Now showing items 143-144 of 144

    Universal diagnostic platforms based on oligonucleotide codified nanoparticles and DNA microarray devices 

    Broto Avilés, Marta (Date of defense: 2017-09-18)

    La medicina personalitzada esta prenent rellevància últimament. Aquesta es basa en la monitorització simultània de diferents biomarcadors, els biomarcadors poden ser molècules de diferent naturalesa química. Aquest fet fa ...

    Use of calix[4]arenes to recover the self-assembly ability of mutated p53 tetramerization domains 

    Gordo Villoslada, Susana (Date of defense: 2008-06-30)

    Protein-protein interactions are essential in biological processes and thus, they have become very promising therapeutic targets. Nevertheless, the artificial modulation of protein complexes remains a challenge. Since most ...