Ara mostrant els elements 1-20 de 105

    A proposal to estimate the motion of an underwater vehicle through visual mosaicking 

    García Campos, Rafael (Data de defensa: 2001-12-17)

    This thesis proposes a solution to the problem of estimating the motion of an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV). Our approach is based on the integration of the incremental measurements which are provided by a vision system. ...

    A study of hybrid powertrains and predictive algorithms applied to energy management in refuse-collecting vehicles 

    Soriano Alfonso, Francisco (Data de defensa: 2015-05-22)

    There is an increasing demand for vehicles with lower environmental impact and higher fuel efficiency. To meet these requirements, powertrain hybridization has been introduced in both academia and industry during recent ...

    A systematic approach to airborne sensor orientation and calibration: method and models 

    Blázquez González, Marta (Data de defensa: 2012-07-03)

    Avui dia, s'estima que el mercat de la geom atica mou pels volts de 30 bilions d'euros. Al darrera del creixement d'aquest mercat hi trobem noves tecnologies,projectes i aplicacions, com per exemple, \Global Positioning ...

    Adaptación de pilotos al glass-cockpit 

    Sorin, Jacques (Data de defensa: 2003-09-26)

    Se presenta una propuesta de diseño de cabina de pilotaje de aviones cuyo objetivo es ayudar la adaptación de los pilotos al pilotaje de los aviones de pasajeros de tipo glass-cockpit. Se acompaña esta propuesta de una ...

    AI-enhanced cyber-physical systems in automotive industry : integration of CPS and application artificial intelligence technologies in automotive paint shop process 

    Sanz Gràcia, Elma (Data de defensa: 2023-11-09)

    (English) Transformation of industrial processes to embrace Industry 4.0 revolution needs to use data: valuable data from different data sources, labelled data, semantic layers, metadata to understand better, universes, ...

    Air quality inside city public commuting buses: physico-chemical and biological characterisation 

    Fernández Iriarte, Amaia (Data de defensa: 2023-07-06)

    (English) This PhD thesis focuses on identifying the factors that control the concentrations of inhalable particles, pollutant gases, and bioaerosols inside public buses in Barcelona. The study was conducted in the ...

    An analysis of two-phase flows in conditions relevant to microgravity 

    Arias Calderon, Santiago (Data de defensa: 2011-09-23)

    Promising technological applications of two-phase flows in space have captured the increasing interest of the space sector, provoking a strong demand for more fundamental knowledge. Great efforts have been made in recent ...

    Analysis and optimization of composite stringers 

    Badalló i Cañellas, Pere (Data de defensa: 2015-07-17)

    The use of the stiffened panels in the aircraft/aeronautical industry has been growing in the last decades. On the other hand, the exponential growth in the use of composite materials in the last years has had a ...

    Analysis and simulation of a synergetic environmental control and life support system for long duration spaceflight 

    Detrell Domingo, Gisela (Data de defensa: 2015-12-11)

    Manned missions carried out in the last decades were either close to Earth or short missions. In contrast, Space Agencies future plans include manned exploration missions to asteroids, the Moon and finally Mars. The expected ...

    Anàlisi quantitatiu de la velocitat dels vehicles a motor participants en atropellaments en zona urbana : modelització de la sensibilitat de la variable evitabilitat a les variacions de la velocitat específica del vehicle i de la velocitat màxima permesa de la via 

    Cabrerizo Sinca, Julián (Data de defensa: 2017-09-07)

    Road traffic accidents lead to a number of significant problems, which are clearly reflected in the social costs (injuries, repercussions, deaths, etc.) and economic costs (prevention, healthcare, lost profits, etc.). This ...

    Análisis de las variables que inciden en la movilidad en vehículos motorizados de dos ruedas en la ciudad de Barcelona 

    Pérez Diez, Fernando (Data de defensa: 2019-04-05)

    MOBILITY provides accessibility to people, goods, services and information, favoring the implementation of socio-economic activities. The more efficient mobility becomes, the greater human development and quality of life ...

    Análisis del comportamiento del suelo radiante por cable eléctrico en la calefacción de los edificios industriales 

    Sánchez Romero, Montserrat (Data de defensa: 1994-12-16)

    En este trabajo se ha desarrollado un estudio del comportamiento térmico del suelo radiante por cable eléctrico en su aplicación a los edificios industriales.<br/><br/>Se ha analizado la influencia de las variables:<br/><br/>- ...

    Análisis y diseño de volantes de inercia de materiales compuestos 

    Ripoll Masferrer, Lluís (Data de defensa: 2006-01-11)

    Los volantes de inercia superan a las baterías eléctricas por su capacidad de absorber y ceder energía en poco tiempo y, si se fabrican con materiales compuestos, también por su reducido peso. La tesis presenta un estudio ...

    Análisis y propuesta de mejora de la seguridad en las embarcaciones de recreo a través de los datos obtenidos en sus reconocimientos e inspecciones : la seguridad en las embarcaciones de recreo : análisis y propuesta de mejora en aspectos de formación, titulaciones, inspecciones y equipamiento 

    Torralbo Gavilán, Jordi (Data de defensa: 2016-01-29)

    Recreational boating is certainly a sector with a significant importance and highlight potential of growth. This sector, however, is not subject to any standardization or harmonization by the European Union (EU). Thus, the ...

    Análisis y propuestas en las operaciones para reducir los accidentes en buques de pesca artesanal españoles 

    Torné Reverté, Alfredo (Data de defensa: 2023-07-13)

    (English) This thesis deals with the analysis of maritime accidents that occurred in fishing. The concept of maritime accident is important, since in this work we focus on these accidents and at the same time we move away ...

    Application of dynamic vibration absorbers on double-deck circular railway tunnels to mitigate railway-induced ground-borne vibration 

    Noori, Behshad (Data de defensa: 2019-07-19)

    This dissertation is concerned with investigating the efficiency of dynamic vibration absorbers (DVAs) as measures to mitigate ground-borne vibrations induced by railway traffic in double-deck tunnels. The main topics of ...

    Caracterització i evolució dels sistemes de producció basats en el Lean Management 

    Cuatrecasas Castellsagués, Oriol (Data de defensa: 2017-01-26)

    Production systems based on lean philosophy have been gaining importance as a frequent and successful path to business improvement. Adopting a lean production system in the most appropriate way is a key decision given that ...

    Causal models for performance evaluation of added-value operations 

    Zuñiga Alcaraz, Catya Atziry (Data de defensa: 2012-09-18)

    La presente tesis doctoral se presenta en forma de compendio de publicaciones, en la cual se han desarrollado diversos Modelos Causales para ayudar en la toma de decisiones usando como herramienta principal las relaciones ...

    Collective dynamics of bulk metallic glasses studied by molecular dynamics simulations 

    Valles Sales, Araceli (Data de defensa: 2014-09-25)

    The development of new materials impacts on all branches of engineering and, in particular, in aerospace engineering. Metallic glasses (MG) are relatively newcomers to the world of materials science and have excellent ...

    Comparison of the response of different configurations of aircraft repair patches under static and dynamic loading 

    Pitta, Siddharth (Data de defensa: 2020-07-10)

    In the modern era of transportation, air travel has gained a huge pace and still kept increasing. The global demand for air transport is increasing at a rate of 6%, because of population growth and ticket price reductions. ...