Ara mostrant els elements 4346-4365 de 5492

    Producción fotocatalítica de H2 con microrreactores y cristales fotónicos 

    Castedo Rodríguez, Alejandra (Data de defensa: 2018-09-21)

    The depletion of fossil fuels and increase of global warming lead to a high demand for alternative energy sources that should be cheap and renewable to fulfill the future energy demand. The photocatalytic generation of H2 ...

    Product of digraphs, (super) edge-magic valences and related problems 

    Mohan, Prahu (Data de defensa: 2019-07-03)

    Discrete Mathematics, and in particular Graph Theory, has gained a lot of popularity during the last 7 decades. Among the many branches in Graph Theory, graph labelings has experimented a fast development, in particular ...

    Production of carbohydrates and polyhydrohybutyrate by cyanobacteria grown in wastewater 

    Arias, Dulce María (Data de defensa: 2018-09-28)

    Cyanobacteria are prokaryotic aerobic photosynthetic microorganisms with the capacity to remove nutrients from wastewater and synthesize a large variety of bioactive compounds and valuable byproducts. Among those valuable ...

    Productos de cuidado personal en el medio ambiente : presencia, destino y efectos 

    Molins Delgado, Daniel (Data de defensa: 2017-12-01)

    In this PhD. Thesis the results of eleven studies about the presence, distribution, and effects of personal care products (PCPs) in the environment are presented with the intention of giving a consolidated vision and to ...

    Progetti e processi in conflitto: il fronte marittimo di Barcellona 

    Fava, Nadia (Data de defensa: 2004-03-29)

    La tesis propone dar una visión de la larga duración en los procesos urbanos de reconversiones implicados en la redefinición del frente marítimo de las ciudades portuarias e investigar las razones de los cambios estructurales ...

    Prognostics and health aware model predictive control of wind turbines 

    Sánchez Sardi, Héctor Eloy (Data de defensa: 2017-07-21)

    Wind turbines components are subject to considerable stresses and fatigue due to extreme environmental conditions to which they are exposed, especially those located offshore. Also, the most common faults present in wind ...

    Programación de actividades en celdas robotizadas de tipo flowshop con buffers finitos y piezas distintas 

    Pendones, Juan Pablo (Data de defensa: 2016-04-20)

    In this dissertation it is solved a problem of optimization in automated systems of production based on robotic cells where the time of completion of parts Cmax is minimized and where there are buffers between pairs of ...

    Programmable DSP-enabled multi-adaptive optical transceivers based on OFDM technology for software defined networks 

    Martín González, Laura (Data de defensa: 2019-04-30)

    The dynamic behavior of the traffic demand, due to the advent of technologies such as cloud services or Internet of Things (IoT), is increasing. In fact, heterogeneous connections with different characteristics (bandwidth ...

    Programming and parallelising applications for distributed infrastructures 

    Tejedor Saavedra, Enric (Data de defensa: 2013-07-15)

    The last decade has witnessed unprecedented changes in parallel and distributed infrastructures. Due to the diminished gains in processor performance from increasing clock frequency, manufacturers have moved from uniprocessor ...

    Programming model abstractions for optimizing I/O intensive applications 

    Elshazly, Hatem Mohamed Abdelfattah Eid (Data de defensa: 2021-01-28)

    This thesis contributes from the perspective of task-based programming models to the efforts of optimizing I/O intensive applications. Throughout this thesis, we propose programming model abstractions and mechanisms that ...

    Programming models and scheduling techniques for heterogeneous architectures 

    Planas Carbonell, Judit (Data de defensa: 2015-11-03)

    There is a clear trend nowadays to use heterogeneous high-performance computers, as they offer considerably greater computing power than homogeneous CPU systems. Extending traditional CPU systems with specialized units ...

    Programming models for mobile environments 

    Lordan Gomis, Francesc-Josep (Data de defensa: 2018-07-20)

    For the last decade, mobile devices have grown in popularity and became the best-selling computing devices. Despite their high capabilities for user interactions and network connectivity, the computing power of mobile ...

    Programming models to support data science workflows 

    Ramón-Cortés Vilarrodona, Cristián (Data de defensa: 2020-09-21)

    Data Science workflows have become a must to progress in many scientific areas such as life, health, and earth sciences. In contrast to traditional HPC workflows, they are more heterogeneous; combining binary executions, ...

    Programming, debugging, profiling and optimizing transactional memory programs 

    Hasanov Zyulkyarov, Ferard (Data de defensa: 2011-07-19)

    Transactional memory (TM) is a new optimistic synchronization technique which has the potential of making shared memory parallel programming easier compared to locks without giving up from the performance. This thesis ...

    Promoting cardiac regeneration by biomimetic microenvironments 

    Martínez Hernández, Marina (Data de defensa: 2023-12-20)

    (English) Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death in the world. The heart has a very limited regeneration capacity. Thus, following tissue damage – e.g., myocardial infarction –, heart transplantation ...

    Propagació d'informació en grafs i digrafs que modelen xarxes d'interconnexió simètriques 

    Mitjana, Margarida (Data de defensa: 1999-03-11)

    L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és aprofondir en l'estudi d'una certa família de dígrafs, els dígrafs de prefix-cicle, donant nous detalls sobre la seva estructura, noves maneres d'enfocar el seu estudi, i dissenyant bons esquemes ...

    Propagació i generació de llum en nanoestructures fotòniques 

    Botey Cumella, Muriel (Data de defensa: 2009-07-24)

    Els materials nanoestructats periòdics han ofert, en les dues darreres dècades, un nou marc per a l'estudi de la interacció entre la radiació electromagnètica i la matèria. Aquestes estructures permeten modelar les propietats ...

    Propagación de ondas monocromáticas en guíaondas dieléctricas planas formadas por medios no lineales tipo Keir: Aplicación al diseño de dispositivos lógicos 

    Dios Otín, Federico (Data de defensa: 1992-03-05)

    El trabajo se enmarca dentro del estudio de ciertas propiedades ópticas con vistas a su inclusión en el diseño de dispositivos de conmutación de señales ópticas. En particular se ha prestado atención a los medios que exhiben ...

    Propagation in reaction-diffusion equations with fractional diffusion 

    Coulon, Anne-Charline (Data de defensa: 2014-07-07)

    This thesis focuses on the long time behaviour of solutions to Fisher-KPP reaction-diffusion equations involving fractional diffusion. This type of equation arises, for example, in spatial propagation or spreading of ...

    Proper generalized decomposition solutions for composite laminates parameterized with fibre orientations for fast computations 

    El-Ghamrawy, Karim (Data de defensa: 2021-04-23)

    Composite materials are gaining popularity as an alternative to classical materials in many different applications. Moreover, their design is even more flexible due to the potential of additive ...