Ara mostrant els elements 5048-5067 de 5534

    Suelo rural metropolitano : estudios, planes y proyectos en tres regiones del Sur de Europa 

    Orduña Giró, Paula (Data de defensa: 2020-07-15)

    This research deals with rural land treatment in the urban planning of three metropolitan regions of southern Europe from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day, focusing on how it has contributed to ...

    Suitability of different RANS models in the description of turbulent forced convection flows: application to air curtains 

    Jaramillo Ibarra, Julián Ernesto (Data de defensa: 2008-10-17)

    The main motivation of this thesis is the analysis of turbulent flows. Turbulence plays an important role in engineering applications due to the fact that most flows in industrial equipment and surroundings are in turbulent ...

    Sunlight and glare : the impact of sun patches on the light balance of indoor spaces 

    Aguilar Sánchez, Alexis (Data de defensa: 2014-12-02)

    The overall aim of the thesis is to encourage the presence of sunlight into indoor spaces. The specific objective is to show that, from the lighting point of view, a good design can harness the solar reflection on the ...

    Superficies adaptables a puntos en el espacio 

    Hernández Abad, Francisco, 1952- (Data de defensa: 1985-07-05)

    Es cada día más frecuente la representación de superficies mediante modelos de alambre utilizando ordenador. Una de las dificultades que presentan estos modelos es la obtención de las coordenadas de los puntos de la malla, ...

    Supernovas, constelaciones y nebulosas : algunas singularidades del turismo urbano en Barcelona 

    Pérez Bazán, Cynthia Cecilia (Data de defensa: 2022-03-09)

    Tourist attractions are an essential part of urban tourism. It is often thought that attractions are comparable to each other and that their impacts can be limited as if cities could manage their tourist flows as theme ...

    Superposición de realidades. Colectivos minoritarios en el espacio público de Ciutat Vella. Barcelona 

    Tapia Gómez, Mari Carmen (Data de defensa: 2007-06-19)

    La presente tesis estudia el uso que realizan los habitantes de los colectivos minoritarios en los espacios públicos del casco antiguo de Barcelona identificando las principales transformaciones de tipo funcional, significados, ...

    Superresolution fluorescence microscopy with structured illumination 

    Negash, Awoke (Data de defensa: 2017-11-29)

    The resolution of a conventional fluorescence microscope image is diffraction limited which achieves a spatial resolution of 200nm lateral and 500nm axial. Recently, many superresolution fluorescence microscopy techniques ...

    Supervisió Intel.ligent de processos dinàmics basada en esdeveniments 

    Sarrate Estruch, Ramon (Data de defensa: 2002-04-15)

    En la darrera dècada, el disseny de sistemes de supervisió per a processos industrials ha rebut força atenció. Aquest fet s'explica per l'augment de la demanda en prestacions, flexibilitat i seguretat causada per la creixent ...

    Support tools for groundwater management in the proximity of a mine site 

    Scheiber Pagès, Laura (Data de defensa: 2017-06-09)

    The natural environment in which we live, is subjected, to a greater or lesser extent, to the pressure of human activity, with water being one of the most sensitive elements. For this reason, aware of this situation, from ...

    Supporting decentralized collaborative processes in the digital transformation 

    Sánchez Charles, David (Data de defensa: 2017-09-18)

    Crowdsourcing, the art of involving several individuals in the decentralized execution of business activities, is being positioned as the replacement of outsourcing, as it allows organization to reach a capable workforce ...

    Supporting the context life cycle in service-oriented computing 

    Cabrera Bejar, Oscar Jair (Data de defensa: 2017-06-19)

    Current software community players like academy and industry have been changing the traditional paradigms of software engineering towards context-awareness and distributed computing. Nowadays, service-oriented computing ...

    Supporting the design of sequences of cumulative activities impacting on multiple areas through a data mining approach : application to design of cognitive rehabilitation programs for traumatic brain injury patients 

    García Rudolph, Alejandro (Data de defensa: 2016-02-04)

    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of disability worldwide. It is the most common cause of death and disability during the first three decades of life and accounts for more productive years of life lost than ...

    Suppression and control of modulation instability 

    Kumar, Shubham (Data de defensa: 2017-06-21)

    Dynamical instabilities which lead to spontaneous pattern formation are present in a wide variety of nonlinear dynamical systems, both in nature as well as in technological areas. The instabilities may be saturating, leading ...

    Surface characterization and cell instructive properties of superficially modified dental zirconia 

    Minguela Díaz, Joaquim (Data de defensa: 2021-07-21)

    Tetragonal polycrystalline zirconia doped with 3 mol% yttria (3Y-TZP) has become one of the most popular dental ceramics. Thanks to its outstanding mechanical properties (including high hardness. Toughness and wear ...

    Surface functionalization of cellulosic substrates by using chemical and biotechnological methods 

    Cusola i Aumedes, Oriol (Data de defensa: 2013-12-20)

    This thesis deals with the surface modification of cellulosic substrates by use of chemo-enzymatic methods. Functionalizing cellulose is intended to adjust its properties for various purposes, but particularly for obtaining ...

    Surface modification of zirconia-based bioceramics for orthopedic and dental applications 

    Flamant, Quentin (Data de defensa: 2016-07-20)

    Debido a sus excelentes propiedades mecánicas y una excelente biocompatibilidad, el uso de las cerámicas de base de circona en aplicaciones dentales y ortopédicas ha crecido rápidamente durante las últimas décadas. Sin ...

    Surface nano-structured materials to control bacterial contamination 

    Petkova, Petya Stoyanova (Data de defensa: 2016-07-08)

    The spread of bacteria and infections, initially associated with an increased number of hospital-acquired infections, has now extended into the community causing severe and difficult to treat diseases. Additionally, many ...

    Surface passivation of crystalline silicon by amorphous silicon carbide films for photovoltaic applications 

    Ferré Tomàs, Rafel (Data de defensa: 2008-04-11)

    En aquesta tesi s'estudia la passivació del silici cristal·lí per a la producció de cèl·lules solars d'alta eficiència (> 20%) a baix preu.<br/>Actualment la indústria fotovoltaica empra capes de nitrur de silici crescut ...

    Surface reconstruction for multi-view video 

    Salvador Marcos, Jordi (Data de defensa: 2011-09-23)

    This thesis introduces a methodology for obtaining an alternative representation of video sequences captured by calibrated multi-camera systems in controlled environments with known scene background. This representation ...

    Surface stability and small-scale testing of zirconia 

    Camposilvan, Erik (Data de defensa: 2015-07-08)

    Tetragonal polycrystalline zirconia stabilized with 3 mol% of yttria (3Y-TZP) is a biocompatible ceramic showing superior mechanical properties, which are partly the consequence of phase transformation: the tetragonal ...