Targeting the disordered N-terminal domain of androgen receptor. Novel inhibitors tackling biomolecular condensation to treat late stage prostate cancer 

    Frigolé Vivas, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2020-09-23)

    [eng] Drug discovery is the process by which new drugs are found and developed into the market. Given the scope of this thesis, the term “drug” will refer to small molecules and the term “target” to proteins, otherwise ...

    Technical and economic evaluation of anaerobic membrane bioreactors for municipal wastewater treatment 

    Vinardell Cruañas, Sergi (Fecha de defensa: 2022-05-04)

    Anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR), which is a combination of membrane separation and anaerobic digestion, is an emerging biotechnology for municipal sewage treatment. The application of AnMBRs in the mainline of ...

    Textiles funcionales obtenidos a partir de la incorporación de nanopartículas poliméricas 

    Vílchez Maldonado, Silvia (Fecha de defensa: 2014-03-21)

    El objetivo principal de la presente tesis es el diseño de nanopartículas de etilcelulosa para su utilización como vehículos de principios activos o sustancias lipofílicas y su deposición sobre un tejido, con la finalidad ...

    Ti-containing hybrid organosilicas, Mo(x)C/g-C(3)N(4) nanocomposites and engineered Mo(x)C/TiO(2) nanomaterials as noble-metal-free photocatalysts for H(2) production 

    Wang, Yan (Fecha de defensa: 2022-04-07)

    The photocatalytic hydrogen production is considered an environmentally promising and friendly method, which could lead to achieve clean and renewable hydrogen and contribute in the future to store solar energy as chemical ...

    Towards the validation of a druggable amyloid-beta oligomer as a target for Alzheimer´s disease = Cap a la validació d’un oligomer de beta-amiloide com a diana en la malaltia d’Alzheimer 

    Ninot Pedrosa, Martí (Fecha de defensa: 2018-03-02)

    Amyloid-beta peptide (Aβ) is strongly linked to the aetiology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Aβ is the main component of the amyloid plaques found in the brain of AD patients, however, Aβ is also present in the brain of ...

    Tuning the composition and dimensionality of transition metal carbides as possible catalysts for green chemistry related reactions 

    López Berbel, Martí (Fecha de defensa: 2023-03-03)

    [eng] Transition metal carbides (TMCs) have acquired a wide potential as a green chemistry catalysts. Their relatively high abundance and their catalytic performance makes them great candidates to replace scarce and pollutant ...

    Utilització de 9-fluorenilmetoxicarbonilaminoàcids a la síntesi en fase sòlida de segments peptídics protegits 

    Grandas Sagarra, Anna (Fecha de defensa: 1985-07-08)

    L'objectiu principal d'aquesta Tesi és posar a punt una metodologia de síntesi en fase sòlida de segments peptídics protegits, la qual cosa comporta l´engalzament successiu dels aminoàcids sobre el suport sòlid, el ...