the social movements that arise for its claim and defense, that is, heritage activism. The research delves into the initiatives ...

    Actuaciones educativas de éxito con grupos vulnerables: su incidencia en la educación, la cohesión social y el bienestar personal 

    Gairal Casadó, Regina (Date of defense: 2019-07-23)

    This thesis aims to identify and analyse the impact on the implementation of successful educational actions with vulnerable groups, thus responding to the social objectives stipulated by the United Nations Organization ...

    Adaptació transcultural i validació de la versió catalana i castellana de l'escala Breakthrough Pain Assessment Tool en persones amb càncer 

    Ferreira dos Santos, Maria do Carmo (Date of defense: 2020-10-26)

    Breakthrough cancer pain due to its characteristics, fast onset, short duration and high severity implies a significant reduction in the quality of 2/2 life perceived by affected persons. For this reason, breakthrough ...

    Adaptación del cuestionario "Developing Evidence-Based Practice" al contexto de la enfermería de salud comunitaria en España y evaluación de sus propiedades psicométricas 

    Zabaleta del Olmo, Edurne (Date of defense: 2014-09-19)

    Objective: To adapt the community nursing version of the “Developing Evidence-Based Practice (DEBP )” questionnaire in to the primary health care (PHC) setting in Spain and to evaluate its psychometric properties. Methods: ...

    Adapting forest management to climate change 

    Mur Torrentó, Rubén Javier (Date of defense: 2013-12-10)

    Climate change is one of the most important challenges of the 21st century. The increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, in temperatures, and changes in the precipitation pattern are expected to alter the ...

    Adaptive urban modelling for solar energy simulations 

    Muñoz Novoa, David (Date of defense: 2019-07-09)

    In summary, this thesis proposes to address the problem of simulating physical effects in large urban environments through the use of procedural rules and Level-of-Detail techniques, in order to reduce the computational ...

    Admission control schemes for TCP elastic traffic in class-based networks 

    Fàbrega i Soler, Lluís (Date of defense: 2008-07-11)

    En aquesta tesi proposem dos esquemes de xarxa amb control d'admissió per al trànsit elàstic TCP amb mecanismes senzills. Ambdós esquemes són capaços de proporcionar throughputs diferents i aïllament entre fluxos, on un ...

    Adopción de estándares de gestión energética e integración con estándares de gestión medioambiental 

    Laskurain Iturbe, Iker (Date of defense: 2015-05-26)

    Se trata de una Tesis Doctoral realizada en la modalidad de Tesis Doctoral por artículos, con el objetivo de analizar, en una perspectiva comparada con relación a los Sistemas de Gestión Medioambiental, qué son y qué ...

    Adopción de políticas Lean supply chain en la cadena porcina en Cataluña 

    Pérez Gómez, Catalina (Date of defense: 2009-12-18)

    Después de Alemania, España es el segundo mayor productor de cerdos entre los 25 países de la Unión Europea. El consumidor tiene una importancia relevante debido a la tradición cultural del consumo de carne, reflejada en ...

    Adsorbentes preparados a partir de residuos y su aplicación en la eliminación de compuestos causantes de olores (NH3 y H2S) 

    Canals Batlle, Carla (Date of defense: 2012-11-30)

    This thesis is focused on two environmental issues. The first one is the recovery of different wastes, such as sewage sludge and fly ashes, and the second one is related to the removal of odour causing compounds which are ...

    Adsorbents a partir de fangs biològics excedents de depuradora mitjançant l'aplicació de microones: estudi d'obtenció, caracterització i aplicació en fase líquida 

    Serra Bigas, Elvira (Date of defense: 2004-03-04)

    El fang biològic es produeix en les plantes de tractament d'aigües residuals urbanes i industrials. El tractament i la gestió dels fangs és un dels problemes més importants en el camp del tractament de les aigües residuals. ...

    Adsorció d'or i zinc amb resines impregnades XAD-2. Superfície d'Equilibri, un nou concepte per a l'adsorció 

    Serarols i Font, Joan Lluís (Date of defense: 2001-02-23)

    Dins dels processos de recuperació de metalls de dissolucions diluïdes s'ha realitzat un estudi del procés d'extracció d'or i de zinc mitjançant resines amberlite XAD-2 impregnades amb sulfur de triisobutil fosfina (TIBPS) ...

    Advanced illumination and view-selection techniques for volume rendering and its application to medical imaging 

    Ruiz Altisent, Marc (Date of defense: 2012-05-04)

    Volume visualization is a method of extracting information from volumetric data using interactive graphics. Volume visualization aims to assist visual interpretation of data by creating three-dimensional models that reproduce ...

    Advanced techniques in trajectory data analysis for anomaly detection and map construction 

    Yuejun, Guo (Date of defense: 2020-05-29)

    With a large amount of trajectory data generated every day, there is a high demand for developing advanced techniques to discover the underlying information instead of dull and heavy manual work. This thesis focuses on the ...