Now showing items 41-60 of 1484

    Alternativas al uso del circón como materia prima para preparar recubrimientos vidriados opacos, con el fin de reducir su consumo 

    Bou Solsona, Encarnación (Date of defense: 2006-02-23)

    En este trabajo se estudia la posibilidad de disminuir o eliminar la utilización del circón en composiciones de engobe y frita, en las que se utiliza como materia prima debido a que proporciona blancura y opacidad a las ...

    Alternative investments for the retail investor in Spanish equities mutual funds 

    Sala Peñalver, Saul (Date of defense: 2017-07-17)

    This paper tries to overcome the limitations that retail investor seek when using traditional approaches to asset allocation, particularly in Spanish equities mutual funds. To do so, we structure this paper into three ...

    Amazigh Feminism Narratives: Aspirations, Agency, and Empowerment of Amazigh Women in the Southeast of Morocco 

    Laghssais, Bochra (Date of defense: 2023-07-20)

    Amazigh women's stories of adversities and struggles led to their portrayal as illiterate, in need of help and passive beneficiaries of aid. Many texts and media focus on investigating their marginalization, which reinforces ...

    Amenaces i impulsos de l'escepticisme modern en el cinema de canvi de segle. Una lectura en clau cavelliana del Projecte idiota de Lars von Trier 

    Burgos Ramírez, Enric Antoni (Date of defense: 2017-07-26)

    La present tesi doctoral investiga fins a quin punt els plantejaments de Stanley Cavell sobre el cinema poden preservar la seua vigència en l'actual context de digitalització. Així, avaluem les condicions sota les quals ...

    Amerindios hispanoamericanos: interacción entre Comunicación y Derechos Humanos 

    Ysnel, Estelle (Date of defense: 2022-05-13)

    Esta tesis trata de la evolución del estatuto de los Amerindios hispanoamericanos desde la época precolombina en adelante realizando un balance entre los derechos reconocidos por la primera legislación y los derechos ...

    Aminoácidos Naturales como Materiales de Partida en la Preparación de Nuevos Reactivos y Catalizadores Soportados. 

    Collado Lozano, Manuel (Date of defense: 2004-07-15)

    En este trabajo se han sintetizado 3 familias de compuestos derivados de aminoácidos naturales: aminoalcoholes, bisamidas y aminoamidas.<br/><br/><br/>Los aminoalcoholes fueron soportados sobre distintos polímeros orgánicos ...

    An analysis of the relationship between Economic Growth and the Environment: consequences on Climate Change and Sustainable Development 

    Mendoza Lemes, Yurena (Date of defense: 2015-01-29)

    Greenhouse gases are emitted locally around the different countries in the world, but their negative effects, resulting in the very worrying climate change, are an international problem since the fight to reduce them ...

    An Analytics Platform for Integrating and Computing Spatio-Temporal Metrics in Location-aware Games 

    Rodríguez Pupo, Luis Enrique (Date of defense: 2021-04-28)

    This thesis presents an analytics platform for calculating spatio-temporal metrics in the context of geogames and context-based applications. It is based on an underlying conceptual model for spatio-temporal metrics, which ...

    An Integrated Analysis of Resilience: How to Achieve Positive Outgrowths 

    Meneghel, Isabella (Date of defense: 2014-10-02)

    El principal objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral es aportar valor añadido a la corriente de investigación sobre resiliencia, avanzando en la comprensión actual de la misma a través de la evidencia teórica y empírica de ...

    Analysis and Development of a Platform for Generating Context-Aware Apps for Mental Health 

    Miralles Tena, Ignacio (Date of defense: 2019-12-19)

    This work gathers a research carried out on the use of context-aware technologies in their application to the field of mental health. It starts performing a review of mobile technologies used in psychological interventions ...

    Analysis of Antitumoral and Antibiotic Drugs in Biological Fluids, Food and Pharmaceuticals through Micellar Liquid Chromatography 

    Albiol Chiva, Jaume (Date of defense: 2020-03-06)

    The thesis exposes and develops the analysis by Micellar Liquid Chromatography (MLC) of different methods for the determination of compounds of medical and pharmaceutical interest, in biological fluids (plasma and urine), ...

    Analysis of environmental policy and emission control instruments 

    Vidal Meliá, Lidia (Date of defense: 2020-01-23)

    The debate on the emissions control instruments for improving environmental policy is the inspiration of the present thesis. In a first attempt, we use a theoretical model to study how international trade affects the ...

    Analysis of high-frequency data on information transmissio and optimal portfolio choice 

    Alemany Palomo, Nuria (Date of defense: 2018-04-11)

    With the advent of the new technological era, the development of high-frequency datasets is easier Ihan ever. It has allowed a wide range of empirical investigations regarding the financial markels to deepen lhe understanding ...

    Analysis of Parallelization Strategies in the context of Hierarchical Matrix Factorizations 

    Carratalá Sáez, Rocío (Date of defense: 2021-03-26)

    H-matrices offer log-linear storage and computations costs, thanks to a controlled accuracy loss. This is the reason why they are specially suitable for Boundary Element Methods (BEM). Task-parallelism strategies are applied ...

    Analysis of the Interaction of Halide Perovskite with Other Materials and its Effect on the Performance of Optoelectronic Devices 

    Ngo, Thi Tuyen (Date of defense: 2019-11-20)

    Halide perovskites (HPs) have been demonstrated as promising materials for the preparation of efficient solar cells, LEDs and other optoelectronic devices. In addition, HPs can be prepared using low-cost techniques. However ...

    Anàlisi de fàrmacs prescrits en tractaments de SIDA en plasma i sèrum mitjançant cromatografia líquida micel·lar 

    Casas Breva, Inmaculada (Date of defense: 2015-05-29)

    En la present memòria es presenten diferents estratègies analítiques basades en MLC per a la determinació de antirretrovirals i antivirals usats en la terapia HAART (prescrita contra la SIDA) en mostres de plasma i sèrum. ...

    Anàlisi de pesticides en aigües i sols mitjançant cromatografia líquida micel.lar 

    Roca Genovés, Pascual (Date of defense: 2017-09-28)

    En la present memòria es desenvoluparen i validaren mètodes analítics per a determinar pesticides en mostres mediambientals (aigües residuals urbanes, agrícoles, de la indústria agroalimentària, d'EDAR, aigües decoratives ...

    Análisis Socio-Jurídico del Derecho de Asilo: El caso de Colombia 

    Apraez Dorado, Aura Janet (Date of defense: 2017-06-26)

    Esta tesis consiste en un análisis sociológico-jurídico sobre la efectividad del derecho de asilo, concretamente en el caso entre Colombia y España. Tras el estudio del marco normativo (universal, regional, UE y España), ...

    Análisis automático del patrón de la marcha mediante visión por computador: problemas, métodos y aplicaciones 

    Ortells Lorenzo, Javier (Date of defense: 2017-06-19)

    Automatic gait recognition has become a research topic of interest due to its advantages versus other biometrics. However, the procedure for its analysis is still an open issue. Firstly, in this thesis, a method to construct ...

    Análisis clínico e impacto económico de la implantación de una vía clínica de recuperación intensificada en cirugía bariátrica 

    Gimeno Moro, Ana María (Date of defense: 2020-02-26)

    El objetivo de este estudio es demostrar que la implantación de una vía clínica de recuperación intensificada en cirugía bariátrica (ERABS) mejora los resultados clínicos y es coste-efectiva tras seis meses de su ...