Órdenes de experimentación en diseños factoriales 

    Correa Espinal, Alexander Alberto (Fecha de defensa: 2007-06-21)

    Cuando se plantea un diseño factorial la práctica habitual es recomendar que los experimentos se realicen en orden aleatorio. Esta aleatorización tiene como objetivo el proteger de la posible influencia de factores ...

    p-adic L-functions, p-adic Gross-Zagier formulas and plectic points 

    Hernández Barrios, Víctor (Fecha de defensa: 2022-04-19)

    In this work we generalize the construction of p-adic anticyclotomic L-functions associated to an elliptic curve E/F and a quadratic extension K/F, by defining a measure µ_f^p attached to K/F and an automorphic form. In ...

    Paisagem e Arquitetura no Rio de Janeiro, iconografia do olhar conciliador de pintores e arquitetos 

    Bahia de Andrade, Tarcisio (Fecha de defensa: 2003-09-30)

    La tesis tiene como objeto de investigación el paisaje de Río de Janeiro, consolidada por una estructura topográfica - la naturaleza - y otra humana - la arquitectura -. El deseo por la conciliación que la arquitectura ...

    Paisajes de la nueva centralidad. Infraestructuras arteriales y polarización del crecimeinto en la Región Metropolitana de Barcelona 

    Vecslir Peri, Lorena (Fecha de defensa: 2005-12-20)

    El estudio de la polarización en la RMB nos demuestra cómo, en las últimas dos décadas, a las anteriores modalidades de crecimiento (agregación, dispersión, procesos de transformación interna) se ha ido superponiendo ...

    Paisajes disruptivos : la representación de los incendios forestales en el paisaje mediterráneo 

    Morán Núñez, Francisca Josefa (Fecha de defensa: 2020-11-19)

    This thesis explores representation in landscape architecture as a means of integrating wildfires as a disturbance in landscape planning and management. The case study of the Sierra de Collserola in the Barcelona Metropolitan ...

    Paisatges d'autopista : la seqüència com a lectura paisatgística 

    Vidal-Casanovas, Eugènia (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-05)

    The motorway is one of the privileged viewpoints of the contemporary landscape. Is it possible, however, to also conceive it as a creator of new landscapes? A landscape not only understood as a geographical space but also ...

    El Panecillo de Quito, de monte-artificio a artefacto urbano 

    Bueno García, Cristina Vanessa (Fecha de defensa: 2023-07-13)

    (English) The urban fabric of many cities, as they grew, engulfed hills found on the edges of their colonial layout. Cities and their inhabitants developed a complex relationship with these protrusions that questioned the ...

    Para una sociología de la intelectualidad outsider : manierismo (1964), de Arnold Hauser, y los marxismos heterodoxos 

    Saldaña Puerto, César (Fecha de defensa: 2023-09-15)

    (English) Mannerism is one of the most contentious concepts in the history of Western art, and it is significant that an author as controversial as Arnold Hauser (1892-1978) devoted a good part of his efforts to it. The ...

    Paralelización automática de recurrencias en programas secuenciales numéricos 

    Ayguadé i Parra, Eduard (Fecha de defensa: 1989-10-21)

    La programació d'aplicacions en màquines paral·leles és un tema d'interès quant a que cada vegada són més les màquines d'aquest tipus disponibles comercialment.<br><br/>Per a això l'usuari disposa de dues opcions: (a) ...

    A parallel algorithm for deformable contact problems 

    Rivero, Matias Ignacio (Fecha de defensa: 2018-04-27)

    In the field of nonlinear computational solid mechanics, contact problems deal with the deformation of separate bodies which interact when they come in touch. Usually, these problems are formulated as constrained minimization ...

    Parallel algorithms for computational fluid dynamics on unstructured meshes 

    Borrell Pol, Ricard (Fecha de defensa: 2012-10-31)

    La simulació numèrica directa (DNS) de fluxos complexes és actualment una utopia per la majoria d'aplicacions industrials ja que els requeriments computacionals son massa elevats. Donat un flux, la diferència entre els ...

    Parallel algorithms for fluid and rigid body interaction 

    Samaniego Alvarado, Cristóbal (Fecha de defensa: 2015-12-14)

    This thesis is based on the implementation of a computational system to numerically simulate the interaction between a fluid and an arbitrary number of rigid bodies. This implementation was performed in a distributed ...

    Parallel architectures and runtime systems co-design for task-based programming models 

    Castillo Villar, Emilio (Fecha de defensa: 2019-04-29)

    The increasing parallelism levels in modern computing systems has extolled the need for a holistic vision when designing multiprocessor architectures taking in account the needs of the programming models and applications. ...

    Parallel Lagrangian particle transport : application to respiratory system airways 

    Olivares Mañas, Edgar (Fecha de defensa: 2018-11-09)

    This thesis is focused on particle transport in the context of high computing performance (HPC) in its widest range, from the numerical modeling to the physics involved, including its parallelization and post-process. The ...

    Parallel multigrid algorithms for computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer 

    Soria Guerrero, Manel (Fecha de defensa: 2000-07-18)

    The main purpose of the dissertation is to contribute to the development of numerical techniques for computational heat transfer and fluid flow, suitable for low cost (loosely coupled) parallel computers. It is focused on ...

    Parallel object-oriented algorithms for simulation of multiphysics : application to thermal systems 

    López Mas, Joan (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-05)

    The present and the future expectation in parallel computing pose a new generational change in simulation and computing. Modern High Performance Computing (HPC) facilities have high computational power in terms of operations ...

    Parallel optimization algorithms for high performance computing : application to thermal systems 

    Aizpurua Udabe, Imanol (Fecha de defensa: 2017-03-31)

    The need of optimization is present in every field of engineering. Moreover, applications requiring a multidisciplinary approach in order to make a step forward are increasing. This leads to the need of solving complex ...

    Parallel robots with unconventional joints to achieve under-actuation and reconfigurability 

    Grosch, Patrick (Fecha de defensa: 2016-06-23)

    The aim of the thesis is to define, analyze, and verify through simulations and practical implementations, parallel robots with unconventional joints that allow them to be under-actuated and/or reconfigurable. The new ...

    Parallel scalability of face detection in heterogeneous multithreaded architectures 

    Oro García, David (Fecha de defensa: 2020-11-17)

    Recently, facial recognition systems have become extremely popular and deployments of this technology are now ubiquitous. Applications ranging from access control to automated surveillance of video feeds rely on facial ...

    Parallel video decoding 

    Álvarez Mesa, Mauricio (Fecha de defensa: 2011-09-08)

    Digital video is a popular technology used in many different applications. The quality of video, expressed in the spatial and temporal resolution, has been increasing continuously in the last years. In order to reduce the ...