Ara mostrant els elements 27-46 de 50

    MEDICANES: meteorological environments and risk assessment in the present and future climate 

    Tous Nadal, Maria (Data de defensa: 2015-09-18)

    Medicanes are a rare and physically unique type of Mediterranean cyclone. They show similarities with tropical cyclones with regard to their development (based on the thermodynamical disequilibrium between the warm sea ...

    Mesoscale eddies in the western mediterranean sea: characterization and understanding from satellite observations and model simulations 

    Escudier, Romain (Data de defensa: 2015-01-21)

    Mesoscale eddies are relatively small structures that dominate the ocean variability and have large impact on large scale circulation, heat fluxes and biological processes.In the western Mediterranean Sea, a high number ...

    Mesoscale hydrodynamics around the Balearic Islands: spatio-temporal variability and its relation with shing resources. 

    Amores Maimó, Angel Miguel (Data de defensa: 2014-07-09)

    The Balearic Islands, located in the Western Mediterranean Sea, are the natural limit between the Balearic subbasin, at the noth and the Algerian subbasin, at the south. Previous studies based on hydrographic data have ...

    Methodologies for hardware implementation of reservoir computing systems 

    Alomar Barceló, Miquel Lleó (Data de defensa: 2017-09-11)

    [cat]Inspirades en la forma en què el cervell processa la informació, les xarxes neuronals artificials (XNA) es crearen amb l’objectiu de reproduir habilitats humanes en tasques que són difícils de resoldre mitjançant la ...

    Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics in Ecology: Vegetation Patterns, Animal Mobility and Temporal Fluctuations 

    Martínez García, Ricardo (Data de defensa: 2014-06-25)

    Esta tesis doctoral se centra en la aplicación de la física estadística del no equilibrio al estudio de problemas ecológicos de diferente naturaleza. En primer lugar se desarrollan modelos teóricos para explicar la formación ...

    Numerical study of intense cyclogenesis events in the Mediterranean basin 

    Fita Borrell, Lluis (Data de defensa: 2008-05-23)

    S'han estudiat diverses ciclogènesis mediterrànies mitjançant el model atmosfèric MM5,<br/>la inversió de vorticitat potencial per peces i la tècnica de la separació de factors. Els<br/>resultats mostren com a agents per ...

    Outflow of Weddell sea waters into the Scotia Sea through the western sector of the South Scotia Ridge 

    Palmer García, Margarita (Data de defensa: 2012-12-14)

    This work compiles the results of the analysis of hydrographical data collected in January 2008 over the western sector of the South Scotia Ridge (SSR). The cruise was carried out on board R/V Hespérides in the framework ...

    Photonic systems with multiple delay times: synchronization, square-ware switching and state-dependent delay 

    Martínez Llinàs, Jade (Data de defensa: 2016-11-15)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral se centra en l’estudi teòric i numèric de sistemes fotònics amb retroacció i múltiples línies de retard, en el límit en el que els temps de retard són molt més grans que les escales de temps ...

    Physical and economic impacts due to sea level changes and wind-waves around the Balearic Islands 

    Rodríguez Enríquez, Alejandra (Data de defensa: 2019-11-29)

    [eng] This thesis investigates and quantifies the impacts caused by climate change in the coasts of Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean Sea) from both a physical and an economic perspective. Two physical mechanisms ...

    Reservoir computing based on delay-dynamical systems 

    Appeltant, Lennert (Data de defensa: 2012-05-22)

    Today, except for mathematical operations, our brain functions much faster and more efficient than any supercomputer. It is precisely this form of information processing in neural networks that inspires researchers to ...

    Shallow Water Remote Sensing Using Sonar Improved with Geostatistics and Stochastic Resonance Data Processing 

    Sousa Sena, André Luis (Data de defensa: 2018-02-19)

    [eng] The main objective proposed in this doctoral thesis was focused on the study and development of a solution for the remote sensing of the submarine topographic relief, using for this, inexpensive equipment. Here we ...

    Spatial structures and Information Processing in Nonlinear Optical Cavities 

    Jacobo, Adrian (Data de defensa: 2009-04-03)

    Stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer: study trough large-eddy simulations, mesoscale modelling and observations 

    Jiménez Cortés, Maria Antònia (Data de defensa: 2005-12-12)

    La capa límit atmosfèrica és l'àrea directament influenciada per la presència de la superfície de la terra i la seva alçada és d'uns centenars de metres a uns pocs quilòmetres. Durant el vespre, el refredament radiatiu ...

    Study of the Generation of Optical Pulses by Mode-Locking in Semiconductor Lasers for Applications in LiDAR Systems 

    Chaparro González, Daniel (Data de defensa: 2020-01-17)

    [cat] El present treball constitueix un estudi sobre la generació i control de polsos optics en diferents tipus de lasers de semiconductor i el seu potencial aplicació a sistemes de mesures a distancia. En primer lloc, ...

    Study on the general applicability of the collector efficiency model to solar process heat collectors 

    David Hertel, Julian (Data de defensa: 2019-07-23)

    [eng] According to several studies, the installed capacity of solar thermal collectors to provide heat for industrial processes is going to increase significantly during the next decades. The great variety of designs and ...

    Submesoscale dynamics in the western Mediterranean sea 

    Capó Truyols, María Esther (Data de defensa: 2020-01-22)

    [eng] The transition from mesoscale to submesoscale dynamics is investigated in the western Mediterranean Sea (WMed) using a set of ROMS model simulations. The research is structured in a series of sequential stages ...

    Synchronization and application of delay-coupled semiconductor lasers 

    Hicke, Konstantin (Data de defensa: 2014-07-03)

    The work in this thesis is focused on the complex dynamics of semiconductor laser (SL) devices which receive time-delayed feedback from an external cavity or are delay-coupled with a second semiconductor laser. We ...

    Temporal evolution of MHD waves in solar coronal arcades 

    Rial Lesaga, Samuel (Data de defensa: 2019-10-11)

    [eng] In this thesis we will study vertical oscillations in a potential arcade under the approximation of a zero- plasma, when di erent density pro les are considered. On one hand we will focus on the time-dependent ...

    Test estructural i predictiu per a circuits RF CMOS 

    Suenaga Portuguès, Kay (Data de defensa: 2008-12-17)

    En aquesta tesi s'ha desenvolupat una tècnica de test que permet testar un LNA i un mesclador, situats en el capçal RF d'un receptor CMOS, en una configuració de test semblant al mode normal de funcionament.<br/>La circuiteria ...

    Theoretical issues in Numerical Relativity simulations 

    Alic, Daniela Delia (Data de defensa: 2009-09-18)

    In this thesis we address several analytical and numerical problems related with the general relativistic study of black hole space-times and boson stars. <br/>We have developed a new centered finite volume method based ...