Aspectos jurídico internacionales del acceso a los recursos genéticos que componen la diversidad biológica 

    Rodrigues Bertoldi, Márcia (Fecha de defensa: 2003-12-17)

    Actualmente nos encontramos en un momento de profunda transformación en la historia de la humanidad y de las leyes de la naturaleza caracterizada, entre otras cosas, por un desarrollo expansivo de la industria biotecnológica. ...

    Cuantificación de la demanda y sentencia con reserva de liquidación 

    Abrisqueta Costa, Pedro (Fecha de defensa: 2014-05-29)

    The present study deals with the quantification of the demand in relation to the sentence subject to settlement. This last institute is of great practical importance for having been the instrument chosen, in the Spanish ...

    El copago como mecanismo de financiación de los servicios del Estado social: problemas jurídicos 

    Navarro García, Albert (Fecha de defensa: 2014-01-30)

    The doctoral thesis studies the legal problems created by the progressive establishment of various co-payment systems for welfare state services. Previously, these services were mostly funded by tax revenues and users were ...

    El dogma de las capacidades y la racionalidad: un análisis crítico sobre el tratamiento jurídico de las personas diagnosticadas con problemas de salud mental 

    Porxas Roig, M. Àngels (Fecha de defensa: 2019-10-21)

    This thesis is an innovative research that exhaustively analyses the legal treatment of persons with a psychiatric diagnosis. The research is divided in three parts corresponding to the three dimensions of Law: sociological, ...

    Fraud against individuals in the Internet era: trends, victimisation, impact and reporting 

    Kemp, Steven (Fecha de defensa: 2020-12-04)

    This thesis aims to examine fraud against individuals in the Internet era to shed light on: current trends and the dark figure of fraud; factores associated with victimisation; how fraud impacts individuals; and the factores ...

    L'edificació en el dret andorrà 

    Figuereda, Pere (Fecha de defensa: 2017-05-16)

    The thesis of the construction in the Andorran Law has been focused on the study of the building law in the Principality of Andorra. Throughout seven chapters, introductory aspects on urban planning and building are ...

    La fiscalitat dels treballadors transfronterers entre Espanya i França 

    Sicre, Monique (Fecha de defensa: 2021-11-19)

    European Union law provides that persons may move freely for professional reasons from one Member State to another without suffering any discrimination in relation to employment, remuneration or other working conditions. ...

    La transparencia en el arbitraje internacional y en los tratados bilaterales de inversión 

    Febles Pozo, Nayiber (Fecha de defensa: 2019-03-29)

    The thesis's main objective is the analysis of transparency in international arbitration. To this purpose, we start from a broad conception of the notion 2/2 of transparency and its relevance in the current Bilateral ...

    El règim jurídic del litoral català 

    Aguirre i Font, Josep M. (Fecha de defensa: 2013-03-07)

    This thesis focuses on regional coastal planning, starting with a look at the scope of the new coastal planning responsibilities assumed by the Catalan Government as established in article 149.3 of the Statute of Autonomy ...

    Urbanismo ambiental y evaluación estratégica 

    Cuyás Palazón, Mercedes (Fecha de defensa: 2005-10-07)

    La tesis doctoral "Urbanismo Ambiental y Evaluación Estratégica" investiga y propone un renovado papel del urbanismo y muy especialmente de la ordenación del territorio como instrumentos no tan sólo de valor para la ...