Now showing items 4306-4325 of 5502

    Predictive control with dynamic constraints for closure and opening operations of irrigation canals 

    Galvis Restrepo, Eduard (Date of defense: 2016-01-15)

    Water delivery systems usually work in continuous way based on some prescribed flow conditions and user's needs . However there are situations in which abrupt changes in the operating conditions must be carried on. Typical ...

    Prefabricated foundations for housing applied to room modules 

    Pujadas Gispert, Ester (Date of defense: 2016-02-01)

    Room module buildings have been the subject of extensive literature, but few buildings have actually been built. However, the numbers are now high enough to carry out an on-site analysis, in orde rto confirm or refute the ...

    Preferencias de los consumidores hacia el Omega 3 como reclamo de salud en los productos alimentarios 

    Baba El Mokhtari, Yasmina (Date of defense: 2017-07-12)

    In this thesis we analyzed the preferences of consumers towards foods enriched with healthy components, in particular omega-3 (n-3). Beef and egg have been chosen as case studies. In the first case study, the preferences ...

    Preparación de soportes biomateriales con estructuras fibrilares obtenidas mediante electro-hilatura 

    Erencia Millán, Marisa (Date of defense: 2017-02-01)

    The fabrication of scaffolds materials with the ability to mimic the structural and functional properties of extracellular matrix is one of the most important points of interest into the tissue engineering field. Among the ...

    Preparación y caracterización de espumas multifuncionales a base de nanocompuestos de poliolefinas 

    Sousa Pais Antunes, Marcelo de (Date of defense: 2010-07-23)

    En esta tesis doctoral se presenta la preparación y caracterización de espumas rígidas multifuncionales obtenidas a partir de compuestos y nanocompuestos en base polietileno (PE) y polipropileno (PP), indagando en la ...

    Preparation and characterisation of bimetallic catalysts for the steam reforming of methane 

    Braga, Andrea (Date of defense: 2024-01-25)

    (English) Heterogeneous catalysis is one of the most important chemical technologies available today to produce most chemicals at the basis of industrial production. The transition to a greener energy production demands ...

    Preparation and characterization of nanocomposites based on polylactide manufactured by reactive extrusion-calendering : thermal, rheological, mechanical and fracture properties 

    Bin Raja-Nazri, Raja Nazrul Hakim (Date of defense: 2018-06-01)

    PLA nanocomposites sheets that is rnodified with multi-functional epoxide reactive agent (Joncryi4300F, BASF, Germany) were manufacturad using reactive extrusion in a pilot plant. A commercial grade of PLA (PLA 40320, ...

    Preparation and characterization of reactive extrusion modified PLA/ABS blends and its foams 

    Kamrani Moghadam, Mohammad Reza (Date of defense: 2021-07-21)

    The current thesis takes place within the context of the projects MAT2016-80045-R "Aplicaciones industriales de compuestos y mezclas basados en REX-PLA" and the project "PLAIABS Blends: Recydability and weight reduction" ...

    Presentación, desarrollo y validación de la técnica Barcelona en la aplicación de los electroestimuladores de raíces sacras anteriores implantados (S.A.R.S), para el control esfinteriano en los lesionados medulares 

    Borau Duran, Albert (Date of defense: 2004-06-22)

    Las lesiones de la médula espinal comportan parálisis, falta de sensibilidad y alteraciones en el funcionamiento de los esfínteres (urinario y rectal) y estos a su vez condicionan infecciones urinarias, formación de cálculos ...

    Presente sobre pasado : relaciones entre arquitecturas 

    Pons Garcías, Victoria (Date of defense: 2014-12-05)

    The thesis is about the relations that interventions establish with the precedent architecture where they act. The work deeply analyzes the connection between the new part and the pre-existing architecture. The intervention ...

    Presència, mobilitat i risc d'elements traça en sòls naturals. Els mecanismes de sorció com a reguladors de l'equilibri sòl-aigua. 

    Martinez-Lladó, Xavier (Date of defense: 2008-06-12)

    La correcta gestió del sòl és fonamental per a la protecció d'aquest vector ambiental que serveix de suport a bona part de les activitats de la societat actual i constitueix un actor important en els cicles biogeoquímics ...

    Previsión de precipitación a muy corto plazo combinando técnicas de extrapolación de datos radar y modelos meteorológicos 

    Hernández Navarro, Olver Olfrey (Date of defense: 2018-02-22)

    Rainfall nowcasting based on the extrapolation of most recent radar rainfall fields usually shows better skill than NWP models for short lead times, since it benefits from observations of the initial rainfall state. In ...

    Principios de metodología de superficie de respuesta para modelos logísticos 

    Zan, Arturo T. de (Date of defense: 2006-02-03)

    En esta tesis doctoral abordamos algunos principios para estudiar la Metodología de Superficie de Respuesta (que abreviaremos en adelante como MSR) para datos que siguen distribuciones binarias (Bernoulli y binomial), y ...

    Priority realloc : a threefold mechanism for route and resources allocation in EONs 

    Dantas, Joana Sócrates (Date of defense: 2015-07-17)

    Backbone networks are responsible for long-haul data transport serving many clients with a large volume of data. Since long-haul data transport service must rely on a robust high capacity network the current technology ...

    Privacy in online advertising platforms 

    Estrada Jiménez, José Antonio (Date of defense: 2020-10-02)

    Online advertising is consistently considered as the pillar of the "free• content on the Web since it is commonly the funding source of websites. Furthermore, the option of delivering personalizad ads has tumed advertising ...

    Privacy protection of user profiles in personalized information systems 

    Parra Arnau, Javier (Date of defense: 2013-12-02)

    In recent times we are witnessing the emergence of a wide variety of information systems that tailor the information-exchange functionality to meet the specific interests of their users. Most of these personalized information ...

    Privacy-preserving energy management techniques and delay-sensitive transmission strategies for smart grids 

    Tan, Onur (Date of defense: 2016-07-08)

    The smart grid (SG) is the enhancement of the traditional electricity grid that allows bidirectional flow of electricity and information through the integration of advanced monitoring, communication and control technologies. ...

    Private user-centric management of electronic services in smart communities 

    Robles González, Antonio (Date of defense: 2023-10-05)

    (English) Smart community services are reaching nearly every area of our daily life, often requiring private information from their users. The scope of all contributors to these services is to collaboratively share information ...

    Proactive management of uncertainty to improve scheduling robustness in proces industries 

    Bonfill Teixidor, Anna (Date of defense: 2006-12-18)

    Dinamisme, capacitat de resposta i flexibilitat són característiques essencials en el desenvolupament de la societat actual. Les noves tendències de globalització i els avenços en tecnologies de la informació i comunicació ...

    Proactive software rejuvenation solution for web enviroments on virtualized platforms 

    Alonso López, Javier (Date of defense: 2011-02-21)

    The availability of the Information Technologies for everything, from everywhere, at all times is a growing requirement. We use information Technologies from common and social tasks to critical tasks like managing nuclear ...