Now showing items 1-20 of 1776
Haraburda, Ewelina (Date of defense: 2015-07-28)
The development of new chemical processes for the formation of carbon-carbon bonds is an important topic in organic chemistry. In particular, the transition metal catalysed [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction is a highly efficient ...
Palomer Vila, Albert (Date of defense: 2018-11-26)
This thesis presents a SLAM algorithm using a multibeam echosounder, a new 1/2 underwater laser scanner for online 3D perception and two applications of this new laser scanner: inspection and intervention. The SLAM ...
Barzegar, Mostafa (Date of defense: 2022-09-26)
The use of Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRP) composites has grown in popularity over the last few decades. They offer outstanding mechanical properties combined with a low density, making them an excellent solution for many ...
Specht, Jan (Date of defense: 2013-01-25)
Architecture forms an inherent part of urban tourism. Nevertheless, so far little research has been carried out regarding the interdependencies between urban tourism and architecture in general, as well as contemporary ...
Pérez Losada, Joaquim (Date of defense: 2001-11-15)
This dissertation has as its goal the quantitative evaluation of the application of<br/>coupled hydrodynamic, ecological and clarity models, to address the deterministic prediction of water clarity in lakes and reservoirs. ...
Martínez i Puentes, Montse (Date of defense: 2006-02-03)
El sistema de fangs activats és el tractament biològic més àmpliament utilitzat arreu del món per la depuració d'aigües residuals. El seu funcionament depèn de la correcta operació tant del reactor biològic com del decantador ...
Ibarra Martínez, Salvador (Date of defense: 2008-06-16)
La tesis propone un marco de trabajo para el soporte de la toma de decisiones adecuado para soportar la ejecución distribuida de acciones cooperativas en entornos multi-agente dinámicos y complejos. Soporte para la toma ...
Camelo Botero, Miguel Hernando (Date of defense: 2014-10-31)
This research work explores the use of the Greedy Geometric Routing (GGR) schemes to solve the scalability problem of the routing systems in Internet-like networks and several families of Data Center architectures. We ...
Castro Gallegos, Jessica (Date of defense: 2010-10-26)
En aquesta tesi s'han estudiat les propietats antitumorals d'una variant de la ribonucleasa pancreàtica humana anomenada PE5 que incorpora un senyal de localització nuclear. Aquest estudi mostra que PE5 indueix l'apoptosi ...
Mujica Delgado, Luis Eduardo (Date of defense: 2006-06-12)
La idea básica de detección de defectos basada en vibraciones en Monitorización de la Salud Estructural (SHM), es que el defecto altera las propiedades de rigidez, masa o disipación de energía de un sistema, el cual, altera ...
Fernandes Freitas, Dino Miguel (Date of defense: 2019-11-29)
Tissue Engineering plays a vital role in tissue construct to repair, maintain or replace tissues. Those tissues can be cultivated in vivo or in vitro using devices such as bioreactors. There are several approaches to ...
Palomeras Rovira, Narcís (Date of defense: 2011-12-19)
The presented work focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects concerning the design and development of a formal method to build a mission control system for autonomous underwater vehicles bringing systematic design ...
Fàbrega Coll, Anna (Date of defense: 2012-07-20)
Mammalian spermatozoa acquire functionality during epididymal maturation and ability to penetrate and fertilize the oocyte during capacitation. Sperm quality results indicated that both epididymal maturation and ejaculation ...
Innocenti, Bianca (Date of defense: 2008-11-17)
Aquest treball proposa una nova arquitectura de control amb coordinació distribuïda per a un robot mòbil (ARMADiCo). La metodologia de coordinació distribuïda consisteix en dos passos: el primer determina quin és l'agent ...
Emran Khaled Abd El Aziz, Mohamed (Date of defense: 2012-12-03)
The work presented in this Doctoral Thesis has studied the temporal and spatial patterns of the most relevant soil parameters with special attention posed to soil biological and biochemical dynamics occurring at the studied ...
Artiga Galindo, Marc (Date of defense: 2013-09-16)
Naturalistic theories of intentional content aim at explaining the phenomenon of representation in naturalistic terms: what kind of relation is a representational relation? What grounds the fact that certain states qualify ...
Casas Roqueta, Isabel (Date of defense: 2010-07-08)
L'ús d'esperma criopreservada en la inseminació artificial (IA) d'espècies d'interès productiu permet un major control sanitari i la creació de bancs de germoplasma d'alt valor genètic, entre d'altres avantatges. En el ...
Tro Morató, Teresa (Date of defense: 2021-07-06)
This doctoral thesis focuses on negotiation and co-construction of meaning within a pragmatic perspective. We analyse chat and videoconference exchanges within the project Telecollaboration for Intercultural Language ...
Gelso, Esteban Reinaldo (Date of defense: 2009-05-29)
The performance of a model-based diagnosis system could be affected by several uncertainty sources, such as,model errors,uncertainty in measurements, and disturbances. This uncertainty can be handled by mean of interval ...
Carreras Pérez, Marc (Date of defense: 2003-09-16)
Aquesta tesi proposa l'ús d'un seguit de tècniques pel control a alt nivell d'un robot autònom i també per l'aprenentatge automàtic de comportaments. L'objectiu principal de la tesis fou el de dotar d'intel·ligència als ...