Now showing items 69-88 of 180

    Evaluación interdisciplinar de la presencia y distribución de las basuras marinas (macro-residuos flotantes, microplásticos y aditivos plásticos), y de sus impactos en vertebrados marinos 

    Garcia Garin, Odei (Date of defense: 2022-07-04)

    La basura marina está aumentando exponencialmente en los mares y océanos de todo el mundo. En los últimos años, se han reportado y documentado sus amenazas a la fauna marina y a los ecosistemas marinos en general. Por estas ...

    Evaluación y desarrollo de cuatro métodos establecidos para la estimación de la edad adulta basados en los tres marcadores del hueso coxal en una muestra esquelética actual documentada de origen colombiano. Aplicación en antropología forense 

    Muñoz Silva, Eldora Vanessa (Date of defense: 2019-12-13)

    La estimación de la edad de los restos humanos analizados es esencial para la reconstrucción de la paleodemografía de las poblaciones pasadas y para la identificación de las víctimas en casos forenses, en especial en ...

    Evolutionary patterns and processes of migratory behaviour in Palearctic-Paleotropical birds = Patrones y procesos evolutivos del comportamiento migratorio en aves del Paleártico­-Paleotrópico 

    Ponti de la Iglesia, Raquel (Date of defense: 2018-11-16)

    One of the most fascinating aspects of birds is their capability of migrate from one area to another throughout the year. Unravelling the patterns and processes involved in the evolution of migration is paramount to ...

    The expanding tree-nesting Bonelli´s eagle (Aquila fasciata) population of southern Portugal 

    Dias, Andreia Suzana Ribeiro e Cota de Pinho (Date of defense: 2021-04-15)

    Bonelli's eagle is considered an umbrella and flagship species in Mediterranean ecosystems. In this thesis, we focus on the fact that the Bonelli’s eagle population in southern Portugal nests in trees – behaviour that ...

    Facing global change divers: how do Mediterranean butterflies respond? 

    Ubach Permanyer, Andreu (Date of defense: 2023-01-10)

    [eng] The current context of global change is causing many threats to biodiversity worldwide, and the profound and rapid transformations of the environment have led to a severe insect decline. Because of their sensitivity ...

    Facing Global Change: Impacts of drying and human pressures on invertebrate diversity and organic matter processing in a Mediterranean stream network 

    Viza Sánchez, Aida (Date of defense: 2024-04-04)

    [eng] Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES) currently constitute half of the global river network, occurring ubiquitously. Characterised by natural and periodic cessations of flow, IRES are proliferating due to ...

    Feasibility of organic rice cultivation in the Ebro Delta 

    Palma Guillén, Alfred (Date of defense: 2023-10-20)

    [eng] In the Mediterranean basins, rice is mainly cultivated in wetland protracted areas such as deltas and marshlands, where it is the prevailing crop due to the high soil salinity. This salinity is continuously increasing ...

    Flora al·lòctona vascular ocasional, naturalitzada i invasora al territori comprès per Catalunya, el País Valencià i les Illes Balears. El cas d'estudi del neòfit recent invasor Kalanchoe xhoughtonii 

    Gómez Bellver, Carlos Miguel (Date of defense: 2023-03-03)

    [cat] OBJECTIUS PRINCIPALS: Les invasions biològiques són la conseqüència principal d'activitats antròpiques que en el cas de les plantes corresponen a diverses causes, principalment: el transport de persones i mercaderies, ...

    From early life stress to adult psychopathology: An epigenetic view from monozygotic twin based approaches 

    Palma Gudiel, Helena (Date of defense: 2019-02-15)

    Psychiatric disorders are highly prevalent and one of the leading causes of disease burden worldwide. Nevertheless, there are no validated biomarkers to be used for either diagnostic or prognostic purposes and their etiology ...

    From rice fields to seabirds: an integrative approach to study mercury dynamics in the Ebro Delta 

    Sánchez-Fortún Burriel, Moisès (Date of defense: 2022-07-20)

    Mercury pollution is of great concern for the scientific community due to their ubiquity and persistence in the environment. Its bioaccumulation and biomagnification capacities along food webs enhance their toxicity both ...

