Ara mostrant els elements 1-3 de 3

    La circulació de moneda baiximperial a les ciuitates de Girona i Empúries durant el baix Imperi romà 

    Bouzas, Marc (Data de defensa: 2019-05-10)

    The main objective of this thesis is to establish the circulation dynamics of late roman coinage in the roman ciuitates of Girona and Empúries during the historical period known as the Late Roman Empire. To do so, we studied ...

    La superación del mito de la Atenas suramericana: los cafés como espacios de la producción cultural (Bogotá 1880-1930) 

    Llano, Fabián Andrés (Data de defensa: 2019-06-18)

    The study of cafes as spaces of cultural exchange and places of literary modernity can bring with them stories of gatherings and literary encounters, including vanguards defined under cultural movements that defied tradition ...

    Miquel Mai (ca. 1480-1546). Art i cultura a la cort de Carles V 

    Bellsolell Martínez, Joan (Data de defensa: 2011-07-12)

    The doctoral thesis was an study about Miquel Mai, a polític, jurist, bibliophile and art collector in Barcelona in the first half of the XVI century. The thesis presents the figure of Miquel Mai by his biographic history, ...