Ara mostrant els elements 5-12 de 12

    Efficient implementation of Deep Nets for video processing to preserve marine ecosystem services 

    Martín Abadal, Miguel (Data de defensa: 2023-05-25)

    [eng] Marine ecosystems provide multiple services to humans, including provisioning services, such as seafood or fossil energy; regulating services, like coastal protection or water purification; cultural services, as ...

    Formal Algebraic Modelling for Fog Computing Network Architecture. 

    Roig Roig, Pedro Juan (Data de defensa: 2022-07-20)

    [eng] Fog computing is basically an extension of cloud computing where the computing resources are located on the edge of the network, allowing for better performance regarding latency and bandwidth. Hence, data centres ...

    Interactive therapeutic systems for fallprevention using computervision technologies 

    Ayed, Ines (Data de defensa: 2020-02-14)

    [spa] . Introducción En los últimos años, las tecnologías basadas en la visión han ganado mucho interés entre los investigadores y los profesionales de la salud. Por ejemplo, el uso de dispositivos interactivos y de bajo ...

    IT governance development and deployment for HEIs in developing countries 

    Gómez Suárez, Beatriz (Data de defensa: 2022-06-14)

    [eng] Information Technology (IT) is becoming an essential part of the business and the board is expecting to obtain value from it. However, results are not always as requested, and the board is realizing the necessity ...

    Modelo de proceso para la evaluación continua de la accesibilidad de sitios web 

    Campoverde Molina, Milton Alfredo (Data de defensa: 2022-07-12)

    [spa] La identidad y la imagen corporativa de las instituciones educativas se presentan al mundo a través de sus sitios web. En sus sitios web, las instituciones educativas publican su oferta académica, su misión, su ...

    New balance indices and metrics for phylogenetic trees 

    Rotger García, Lucía (Data de defensa: 2019-07-31)

    [eng] The belief that the shape of a phylogenetic tree re ects the properties of the evolutionary processes underlying it has motivated the study of indices quantifying the graph-theoretical properties of phylogenetic ...

    Node fault tolerance for distributed embedded systems based on FTT-Ethernet 

    Derasevic, Sinisa (Data de defensa: 2018-12-04)

    [eng] When Distributed Embedded Systems (DESs) operate in evolving environments, changing requirements might be imposed on the system, and thus the system needs the ability to adapt to them. Furthermore, when such systems ...

    Novel deep learning-based indentification methods for accurate, orientation-aware visual detection with application to inspection and quality control 

    Yao, Kai (Data de defensa: 2022-06-03)

    [spa] Los sistemas de visión artificial han surgido como alternativas competitivas en aplicacionesindustriales, siendo potenciadas actualmente en el camino hacia una industriaágil y flexible. Con su capacidad para lograr ...