    Functional and Phylogenetic Diversity of Amphibians in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Implications for a Systematic Conservation Planning 

    Siqueira Campos, Felipe (Date of defense: 2018-06-18)

    Biodiversity patterns are results of ecological and evolutionary processes. Understanding the forces shaping biodiversity patterns help to predict the responses of ecosystems to environmental change. Considering the role ...

    Generación de nuevas líneas de arroz mejoradas mediante la introgresión de caracteres de interés agronómico 

    Leaños Machuca, Liceth (Date of defense: 2021-01-29)

    El objetivo principal de esta Tesis es producir estrategias para la productividad, perdurabilidad y calidad mediante el desarrollo de nuevas variedades comerciales de arroz mediterráneo (O. sativa) e introducir alelos de ...

    Genetic risk factors in Schizophrenia and Neurodevelopmental disorders: Association and epistatic analyses of Neuritin-1 gene and white matter related genes = Factores genéticos en esquizofrenia y enfermedades del neurodesarrollo: análisis de asociación y epistáticos en el gen Neuritina-1 y en genes relacionados con la materia blanca 

    Prats Balado, Claudia (Date of defense: 2017-09-29)

    Nowadays, it is estimated that about 450 million people suffer from a mental or behavioural disorder in the world. According to World health organization (WHO), 33% of the years lived with disability (YLD) are due to ...

    Genetic variability and telomere length in bariatric surgery outcomes in obese patients 

    Peña Lozano, Elionora (Date of defense: 2020-11-13)

    Based on the background showing i) that obesity have a polygenic nature with the implication of different genes of minor effect and lifestyle factors; ii) the high variability between individuals in weight loss outcome ...

    Genetic variability of minnows and loaches in rivers and high mountain lakes from the Pyrenees and Italian Alps 

    Suh, Jongmo (Date of defense: 2024-02-20)

    [eng] The invasion of alien species is a major global threat to ecosystems, with significant impacts, especially on freshwater ecosystems. The species diversity in freshwater ecosystems has significantly declined worldwide, ...

    Genomic divergence along the continuum of speciation in a recent evolutionary radiation of montane grasshoppers 

    Tonzo, Vanina (Date of defense: 2020-09-21)

    Unraveling the proximate processes that have shaped genetic variation of populations and led to lineage diversification and speciation is fundamental to understand the origin of present-day biodiversity patterns at both ...

    Geometric morphometrics and topographic analyses of dental wear in modern human populations 

    Cuesta Torralvo, Elisabeth (Date of defense: 2021-04-22)

    Dental wear is a natural, complex, physiological process of gradual enamel tissue loss that occurs during an individual’s life span and provides information about dietary habits, food processing techniques and cultural ...

    Gestió dels sistemes hortícoles ecològics a Europa mitjançant la introducció de cultius amb serveis agroecològics i la seva gestió amb el roller crimper 

    Navarro Miró, David (Date of defense: 2020-12-18)

    La introducció dels cultius que proveeixen serveis agroecològics (ASC) és una de les estratègies àmpliament reconeguda per millorar la sostenibilitat dels sistemes de cultiu. Tot i això, algunes autores i autors han ...

    Gestió, recerca i ciutadania en l’estudi de l’estat dels rius mediterranis. La importància de l’educació ambiental, la ciència ciutadana i la participació en la gestió dels ecosistemes fluvials 

    Fortuño Estrada, Pau (Date of defense: 2024-03-20)

    [cat] Aquesta tesi doctoral sorgeix de l'empremta deixada pel grup de recerca FEHM, liderat pel Dr. Prat, amb més de quatre dècades d'activitat dedicada a la investigació en ecologia aquàtica des de la Facultat de Biologia ...

    Global patterns in wolf (Canis lupus) ecology: Implications for management = Patrons globals en l'ecologia del llop: Implicacions en la gestió 

    Sazatornil i Luna, Victor (Date of defense: 2018-12-19)

    Environmental authorities, conservation professionals, and several other social sectors frequently demand scientifically sound information to inform policy and decision-making processes. Beyond national or subnational ...