Now showing items 1-20 of 24
Araguas Solà, Rosa M. (Date of defense: 2009-07-03)
Durant anys, el principal mètode de gestió de les poblacions de truita comuna (Salmo trutta L.) ha estat la repoblació amb exemplars exògens. El seguiment genètic de les poblacions de truita comuna dels Pirineus orientals, ...
Prieto Martínez, Noelia (Date of defense: 2017-03-17)
Aquaporins (AQPs) are proteins involved in the transport of water and some other solutes across plasma membranes. The fact that mammalian spermatozoa are highly permeable to water suggests the presence of these proteins. ...
Díaz Santa, Johana Alejandra (Date of defense: 2022-12-16)
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is adults' most common acute leukemia. Prognostic factors influencing treatment response and patient survival are diverse, the most relevant being those associated with specific cytogenetic and ...
Collado Gimbert, Rosa (Date of defense: 2019-11-11)
Bovine mastitis caused by Streptococcus uberis is a major problem in the dairy industry worldwide. Despite of that, there is no vaccine commercial available against it. Therefore, the objectives of this doctoral thesis are ...
Planella Albí, Laia (Date of defense: 2018-06-27)
The blue and red shrimp, Aristeus antennatus, is a commercially important crustacean in the Western Mediterranean Sea and has been listed as a priority species for fishery management. In this thesis, 97 potential and novel ...
Callís i Figueres, Mariona (Date of defense: 2015-04-17)
El disseny i la producció de zimògens de ribonucleases que puguin ser específicament activats per la proteasa d’un patogen, constitueix un enginyós mecanisme per controlar la seva activitat enzimàtica i, conseqüentment, ...
Sanz Ball-llosera, Núria (Date of defense: 2000-12-15)
L'estudi de la diversitat i la diferenciació genètiques de les poblacions de truita comuna (Salmo trutta L.) a la Península Ibèrica ha confirmat l'elevada diferenciació observada en treballs previs i la divergència, ja ...
Agulló Chazarra, Melania (Date of defense: 2022-11-16)
The conservation of a commercially exploited species is fundamental to ensure the long-term sustainability of the resource. Thus, genetic information is essential for the identification of reproductively isolated and ...
Fernández Cebrián, Raquel (Date of defense: 2012-03-22)
In the present study an amplification and genotyping system for 9 microsatellite loci has been developed and used to genotype brown trout (Salmo trutta) individuals. This system has allowed, on one hand, to efficiently ...
Verdaguer i Serrat, Roger (Date of defense: 2015-04-10)
The results obtained in this thesis indicate that StNAC103 promoter activity is induced in tissues undergoing suberin synthesis. Moreover StNAC103 transcript accumulation is concomitant to that of CYP86A33 and takes place ...
Gordo Hernández, Verónica (Date of defense: 2021-06-23)
Protein splicing is an autocatalytic process with different stages that involves the elimination of an internal sequence, called intein, from the precursor polypeptide chain and the formation of a peptide bond between ...
Vera Rodríguez, Manuel (Date of defense: 2006-07-28)
Se ha analizado las causas de la distribución espacial de la variabilidad genética del ADN mitocondrial en poblaciones de trucha común de la cuenca del Duero y de los Pirineos Orientales. En total se han analizado de novo ...
Santos Carvajal, Nazly (Date of defense: 2022-11-25)
Study of the impact of UGT2B17 and PD-1 on allogeneic transplantation of hematopoietic progenitors (allo-TPH) from HLA-identical related donor. everal genetic factors can favor the development of graft-versus-host disease ...
Fernández Piñán, Sandra (Date of defense: 2018-04-13)
The periderm is a complex structure that protects plants’ secondary organs and wounded tissues. This function is given by the phellem, a multilayered tissue formed by cells with suberized cell walls located on the outer ...
Torner Bosch, Eva (Date of defense: 2014-06-20)
This thesis is about challenges that currently concern in vitro production (IVP), sex determination procedures and sex-related survival of in vitro-produced porcine embryos. Specifically, the current thesis develops a new ...
Vallverdú Prats, Marta (Date of defense: 2023-02-03)
Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ACM) is an entity that groups different clinical forms of hereditable cardiac diseases that are associated to ventricular arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death. The main cases are characterized ...
Mateo Otero, Yentel (Date of defense: 2023-06-13)
For many years, reproductive outcomes were considered as being solely determined by the genome of oocytes and sperm. Yet, in the last decades, many other female and male factors have also been found to be relevant. Focusing ...
Marti Serrano, Elisabet (Date of defense: 2014-03-07)
The overuse of antibiotics has led to the selection of resistant strains. This thesis investigated the occurrence of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in aquatic microbial communities influenced by anthropogenic activities. ...
Fernández Hernández, Maria Victoria (Date of defense: 2012-11-28)
The conservation of species relies on a deep knowledge of biology of the species concerned, as well as on the identification of reproductively isolated units, which are genetically different from one other (genetic stocks). ...
Delgado Bermúdez, Ariadna (Date of defense: 2022-07-28)
The spermatozoon is a highly specialised cell that travels along the female reproductive tract to deliver its genetic information into the oocyte. During this journey, the interaction with the varying environment is crucial ...