Cocoví Solberg, David Jaime (Date of defense: 2017-06-13)
Total extraction methods for risk assessment/exposure of potentially contaminated solid samples of environmental interest tend to overestimate the actual hazard of such samples. Bioaccessibility ...
Vargas Muñoz, María Alejandra (Date of defense: 2023-09-28)
[spa] La creciente sobreexplotación y contaminación hídrica han llevado a que se propongan medidas estrictas de gestión y control del agua. En este contexto, las estaciones depuradoras de agua residual ...
Comas Serra, Francesca (Date of defense: 2024-01-31)
[eng] Aloe vera stands out for its beneficial properties, largely due to acemannan, its main bioactive compound, and the polysaccharides that make up its cell wall. However, it is relevant to consider ...