Now showing items 5875-5894 of 11290

    Impact of Childhood Trauma on Levels of Depressive Symptoms, Pain, Functionality, and Cognitive Conflicts in Fibromyalgia 

    Ribeiro, Anita Julieta (Date of defense: 2023-07-19)

    [eng] In recent years, much scientific evidence has shown the role of child maltreatment in human development, which impacts all aspects of growth, physical, behavioral, emotional, and cognitive. Depending on the extent ...

    Impact of drought periods on carbon processing across surface-hyporheic interfaces in fluvial systems = Impacte dels períodes de sequera sobre el processat de carboni a través de la interfase superficial i zona hiporreica en sistemes fluvials 

    Harjung, Astrid (Date of defense: 2018-04-03)

    Headwater streams essentially link the terrestrial and the aquatic carbon cycle because they transport terrestrial organic and inorganic carbon downstream towards the oceans. However, most of these inputs are processed ...

    Impact of Emotional Intelligence, Leadership Traits and Culture on Leadership Style in Hospitality: Propensity of Green Management Practices Implementation 

    Hecht, Theresa (Date of defense: 2022-12-01)

    [eng] The PhD dissertation aims to investigate the impact of emotional intelligence, leadership traits and culture on leadership style in hospitality and the propensity of green management practices implementation. The ...

    Impact of game restocking on common quail populations 

    Sánchez Donoso, Inés (Date of defense: 2014-10-29)

    The common quail (Coturnix coturnix) is a popular game bird in Europe. The massive restocking of farm-reared individuals for hunting purposes is a common practice in several European countries. Although restocking of common ...

    Impact of guidelines for stratification of community acquired and hospital pneumonia severity and treatment 

    Liapikou, Adamantia (Date of defense: 2012-07-13)

    Treatment failure in community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is the failure to normalize the clinical features (eg, fever, cough, sputum production), or nonresolving image in chest radiograph, despite antimicrobial therapy. The ...

    Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Remote Testing. Forced Spirometry as a Use Case 

    Burgos Rincón, Felip (Date of defense: 2013-09-12)

    INTRODUCTION The deployment of new health care models based on the coordination between different levels is a priority at European level to manage the dysfunctions generated by health and social impact of chronic ...

    Impact of membrane transporters polymorphisms on nucleoside-derived drug bioavailability and action = Impacte dels polimorfismes en transportadors de membrana en la biodisponibilitat i acció de fàrmacs anàlegs de nucleòsids 

    Arimany Nardi, Cristina (Date of defense: 2013-12-03)

    Nucleoside-derived drugs are used for the treatment of haematological malignancies, viral infections and autoimmune or inflammatory diseases. These drugs require membrane transporters to be internalised and be active. ...

    Impact of molecular methods in the analysis of the invasiveness of Streptococcus pneumoniae 

    Amo Moran, Eva del (Date of defense: 2016-05-02)

    This doctoral thesis proves the necessity of applying molecular techniques in direct sample for a more accurate study of the Invasive Disease Potential (IDP) of Streptococcus pneumoniae and for its epidemiological surveillance. ...

    The impact of nutrients on clock genes and metabolism: their role for the prevention and treatment of metabolic diseases 

    Castillo Figueroa, Ana Lucía (Date of defense: 2017-04-24)

    A number of recent studies in animals and humans have linked energy regulation and the circadian clock at the molecular, physiological and behavioral levels, concluding that disruption of clock genes results in metabolic ...

    Impact of RANK overexpression on mammary stem cell fate, alveolar cell differentiation and tumorigenesis 

    Cordero Casanovas, Alex (Date of defense: 2015-10-23)

    Esta tesis doctoral se ha centrado en el paper de la vía de RANK y RANKL, que ha emergido durante los últimos años como una vía crucial en el desarrollo de la glándula mamaria y cáncer de mama. La deleción génica de RANK ...

