Now showing items 1646-1665 of 11050

    Claudius Ptolemy and Self-Promotion. A study on Ptolemy’s intellectual 

    Tolsa Domènech, Cristian (Date of defense: 2013-10-08)

    The main objective of this dissertation is to study the relationship between the mathematician Claudius Ptolemy and his social and intellectual context in the Roman Alexandria of the second century CE. Against the communis ...

    Claves de análisis de las novelas para niñas: valoración histórica y literaria 

    Diaz-Plaja, Anna (Date of defense: 2008-04-18)

    La tesis aporta una nueva investigación sobre las novelas escritas específicamente para niñas y las sitúa en el discurso de la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil, y las analiza siguiendo tanto su desarrollo histórico como su ...

    Clientelisme, milícia i govern: Lluís de Requesens i la noblesa catalana al servei de Felip II (1568-1576) 

    Jurado Riba, Víctor J. (Date of defense: 2021-07-26)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral analitza dos aspectes fonamentals de la vida de Lluís de Requesens, d’una banda, la seva activitat com a militar al servei de Felip II i, de l’altra, la seva funció dins l’estructuració de la noblesa ...

    Climate and Atmospheric CO2 Effects on Iberian Pine Forests assessed by Tree-Ring Chronologies and their potential for Climatic Reconstructions 

    Andreu Hayles, Laia (Date of defense: 2007-10-25)

    Two main purposes divided this Thesis into two parts, taking into account that the need of understanding current climatic fluctuations is still an important request of population living in the 21st century and the enormous ...

    Climate change and precipitation trends in the northern Mediterranean 

    Fortuny, Didac (Date of defense: 2015-07-13)

    According to climate projections for the end of the twenty-first century, regional responses to global warming include a strong and widespread drying over the northern Mediterranean, particularly intense in summer. Many ...

    Climate variability predictions for the wind energy industry: a climate services perspective 

    Lledó Ponsatí, Llorenç (Date of defense: 2020-12-09)

    In order to mitigate the climate change effects, the world is undergoing an energy transition from polluting sources towards renewable energies. This transition is turning the electricity system more dependent on atmospheric ...

    Climate-induced changes in headwater streams: Effects of warming and drought on resource-consumer trophic interactions 

    Mas Martí, Esther (Date of defense: 2014-11-14)

    Changes in temperature and precipitation due to climate change are expected to increase stream water temperature and reduce their discharge. Consequently, more streams might face temporality, experiencing flow intermittency ...

    Clinical and immunological characterization of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Solid Organ Transplantation 

    Favà Buch, Alexandre (Date of defense: 2022-11-14)

    [eng] INTRODUCTION: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) became, and remains, one of the most common preventable causes of early death among solid organ transplant (SOT) patients. Exhaustive clinical and immune-biological ...

    Clinical approach and management of bacterial infections of the central nervous system related to hydrocephalus 

    Pelegrín Senent, Iván (Date of defense: 2017-06-30)

    INTRODUCTION: Community-acquired bacterial meningitis is a relevant entity related to a high morbidity and mortality, despite of the adjuvant and antibiotic treatments available. Morbidity and mortality are caused by ...

    Clinical development of RTS,S as a vaccine for the prevention of malaria in Mozambican children 

    Sacarlal, Jahit (Date of defense: 2009-07-13)

    Malaria is caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Plasmodium, Plasmodiidae family, transmitted to humans through the bite of infected female Anopheles.spp mosquitoes. It is one of the major global public health problems ...

    Clonación y caracterización del operon de la ramnosa de Escherichia coli 

    Badia Palacín, Josefa (Date of defense: 1987-01-01)

    La L-fucosa y la L-ramnosa son dos azúcares naturales que E.coli es capaz de utilizar como fuente de carbono y energía. La diferencia estructrural entre la ramnosa (6- deoxi - manosa) y la fucosa (6-deoxi-galactosa) está ...

    Clonaje y caracterización de una nueva forma soluble de TNFR2 producida por splicing alternativo. Estudio de su implicación en patologías asociadas a inflamación. 

    Láinez Mas, Begoña (Date of defense: 2005-01-26)

    El factor de la necrosis tumoral, TNF-alfa, es una citocina pleiotrópica implicada en un amplio espectro de respuestas inflamatorias y del sistema inmune. El efecto biológico del TNF-alfaestá mediado por dos ...

    Clonaje, secuenciación y localización intracelular de la isoenzima BB de la fosfoglicerato mutasa de rata 

    Ureña Bares, Jesús Mariano (Date of defense: 1991-01-01)

    El trabajo realizado ha consistido en el clonaje y la secuenciación del CDNA de la forma B de la fosfoglicerato mutasa de rata (PGM) por una parte y en el estudio de la localización intracelular de las isoenzimas de la PGM ...

    The Clothes of Extraversion. Circulation, Consumption and Power in Equatorial Guinea 

    Valenciano i Mañé, Alba (Date of defense: 2017-12-22)

    This thesis is about grassroots strategies of material and political extraversion. It is an ethnography of the provisioning of clothing goods in Equatorial Guinea and it bridges the everyday lives of ordinary people with ...

    Clues to the function of AWR effector proteins by expression on heterologous systems = Caracterització funcional de les proteïnes efectores AWR mitjançant l’expressió en sistemes heteròlegs 

    Popa, Crina Mihaela (Date of defense: 2015-10-16)

    The soil-borne plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum is the causing agent of bacterial wilt, a devastating disease of wide geographical distribution and host range with enormous economic impact worldwide. To cause disease, ...

    Coagulation candidates and metastasis in renal cell carcinoma: mechanisms and therapeutic applications 

    Prieto Durán, Iván (Date of defense: 2022-09-16)

    [spa] A día de hoy, el cáncer es la segunda causa de mortalidad en el ser humano y la mayoría de las muertes son producidas por la metástasis. Aunque se han postulado varias hipótesis para explicar su progresión, aún ...

    Coalicions polítiques i governabilitat comparada a Catalunya, 1980-2003: antecedents, formació i conseqüències del Govern catalanista i d'esquerres, un estudi de cas 

    Ridao, Joan, 1967- (Date of defense: 2006-01-01)

    Una de les grans dificultats en l'anàlisi del fenomen coalicional és la manca d'homogeneïtat en l’objecte d'estudi per part de les diferents teories sobre coalicions polítiques, a més de l’absència de consens a l'hora de ...

    Coalition Politics in Catalan Local Governments, 1979-2011 

    Martínez Farrero, Santi (Date of defense: 2015-02-06)

    With the exception of the different studies performed by Márquez Cruz, and the report about local government (Magre, 2006), there is no other research, in Spain, with the level of detail of the current one, in anything ...

    Coarse-Grained Modeling of the Assembly and Mechanical Properties of Viruses 

    Aznar Palenzuela, María (Date of defense: 2013-10-31)

    The main goal of this thesis is to study the physical mechanisms implicated in the self-assembly and mechanical properties of non-enveloped viral capsids using coarse-grained models. The thesis has been divided into three ...

    Coautoría en el injusto imprudente. Una aproximación analítica desde las teorías de la acción y de la imputación 

    González Lillo, Diego Antonio (Date of defense: 2021-06-04)

    La presente investigación tiene por objetivo analizar las relaciones internas entre la teoría de la intervención delictiva y los criterios de imputación subjetiva, concentrándose específicamente en la estructura de la ...