Now showing items 2984-3003 of 11297

    Drogas y psicofármacos: estudio de su presencia en el medio ambiente (aguas residuales, sedimentos y mejillones) y evaluación de su consumo e impacto 

    López García, Ester (Date of defense: 2021-01-27)

    En esta tesis doctoral se han desarrollado tres metodologías analíticas para el análisis de drogas, psicofármacos y sus metabolitos en tres compartimentos medioambientales: aguas residuales, sedimentos y biota. Las ...

    Drogues d’abús i fàrmacs en el medi aquàtic: Anàlisi, presencia i comportament 

    Boleda Vall-llovera, Mª Rosa (Date of defense: 2015-11-23)

    Les drogues d'abús i els fàrmacs estan considerats com contaminants d'interès emergent en el medi aquàtic, és a dir, són substàncies que no estan incloses en els programes habituals de control i monitorització d'aigües, ...

    Drogues en el medi aquàtic: de les aigües residuals a l’aigua potable 

    Huerta Fontela, Maria (Date of defense: 2015-12-11)

    La presencia de substàncies d’origen antropogènic en el medi aquàtic és un de les fites importants a les que actualment s’ha d’enfrontar la química ambiental. En la darrera dècada les drogues d’abús s’han sumat al conjunt ...

    Drosophila CIC-a: A chloride channel required in the glial niche for neural development 

    Plazaola Sasieta, Haritz (Date of defense: 2018-11-29)

    The chloride channel ClCN2 is expressed in glia in the mature nervous system of vertebrates and some physiological functions have been proposed. In addition, human patients with mutations in the gene or dysfunction of the ...

    Drug Discovery Targeted to Transthyretin Related Amyloidosis 

    Blasi Pérez, Daniel (Date of defense: 2013-02-27)

    Several drug discovery approaches has been performed to find new compounds able to interact with high affinity with the hormone binding site of the homotetrameric protein transthyretin (TTR), and stabilize this tetramer, ...

    Drug discovery with a FRET Biosensor of scaffolding interactions in the N-terminal region of c-Src = Descubrimiento de fármacos mediante un biosensor basado en FRET sensible a las interacciones en la región N-terminal de c-Src 

    Iruela Martin, Guillermo (Date of defense: 2021-09-16)

    c-Src tyrosine kinase is associated with poor prognosis in many cancer processes. Although inhibitors of c-Src kinase activity are known, they have not reached success in clinical trials because of lack of selectivity or ...

    Drugs of abuse in the aquatic and atmospheric compartments: analysis, occurrence, and assessment of human cosumption in Spain 

    Mastroianni, Nicola (Date of defense: 2017-09-18)

    In the last decades, the development of increasingly sensitive analytical techniques has revealed the presence in the environment of a large number of potentially dangerous compounds for human health and the environment, ...

    Du musée colonial au musée des diversités. Intégrations et effets du multiculturalisme sur les musées ethnologiques 

    Van Geert, Fabien (Date of defense: 2014-12-15)

    En politique rien ne semble possible sans références culturelles, sans la mobilisation d’un imaginaire collectif. Avec la déclaration de nombreux Etats de leur caractère multiculturel au cours de la seconde ...

    Dual effect of Semaphorin 4D blockade in neuroendocrine tumor malignization: from vessels to macrophages 

    Zuazo Gaztelu, Iratxe (Date of defense: 2018-11-23)

    Tumor progression is a complex conundrum of events that involve not only tumor cells, but also their surrounding microenvironment. Accounting to the natural dependency of tumors on angiogenesis, its therapeutic targeting ...

    Dual role of CDK5 on cognitive deficits and striatal vulnerability in Huntington’s disease 

    Alvarez Periel, Elena (Date of defense: 2018-07-06)

    Huntington’s disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by an autosomic mutation on the Huntingtin (HTT) coding gene. HD is mainly characterized by the appearance of motor symptoms or choreas, which are associated ...

    El dualisme natura/cultura en ecologia. Anàlisi del pensament ecològic margalefià i de les pràctiques de les cooperatives de consum ecològic 

    Homs Ramírez de la Piscina, Patricia (Date of defense: 2013-03-22)

    Ens trobem en una crisi ecològica entesa en el sentit més ampli. Oîkos com a llar: crisi econòmica, política, alimentària, ambiental, social… La interpretació del planeta en situació de crisi ecològica resulta del ...

    Duality Theory and Abstract Algebraic Logic 

    Esteban, María (Date of defense: 2013-11-04)

    In this thesis we present the results of our research on duality theory for non-classical logics under the point of view of Abstract Algebraic Logic (AAL). Firstly, we propose an abstract Spectral-like duality and an ...

    Duda y dialéctica en "De suis tentationibus" de Otloh de San Emeramo 

    Violante, Susana Beatriz (Date of defense: 2010-01-15)

    La presente tesis doctoral se inscribe en la valoración del pensamiento de Otloh de San Emeramo, siglo XI. Un autor poco estudiado en el entorno de la Filosofía del Medioevo. A nuestro estudio lo hemos dividido en cuatro ...

    Duelo anticipado en familiares cuidadores de enfermos de Alzheimer y otras demencias 

    Vilajoana Celaya, Josep (Date of defense: 2017-09-28)

    El objetivo de la presente investigación es verificar la existencia de la entidad duelo anticipado en los cuidadores familiares de personas con deterioro cognitivo e identificar las variables que intervienen en estos ...

    Duelo y creación artística. Propuestas de recuperación y continuidad de la memoria autobiográfica a través de la experimentación plástica 

    Martínez Rodríguez, Pamela (Date of defense: 2016-01-25)

    La investigación que se propone nace de una experiencia autobiográfica y se ocupa de la creación artística originada en el dolor de la pérdida. Específicamente se trata de indagar en las fuentes culturales más relevantes, ...

    Dugong-Seagrass Interactions in the Arabian Peninsula: Dugong Feeding Grounds as a Conservation Management Unit 

    Khamis, Abdulqader (Date of defense: 2023-10-24)

    [eng] The principal challenge of conserving marine megaherbivores is that they typically range over extensive areas that far exceed the spatial scales of conventional management, transcending protected areas, and often ...

    Duplicaciones génicas y virulencia en Escherichia coli 

    Bernabeu Lorenzo, Manuel (Date of defense: 2021-06-08)

    The pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli can be divided into two large groups: those that cause intestinal infections and those that cause extra- intestinal infections. The strains that belong to the first group are ...

    Dynamic force spectroscopy and folding kinetics in molecular systems 

    Alemany i Arias, Anna (Date of defense: 2014-11-04)

    Codification of genetic information; regulation of gene expression; transport of nutrients inside cells; immune protection against infectious agents; transduction of external signals... These are some of the crucial processes ...

    Dynamic Properties of Magnetic Colloidal Particles and Holes 

    Miguel López, María del Carmen (Date of defense: 1985-10-06)

    Our main goal is to study certain aspects of the dynamics of fluids with magnetic particles in suspension, based on their promising practical applications as new materials as welI as on its fundamental scientific interest. In ...

    Dynamical and Mechanical Characterisation of Bi- and Tri-dimensional Neuronal Cultures: from Health to Disease 

    Fernández López, Clara (Date of defense: 2024-01-12)

    [eng] In this PhD thesis, we leverage the well established foundations of complex systems physics and integrate insights from medicine and materials engineering to advance our understanding of neuroscience. Our primary ...