Now showing items 19-20 of 20

    “University, Sustainability, and Reputation: Sustainability as a Strategic and Reputational Pillar in the Fifth Generation of Universities - Case Studies of the University of Manchester (United Kingdom) and the HSE University (Russia)” 

    Gaete Sepulveda, Magdalena (Date of defense: 2023-09-26)

    This thesis aims to investigate the influence of sustainability on the reputation of universities, employing a comparative case study approach that centers on two renowned institutions recognized for their commitment to ...

    Vers la identitat del pedagog: una construcció vital i professional 

    Ureta i Buxeda, Xavier (Date of defense: 2014-02-24)

    La pedagogia ha quedat com desplaçada de les escoles. Si bé des del segle XVIII s’ han reconegut les aportacions fetes per grans pensadors i personalitats acreditades com a pedagogs, els posseïdors d'un títol en pedagogia ...