Ara mostrant els elements 21-40 de 88

    Protecting archaeological heritage during conflicts. Syria’s archaeological heritage during the conflict and the local efforts to protect it 

    Sabrine, Isber (Data de defensa: 2020-10-28)

    Since the start of the Syrian conflict Syria‘s archaeological heritage was a victim, the role of the international heritage organization was very modest and limited , the Directorate General of Antiquities and Museums ...

    Turismo de base comunitaria: perspectivas para el desarrollo sostenible de destinos rurales en México 

    Sosa Tinoco, Mariana Monserrat (Data de defensa: 2022-02-15)

    The development of community tourism has been considered essential for sustainable practices due to its ability to benefit the local population while reducing the negative impacts of tourism. Faced with this circumstance ...

    "Quattro quadri, di pittura molto vaga e bella". Las spalliere con la Historia de Nastagio degli Onesti de Sandro Botticelli 

    Vico Martori, Alexandre (Data de defensa: 2021-04-12)

    In 1483 Sandro Botticelli completed with the collaboration of his workshop the quartet with the story of Nastagio degli Onesti. It was the first pictorial transcription on panel of the novella of the Decameron and its ...

    Guerra i fortificació a la Catalunya moderna: la plaça forta de Girona (1635-1720) 

    Guitart Molina, Mateu (Data de defensa: 2022-02-14)

    The history of Gerona changed suddenly with the Treaty of the Pyrenees because the cordon established by then (basically, Perpignan and the fortress of Salses) was dismantled. The inability of the Spanish Monarchy to ...

    Fatiga i èxtasi. Cossos, subjectivitats i cinemes als escrits publicats i inèdits de Jean Epstein 

    Pitarch Fernández, Daniel (Data de defensa: 2021-10-01)

    This dissertation studies the thought of filmmaker and essayist Jean Epstein, focusing on the motif of the body and the organism in his writings and incorporating his unpublished work into the object of study. Epstein's ...

    I castelli della Sicilia nell'età aragonese-catalana (1282-1400) 

    Maurici, Ferdinando (Data de defensa: 2021-09-13)

    The long fourteenth century in Sicily can begin with the revolt of the Sicilian Vespers (1282) and end with the Congress of Caspe, the arrival of the first viceroy on the island and the defeat of the last baronial rebellions ...

    Camilo Egas, el precursor del indigenismo y concitador de las vanguardias en Ecuador (1889-1962) 

    Paocarina Albuja, Fabián (Data de defensa: 2021-09-06)

    The thesis: "Camilo Egas, the precursor of indigenism and instigator of the avant-garde in Ecuador (1889-1962)", exposes a comprehensive study of the painter's author career in two dimensions of analysis: 1) the ...

    Modernidad y colonialidad en el modernismo brasileño: Tarsila do Amaral y Emiliano Di Cavalcanti 

    Duarte-Feitoza, Paulo Henrique (Data de defensa: 2017-06-19)

    The present study tries to analyze the artistic production of the painters Tarsila do Amaral (1886-1973) and Emiliano Di Cavalcanti (1897-1976) through the concepts of modernity, coloniality and nation. The Brazilian ...

    Furthering social exchange theory in the study of resident impact perceptions: three approximations to the limits to tourism growth 

    Muler González, Vanessa (Data de defensa: 2020-11-25)

    This thesis links the limits of tourism growth and social exchange theory (SET) through tourism impacts perceptions of residents. SET has been the most widely used theory to explain the perceptions by residents of tourism ...

    "Fragmente-Stille, an Diotima" de Luigi Nono: escuchar lo imposible 

    Jiménez Carmona, Susana (Data de defensa: 2015-09-18)

    This thesis presents an analysis of Luigi Nono’s Fragmente-Stille, an Diotima, as a starting point to investigate that this piece for string quartet provides in terms of the notions of sound and silence, the temporary and ...

    Arte fantástico: estrategias visuales de lo imposible 

    Parramon Rubio, Pere (Data de defensa: 2021-01-25)

    Distinguishing between “marvellous art”, “fantastic art” and what we call “daimonic art”, the first objective of this doctoral thesis consists of elaborating a functional definition of fantastic art that brings together ...

    La ciudad y el templo: religión cívica en la Barcelona moderna (XVI-XVIII) 

    Zamora Bretones, Montserrat (Data de defensa: 2020-11-20)

    At the end of Middle Ages, Barcelonese authorities had extended their authority over areas which, in principle, were exclusive competence of the Church, such as charity, morality or education. This historical phenomenon ...

    L’associacionisme arqueològic a Catalunya en el segon franquisme i la transició. Estudi del cas del Grup de Prehistòria i Arqueologia del Museu de Berga 

    Farguell Magnet, Josep (Data de defensa: 2020-09-22)

    The purpose of this research work is focused on the archaeological practice that was carried out from the archaeological associations in Catalonia. The Renaixença cultural movement claimed a glorious past in Catalonia ...

    La guerra civil catalana i la crisi financera de Barcelona durant el regnat de Joan II (1458-1479) 

    Miquel Milian, Laura (Data de defensa: 2020-10-30)

    The intention of this doctoral thesis is to study the municipal finances of Barcelona in the fifteenth century and to see how far this economic indicator may serve to establish what kind of impact the so-called “late ...

    L'art del retaule a l'àrea de Vic: entre les darreries del cicle renaixentista i l'entrada de les fórmules barroques (1568-1625 ca.) 

    Abril i Vilamala, Irene (Data de defensa: 2017-10-24)

    This research paper studies the production of altarpieces in five of the ten archpriesthoods that make up the current Bishop of Vic (the Vic’s, Lluçanès’, Ter-Collsacabra’s, Guilleries-Congost’sand theMoianès’ ones) between ...

    Música i cerimònia a Girona, 1500-1650 

    Miranda López, M. del Mar (Data de defensa: 2020-02-04)

    This doctoral dissertation studies different festivities and ceremonies that took place in Girona between 1500 and 1650, as well as the music that could have accompanied them at that time. The dissertation consists of two ...

    La pintura de Balthus: de la imagen a la imaginación. Paradojas de lo real, el deseo y la identidad 

    Cornejo Brugués, Laura (Data de defensa: 2018-01-08)

    The main topic of this doctoral research is the French artist Balthus (1908-2001) and the analysis of his pictorial production. Despite being a notorious and much discussed painter by a theorical corpus who have been ...

    L'emmagatzematge de cereals en sitges durant l'antiguitat tardana en els bisbats de Girona i Empúries 

    Prat Vilà, Marc (Data de defensa: 2020-01-31)

    Around the Fifth century AD, the use of silos as storage structures reappeared in force throughout large areas of Western Europe. This phenomenon also concerned the territories of the bishoprics of Girona and Empúries. ...

    Els gravats rupestres prehistòrics d'estil Tazina del jaciment de Sluguilla Lawash (Sàhara Occidental) 

    Ventura Almeda, Helena (Data de defensa: 2020-02-21)

    Sluguilla Lawash is the site with a higher concentration of open air prehistoric rock art of Western Sahara. It has 1143 engraved slabs with 2087 motifs, among which the 99% have an incised stroke, with a dark desert varnish ...

    La imatge dels museus a través de l'arquitectura. Anàlisi de l'arquitectura exterior dels museus registrats de la província de Girona 

    Soler Busquets, Jordi (Data de defensa: 2019-12-05)

    In the 19th century, the museum archetype was based on an architecture of classical lines and a palace image. The current trend of new museums buildings is characterized by its typological vagueness and the lack of an ...