L'edificació en el dret andorrà 

    Figuereda, Pere (Date of defense: 2017-05-16)

    The thesis of the construction in the Andorran Law has been focused on the study of the building law in the Principality of Andorra. Throughout seven chapters, introductory aspects on urban planning and building are ...

    La problemática de los usos del suelo no urbanizable 

    Capell Fabri, Anna (Date of defense: 2021-06-16)

    The aim of this thesis is to analyse, study and evaluate the different problems that have arise from the uses that have been authorised on undeveloped land, derived from the urban planning regulations that preceded them, ...

    La responsabilidad patrimonial de las administraciones públicas por cambio de la ordenación urbanística y por la anulación de los títulos administrativos habilitantes, a la luz de la doctrina de la Comissió jurídica assessora de la Generalitat de Catalunya y de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo 

    Capilla Vidal, Gabriel (Date of defense: 2020-07-14)

    The work, based on an applied and academic legal methodology, carries out a critical analysis of the current regulation of the institution of patrimonial responsibility as a guarantee of the citizens in our legal system. ...

    El règim jurídic del litoral català 

    Aguirre i Font, Josep M. (Date of defense: 2013-03-07)

    This thesis focuses on regional coastal planning, starting with a look at the scope of the new coastal planning responsibilities assumed by the Catalan Government as established in article 149.3 of the Statute of Autonomy ...

    Urbanismo ambiental y evaluación estratégica 

    Cuyás Palazón, Mercedes (Date of defense: 2005-10-07)

    La tesis doctoral "Urbanismo Ambiental y Evaluación Estratégica" investiga y propone un renovado papel del urbanismo y muy especialmente de la ordenación del territorio como instrumentos no tan sólo de valor para la ...