Now showing items 241-260 of 266

    The application of broadband ultrafast spectroscopy to reveal structural, magnetic and electronic dynamics in quantum materials 

    Moreno Mencía, David (Date of defense: 2021-11-22)

    In the last decades, quantum materials have received much attention in the field of condensed matter physics due, in part, to their exotic properties. These are difficult to understand as they result from multiple physical ...

    Theoretical models for quantum simulators of novel materials and devices 

    Salamon, Tymoteusz Piotr (Date of defense: 2024-01-15)

    (English) Over the past three decades, optically trapped ultra-cold atoms have served as a versatile platform for controlled exploration of numerous condensed matter phenomena. The successful fabrication of magic angle ...

    Thermal and optical-gain effects in nanophotonics with applications to sensing and perfect absorption 

    Meng, Lijun (Date of defense: 2018-12-11)

    Surface plasmons, which are characteristic oscillations of induced charges at metal surfaces that can interact strongly with light, are a key topic in nanophotonics. It can tightly confine the optical electric energy in ...

    Thermo-plasmonics : controlling and probing temperature on the nanometer scale 

    Donner, Jon Sean (Date of defense: 2014-05-30)

    In the last decades, optics has become central in many applications in modern society. Nano-optics, which studies the behavior of light at the nanoscale, holds promise to do the same. However, when using traditional optical ...

    Thermodynamics and quantum correlations 

    Perarnau Llobet, Martí (Date of defense: 2016-06-06)

    Thermodynamics traditionally deals with macroscopic systems at thermal equilibrium. However, since the very beginning of the theory, its range of applicability has only increased, nowadays being applied to virtually every ...

    Time domain, near-infrared diffuse optical methods for path length resolved, non-invasive measurement of deep-tissue blood flow 

    Pagliazzi, Marco (Date of defense: 2019-10-04)

    The non-invasive and, often, continuous measurement of the hemodynamics of the body, and for the main purposes of this thesis, the brain, is desired because both the instantaneous values and their changes over time constantly ...

    Toward integrating continuous-variable quantum key distribution technology 

    Aldama Guardia, Jennifer Diana (Date of defense: 2023-12-20)

    (English) Being able to secure confidential information is imperative in today’s society, but advancements in quantum technologies pose a potential threat. In response, researchers are developing technologies based on ...

    Toward next-generation nanophotonic devices 

    Yu, Renwen (Date of defense: 2019-07-11)

    In this thesis, we aim to explore several novel designs of nanostructures based on graphene to realize various functionalities. We briefly introduce the fundamental concepts and theoretical models used in this thesis in ...

    Towards the generation of isolated attosecond pulses in the water window 

    Cousin, Seth Lucien (Date of defense: 2016-09-12)

    Attosecond science investigates the realm of processes that happen in fleetingly short passages of time. One attosecond to one second, is what one second is to the age of the universe! Advances in lasers and specifically ...

    Translation of non-invasive optical measurements of hemodynamics and oxygen metabolism to the clinic 

    Lindner, Claus (Date of defense: 2017-03-24)

    Several clinical studies for non-invasive estimation of tissue hemodynamics by the combination of two diffuse optical techniques, time-resolved and diffuse correlation spectroscopy, were carried out in collaboration with ...

    Transparent surfaces based on ultrathin materials with tailored optical and biological functionalities 

    Graham, Cristina (Date of defense: 2024-01-23)

    (English) The properties of ultrathin materials present exciting opportunities to develop multifunctional surfaces. In addition, the use of plastic and thin glass as transparent substrates has the potential to extend the ...

    Two-component Bose-Einstein condensates with competing interactions 

    Sanz Sánchez, Julio (Date of defense: 2020-02-10)

    This thesis reports the experimental study of two-component Bose-Einstein condensates with tunable interactions, which are exploited as a platform to perform quantum simulation of many-body quantum systems. To perform ...

    Ultracold atoms in artificial gauge fields 

    Grass, Tobias (Date of defense: 2013-04-23)

    The present thesis studies a variety of cold atomic systems in artificial gauge fields. In the first part we focus on fractional quantum Hall effects, asking whether interesting topological states can be realized with cold ...

    Ultracold atoms in optical lattices with long-range interactions and periodic driving 

    Tieleman, Olivier (Date of defense: 2013-03-08)

    This thesis contains theoretical research on ultracold quantum gases in spatially periodic potentials, featuring high-frequency periodic driving, long-range interactions, or both. The largest part features deep potentials ...

    Ultrafast carrier and structural dynamics in graphite detected via attosecond soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy 

    Di Palo, Nicola (Date of defense: 2020-03-26)

    Understanding most of the physical and chemical phenomena determining the world around us requires the possibility to interrogate their main characters on their natural scale in space and time. The insulating or conductive ...

    Ultrafast optical parametric oscillators : novel systems, techniques, and concepts 

    Badarla, Venkata Ramaiah (Date of defense: 2014-10-31)

    In this thesis, we have demonstrated various ultrafast optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) based on different nonlinear media. The thesis consists of OPO systems, novel techniques, designs, and concepts that has facilitated ...

    Ultrafast optoelectronics in 2D materials and their heterostructures 

    Massicotte, Mathieu (Date of defense: 2017-09-05)

    Understanding and improving how light is converted into electricity in materials is one of the central goals in the field of optoelectronics. This basic physical process lies at the heart of several major technologies, ...

    Ultrathin metal transparent electrodes for the optoelectronics industry 

    Ghosh, Dhriti Sundar (Date of defense: 2012-10-11)

    Transparent electrodes (TEs) are the essential elements of many optoelectronic devices such as solar cells, touch screens, organic LEDs, and LCDs. Consequently demand for TEs is growing very steeply and the market value ...

    Unravelling 3D cargo transport dynamics at the microtubule network with super-resolution microscopy 

    Verdeny Vilanova, Ione (Date of defense: 2016-10-13)

    Intracellular transport plays an essential role in a wide variety of fundamental cellular processes required to maintain the internal regulation and organization of cells. Different types of cargos such as organelles, ...

    Unravelling motor protein organization on lysosomal membranes with super-resolution microscopy 

    Cordier, Guillaume (Date of defense: 2018-04-03)

    This thesis first develops new methods for high-throughput and multi-color super-resolution microscopy (Chapters 2 and 3). Subsequently, I apply these methods to study the organization of motor proteins on the lysosome ...