    The impact of social networks and social support on mental disorders and mortality 

    Santini, Ziggi Ivan (Date of defense: 2016-10-07)

    INTRODUCTION: There is conflicting evidence regarding the role of social support networks in health and wellbeing and more research is needed to address the lack of information. The objective of this project is to categorize ...

    Impact of Stress on Pregnancy Mental Health 

    Pascal Capdevila, Rosalia (Date of defense: 2024-03-15)

    [eng] INTRODUCTION: Disturbances in perinatal mental health and sleep quality are problems Usual. In addition, stress can induce dysbiosis of the maternal microbiota. The available scientific evidence highlights the ...

    The Impact of Virtual Embodiment on Perception, Attitudes, and Behaviour 

    Banakou, Domna (Date of defense: 2017-04-26)

    Over the past two decades extensive research in experimental psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and virtual reality has provided evidence for the malleability of our brain's body representation. It has been shown that a ...

    Impact on gene expression and metabolic homeostasis of bioactive compounds-enriched diets 

    Sandoval Sandoval, Viviana Paz (Date of defense: 2020-02-20)

    The excess of fat deposits are originated by a prolonged imbalance between the energy intake and the energy expenditure. The current food pattern based on a high consumption of saturated fats, simple sugars and processed ...

    Impacte d'una sobrecàrrega bacteriana i vírica sobre el sistema immunitari de rates lactants i paper preventiu d'un postbiòtic en la diarrea induïda per rotavirus 

    Morales Ferré, Carla (Date of defense: 2022-04-29)

    El sistema immunitari del nounat és immadur i, per tant, predisposa al nadó a patir infeccions, que en el cas dels nounats del gènere masculí semblen presentar una incidència i una gravetat majors que el femení. La llet ...

    Impacte de l'accident miner d'Aznalcóllar sobre el riu Guadiamar. Recuperació de la comunitat de macroinvertebrats i bioacumulació de metalls pesants. 

    Solà Ortega, Carolina (Date of defense: 2004-07-21)

    L'abril de 1998, durant l'accident miner d'Aznalcóllar, més de 6 milions de m3 de llots i aigües àcides altament contaminades amb metalls pesants van ser vessats al riu Guadiamar (Sevilla), destruint els ecosistemes fluvials ...

    Impacte de la infecció pel virus de la immunodeficiència humana en els resultats de la fecundació "in vitro" 

    Mataró Marsal, Daniel (Date of defense: 2006-09-20)

    OBJECTIU:<br/><br/>1) Descriure les característiques clíniques basals de les parelles estèrils que opten a una tècnica de fecundació in vitro en què la dona i/o l'home estan infectats pel VIH.<br/><br/>2) Avaluar l'impacte ...

    Impacte de la Sindrome d'Apnea-hipoapnea Obstructiva del Son en l'obesitat greu / Impact of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Severe Obesity 

    Gasa Galmés, Mercè (Date of defense: 2013-04-11)

    El pacient obès mòrbid candidat a cirurgia bariàtrica (CB) és un model ideal extrem que permet estudiar la Síndrome d’apnea-hipoapnea obstructiva del Son (SAOS) i les seves conseqüències cardio-metabòliques, associades o ...

    Impacte de les alteracions anatòmiques intranasals sobre els símptomes, la resposta al tractament mèdic i la qualitat de vida en nens i adolescents amb rinitis al·lèrgica persistent 

    Valls Mateus, Meritxell (Date of defense: 2018-11-22)

    En la pràctica clínica habitual no és infreqüent trobar pacients pediàtrics amb rinitis al·lèrgica persistent (PER) que són derivats al servei d’ Otorrinolaringologia per manca de resposta al tractament mèdic. Per aquest ...

    Impacte de les revistes electròniques sobre la conducta informativa del personal docent i investigador de les universitats catalanes 

    Ollé Castellà, Candela (Date of defense: 2010-06-14)

    L'estudi analitza l'impacte de les revistes digitals sobre la conducta informativa del personal docent i investigador de les universitats catalanes. El treball té com a punt de partida diverses investigacions quantitatives ...