A pragmatic approach to negotiation and co-construction of meaning in intercultural second language acquisition 

    Tro Morató, Teresa (Date of defense: 2021-07-06)

    This doctoral thesis focuses on negotiation and co-construction of meaning within a pragmatic perspective. We analyse chat and videoconference exchanges within the project Telecollaboration for Intercultural Language ...

    "Ana" y "Mia" en las redes sociales. Una investigación sobre la anorexia basada en las artes 

    Nevado Álamo, Ana Maria (Date of defense: 2014-11-21)

    El objetivo del estudio era explorar y comprender los modelos de mujer con los que sintonizan dos grupos: "Estándar" (población general; estudiado mediante cuestionarios administrados a jóvenes en institutos y universidad), ...

    Ànimes preses. "La mort i la primavera", de Mercè Rodoreda: etnografia, primitivisme i espiritualitat 

    Penalba Suárez, Neus (Date of defense: 2021-12-03)

    This study is a monographic analysis of Mercè Rodoreda’s posthumous novel, La mort i la primavera, the work that has received the least critical attention. It is a fascinating and very complex novel, both because of the ...

    Communicative action in collaborative governance: striving for consensus to create knowledge and make collective decisions 

    Palomares Cano, Xavier (Date of defense: 2018-09-28)

    This thesis adopts Habermas’s theory of communicative action to explore how consensus-oriented actions contribute to knowledge creation and collective decision-making in collaborative governance processes. Through studying ...

    Contemporary trends in transmedia storytelling. Transmedia television 

    Dudáček, Oto (Date of defense: 2019-11-08)

    Transmedia storytelling is a process where integral elements of a fiction are systematically broaden through a number of distribution channels in order to create a coordinated form of entertainment. With each new medium ...

    Cultures mediàtiques adolescents: Un estudi psicosocial centrat en el telèfon mòbil 

    Malo Cerrato, Sara (Date of defense: 2009-01-30)

    Des de la perspectiva psicosocial s'analitzen alguns aspectes de les interaccions entre progenitors i fills/es adolescents entre 12 i 16 anys en relació a l'ús del telèfon mòbil en el marc de la societat acceleradament ...

    Del transmedia storytelling al transmedia learning. Reflexions entorn l'ús de les narratives transmèdia com a estratègia didàctica 

    Meyerhofer-Parra, Rafel (Date of defense: 2023-09-05)

    This doctoral thesis is the result of the conceptual and practical analysis of the uses of transmedia narratives in education. Storytelling, narration or the art of storytelling is a key element of human communication. In ...

    El derecho a la participación en la vida cultural de las personas con discapacidad auditiva y/o visual. Estudio de caso de la situación en la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón 

    Casanovas López, Raquel (Date of defense: 2019-06-10)

    The present investigation deals about the participation rights in the cultural life by disabilities hearing and visual people, analyzing a specific case such as that of the Aragon’s Autonomous Community. The study was ...

    El Programa de Suport a l’Autonomia a la Pròpia Llar: possibilitats i propostes de millora per potenciar la vida independent de les persones amb discapacitat intel·lectual a Catalunya 

    Jiménez Fernández, Beatriz (Date of defense: 2021-06-28)

    This doctoral thesis focuses on an analysis of the processes of support for the independent life of people with intellectual disabilities from a legislative perspective from the Spanish State level, more specifically; since ...

    El triomf de l'emissor: l'ús de les fonts periodístiques a la premsa gironina (1996-2016) 

    Hernández Piferrer, Jordi (Date of defense: 2019-04-12)

    In journalism, the use of sources of information is one of the main criteria to evaluate the quality of a product. The development of news based on many sources is the best way, not only to guarantee the quality of the ...

    En busca del tiempo y del espacio recobrados. Una investigación biográfica a partir de relatos de vida y migración de una familia de origen marroquí del Pirineo catalán 

    Amorós Torró, Marta (Date of defense: 2017-03-24)

    This biographic research depicts the way in which six members of a Moroccan origin family in the Catalan Pyrenees interpret and integrate their experiences in autobiographic narrations. The analysis of their life stories ...

    Estudio de las representaciones sociales de la educación ambiental en estudiantes de la Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas 

    Horita Pérez, Luz Helena (Date of defense: 2022-05-19)

    Through the analysis of circulating SRs in the environmental field, social practices are explained from the different conceptions of the environment that societies possess, as well as from the epistemological paradigms ...

    Factores protectores y de riesgo de la violencia escolar desde una perspectiva socio-ecológica en estudiantes peruanos de secundaria 

    Miranda Ayala, Rafael (Date of defense: 2020-06-30)

    School violence is a pandemic that affects millions of children and adolescents worldwide. The effects of suffering school violence diminsh the development of cognitive abilities as well as experiencing lower levels ...

    Femininity, neoliberalism and popular culture: the depolitization of feminism 

    Esquirol, Meritxell (Date of defense: 2015-01-30)

    This thesis intends to analyze the logics of representation of contemporary femininity in the popular imagery that has instrumentalized feminism. Such is the case of the transmedia narrative The Twilight Saga, the cultural ...

    La filosofia en la construcció nacional de Catalunya (1892-1918). Estudi sobre la historiografia nacionalista de la filosofia 

    Pérez Muñoz, Max (Date of defense: 2024-02-29)

    This doctoral thesis examines the contribution of the philosophical heritage of the Catalan Countries in the construction of the Catalan national identity. Specifically, it focuses on how Catalan intellectuals have used ...

    El fracàs d'una utopia. Comunicació política dels feixismes a Espanya durant la Segona República, 1931-1936 

    Jiménez Cortacans, Alfons (Date of defense: 2013-09-30)

    The thesis "The fail of an utopia. Political communication of fascists groups in Spain, 1931-1936" studies communicative strategies of the following political groups: Las Juntas Castellanas de Actuación Hispánica, La ...

    Furthering social exchange theory in the study of resident impact perceptions: three approximations to the limits to tourism growth 

    Muler González, Vanessa (Date of defense: 2020-11-25)

    This thesis links the limits of tourism growth and social exchange theory (SET) through tourism impacts perceptions of residents. SET has been the most widely used theory to explain the perceptions by residents of tourism ...

    Gestión de la diversidad cultural y del diálogo intercultural en Escandinavia. Estudio de casos y análisis comparado de Mångkulturellt Centrum (Estocolmo) e Interkulturelt Museum (Oslo) 

    Riaza de los Mozos, Mónica (Date of defense: 2023-03-17)

    This research on cultural policy examines two organizations, Mångkulturellt Centrum in Stockholm, Sweden, and Interkulturelt Museum in Oslo, Norway. It bases its analysis on a context focused on cultural diversity and ...

    Identitat ebrenca i comunicació local a les Terres de l'Ebre. La premsa de proximitat com a tret identitari de la societat local 

    Guzmán Casals, Jaume (Date of defense: 2020-01-29)

    This doctoral thesis focuses on the digital and paper format press in Terres de l'Ebre. It also emphasizes the concept of territorial identity in the course of the local press as a hallmark of a territory. Also, the ...

    Imágenes para la experiencia. Pensar la imagen fotográfica desde la obra de Giorgio Agamben 

    Garcia Orallo, Robert (Date of defense: 2020-10-23)

    This research takes a look at the work of Giorgio Agamben to address a crisis in the transmission of experiences. On one side, the very notion of experience which will be studied and questioned to the point of denying its ...