Luna Soca, Francisco Javier (Date of defense: 2013-02-01)
The main objective of this research is to explore the relationship between the subjective well-being and a set of school factors that characterize both the functioning of the classroom and the school, ...
González Carrasco, Mònica (Date of defense: 2004-12-21)
El benestar psicològic, entès com la vessant psicològica que forma part del concepte més ampli de qualitat de vida, constitueix un àmbit d'estudi en expansió. Tot i tenir un passat més breu en comparació ...
Vaqué Crusellas, Cristina (Date of defense: 2012-12-17)
The aim of this research is to know the relationship between children’s evaluations on their subjective well-being and food. We used an exploratory and multiple-method cross-sectional study with students ...
Montserrat Boada, Carme (Date of defense: 2006-09-04)
La importància que els acolliments en família extensa han assolit en la darrera dècada dins dels sistemes de protecció infantil en la major part dels països occidentals, contrasta tant amb l'escassa i ...
Albertín Carbó, Pilar (Date of defense: 2000-06-30)
Presentación <br/>El siguiente trabajo es un ejercicio reflexivo sobre una experiencia própia: Un estudio etnográfico sobre usuarios/as de heroína realizado en un barrio de Barcelona entre los años ...
Alfaro Inzunza, Jaime (Date of defense: 2013-01-31)
This study investigates the relationship between community psychology and social policies, seeking to determine which contextual conditions, institutional and interaction of actors help to explain the ...
Pereira de Abreu, Desirée (Date of defense: 2017-01-16)
This doctoral thesis aims to study the relationship between stressful everyday events, coping strategies for stress and subjective well-being in children and adolescents schooled in northeastern Brazil. ...
Crous Parcerisas, Gemma (Date of defense: 2018-03-15)
The main objective is to explore eudaimonic well-being (PWB) and social exclusion from children’s and adolescents’ perspective and the associations between these constructs and with other related ones ...
Miranda Ayala, Rafael (Date of defense: 2020-06-30)
School violence is a pandemic that affects millions of children and adolescents worldwide. The effects of suffering school violence diminsh the development of cognitive abilities as well as experiencing ...
Navarro, Dolors (Date of defense: 2011-09-05)
The aim of this research is to gain greater understanding of the psychosocial implications of adolescents’ social participation at school and how this relates to their personal well-being. We designed ...