Now showing items 206-209 of 209

    Valoración de proyectos mineros en el Perú mediante el enfoque de opciones reales 

    Agüero Olivos, Carlos Eduardo (Date of defense: 2015-11-09)

    The evaluation of an investment project in the mining sector in Peru, is made the traditional way, using the method of Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), with the consequence obtain estimates of valuation not necessarily close ...

    Variables definitorias de las glorietas y su incorporación a las especialidades científicas 

    Xiqués Triquell, Jordi (Date of defense: 2016-04-04)

    This research aims to enumerate, classify and validate the variables defining a roundabout in terms of geometric, dynamic, road-safety and accident prevention. In the first instance an initial list of variables has been ...

    La vinculación entre los sectores financiero e inmobiliario 

    Arderiu Calvo, Amadeo (Date of defense: 2015-12-17)

    The link between financial and real estate sectors, sometimes excessive and others inadequate, is generated through its assets and in all the operations in which they intervene. Its study comprises finance of mortgage-backed ...

    What groups of factors do senior executives believe affect their use of executive information systems? 

    Cano Giner, Josep Lluís (Date of defense: 2013-02-18)

    In a highly competitive and turbulent environment, executives need more efficient ways to analyze their companies, markets and competitors. The aim is to help their organizations become more competitive and, as a result, ...