Now showing items 65-84 of 112

    Importance of hydrogen-mediated mechanisms for microbial electrosynthesis: regulation at the molecular level 

    Perona Vico, Elisabet (Date of defense: 2022-01-28)

    Microbial electrosynthesis (MES) is engineered to use electric power and carbon dioxide (CO2) as the only energy and carbon sources in reductive bioelectrochemical processes for biosynthesis. This technology is conducted ...

    In vitro production of porcine embryos. New insights into optimization of culture media with relevance to sex ratio purposes 

    Torner Bosch, Eva (Date of defense: 2014-06-20)

    This thesis is about challenges that currently concern in vitro production (IVP), sex determination procedures and sex-related survival of in vitro-produced porcine embryos. Specifically, the current thesis develops a new ...

    El Inhibidor de carboxipeptidasa de patata (PCI): un antagonista del EGF con actividad antitumoral 

    Blanco Aparicio, Carmen (Date of defense: 1998-07-17)

    In this work we report that potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor suppresses the growth of several human and mouse pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell lines. The inhibitor also reduces the growth of solid tumors obtained by ...

    Inhibition of sialyltransferases in pancreatic cancer: effects on the EGFR pathway and on the tumour phenotype 

    Miró Domènech, Laura (Date of defense: 2023-01-13)

    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) presents a dismal prognosis mainly due to its delayed diagnosis, its aggressiveness, and resistance to existing therapies. Aberrant glycosylation and, in particular, the overexpression ...

    Inter-limb asymmetries and sports performance: from assessment to the application of a sport-specific iso-inertial resistance training in young athletes 

    Madruga Parera, Marc (Date of defense: 2020-06-03)

    The asymmetries detected in the different multi-directional sports vary in magnitude depending on the test selected. Furthermore, in the individual analysis of the different tests administered, it was observed that athlete’s ...

    Intestinal microbiology in Crohn's disease: a study of Escherichia coli as a potential etiologic agent 

    Martínez Medina, Margarita (Date of defense: 2009-12-22)

    La malaltia de Crohn és una malaltia inflamatòria intestinal crònica d'etiologia encara desconeguda. Actualment es pensa que hi participen factors genètics i immunològics que confereixen una susceptibilitat a l'hoste, i ...

    Les sHsps en surera: Estudis de funcionalitat 

    Salvà Vila, Lluís (Date of defense: 2005-03-16)

    Aquesta tesi es centra en la caracterització funcional d'una proteïna de xoc de calor de baix pes molecular (Small Heat Shock Protein - sHSP) de classe I de surera pel que fa a la seva capacitat per protegir les cèl·lules ...

    L´onconasa com a model per l´estudi de les bases moleculars de la citotoxicitat de les ribonucleases pancreàtiques. Aplicacions a la construcció de ribonucleases amb activitat antimicrobiana 

    Torrent Albertí, Gerard (Date of defense: 2009-03-27)

    La primera part d'aquest treball s´ha centrat en la caracterització i optimització del procés d'activació de l´onconasa recombinant per tal d'obtenir l´enzim igual a la forma nativa. Per això, les reaccions d'eliminació ...

    L’extracte de fulla d’olivera redueix la pressió arterial de pacients amb hipertensió arterial lleugera sense malaltia vascular subclínica 

    Espín Sánchez, Rufina (Date of defense: 2023-06-16)

    Introduction: Hypertension is the common cardiovascular risk factor and affects 20 to 50% of the population. Treatment, with drugs or not, involves improving lifestyle. Olive leaf extract has traditionally been taken to ...

    Mecanismes cel·lulars en la curació de ferides a Hirudo medicinalis 

    Huguet i Blanco, Gemma (Date of defense: 1994-06-06)

    S'estudia la histologia normal de la paret corporal d'Hirudo medicinalis i els canvis morfogenètics que es donen durant el procés de cicatrització de ferides per incisió, cauterització i nitrat de plata.<br/>El procés de ...

    Microbial communities responses in fluvial biofilms under metal stressed scenarios 

    Argudo Fernández, Maria (Date of defense: 2021-02-08)

    This thesis shows how the metals of natural and anthropic origin change significantly the composition of the prokaryotic communities (mainly the composition of bacteria). The β-diversity is the most sensitive variable to ...

    Millora de la qualitat espermàtica de dosis seminals de mascles reproductors Piétrain per filtració en diverses reïnes 

    Bussalleu Muntada, Eva (Date of defense: 2008-03-07)

    En aquest treball s'ha dissenyat un mètode ràpid i fiable de tinció amb fluorocroms per a l'anàlisi de la integritat i viabilitat espermàtiques a partir del marcatge de la beina mitocondrial amb MitoTracker®Green FM, de ...

    Molecular genetics of cork formation 

    Soler del Monte, Marçal (Date of defense: 2008-06-09)

    La peridermis és una estructura complexa que protegeix els òrgans vegetals madurs (secundaris) i les zones que han sofert ferides de la pèrdua d'aigua i dels patògens. Aquesta funció barrera és deguda al fel·lema o súber, ...

    Molecular insights into mammalian sperm physiology: a comparative study of glutathione S-transferases in male reproduction 

    Llavanera Bruguera, Marc (Date of defense: 2023-05-12)

    Male infertility is a global health problem affecting one in four infertile couples. This also has a negative repercussion on the animal breeding industry, where infertility has a detrimental impact on their balance sheets. ...

    Molecular insights on arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy: assessment of premature termination codons in desmosomal genes and variants reclassification 

    Vallverdú Prats, Marta (Date of defense: 2023-02-03)

    Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ACM) is an entity that groups different clinical forms of hereditable cardiac diseases that are associated to ventricular arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death. The main cases are characterized ...

    Molecular mechanism of PE5-induced cytotoxicity and generation of new cytotoxic nuclear-directed 

    Vert Company, Anna (Date of defense: 2014-07-30)

    Cytotoxic ribonucleases are promising agents to be used in the treatment of cancer. Our group previously described a cytotoxic human pancreatic ribonuclease variant, named PE5, which carries a nuclear localization signal. ...

    Moléculas séricas relacionadas con la fisiopatología del adenocarcinoma pancreático como posibles marcadores tumorales 

    Ferri Iglesias, María José (Date of defense: 2012-09-27)

    Serum levels of several molecules associated to pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC) pathophysiology are evaluated in this work, in order to determine their diagnostic value, distinguishing between PDAC patients and healthy ...

    Monitoratge de la malaltia inflamatòria intestinal en la pràctica clínica mitjançant marcadors de la microbiota intestinal en mostres fecals. Estudi prospectiu 

    Miquel Cusachs, Josep Oriol (Date of defense: 2021-12-17)

    The gut microbiota (GM) plays a pivotal role in the maintenance of gut homeostasis, and the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) which includes Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). The degree of ...

    New insights into boar sperm function and survival from integrated field and laboratory studies 

    Yeste Oliveras, Marc (Date of defense: 2008-12-17)

    En aquesta tesi s'han dut a terme dos tipus d'estudis diferents. L'objectiu del primer era la preservació del semen de porcí a 15ºC i el del segon eren els co-cultius homòlegs de cèl·lules epitelials de l'oviducte i ...

    New tumour markers for pancreatic cancer based on the altered glycosylation of serum glycoproteins 

    Duran Sidera, Adrià (Date of defense: 2023-11-14)

    Pancreatic cancer (PaC) is the deadliest of all tumours, with a 5-year survival below 12% and a mortality/incidence ratio of 94.5%. One of the main reasons behind this dismal prognosis is the diagnosis of the disease at ...