Now showing items 21-40 of 96

    Ecology and conservation of cetaceans in southern iberian waters 

    Giménez, Joan (Date of defense: 2018-07-13)

    This thesis fills important gaps of knowledge that will help to develop a proper conservation strategy for cetaceans in southern Iberian waters. We were able to define different ecological management units for bottlenose ...

    Ecomorphological discrimination of vertebrate sister species with recent phylogenetic divergence using novel non-destructive morphometric methods = Discriminación ecomorfológica de especies hermanas de vertebrados con divergencia filogenética reciente utilizando nuevos métodos morfométricos no-destructivos 

    Santos Santos, Javier H. (Date of defense: 2019-01-17)

    The thesis "Ecomorphological discrimination of vertebrate sister species with recent phylogenetic divergence using novel non-destructive morphometric methods” compares morphological evolution during syntopic adaptive ...

    Efectes dels marges i de la gestió agrícola sobre els àfids i els seus enemics naturals en sistemes cerealistes de secà 

    Salat Moltó, Agnès (Date of defense: 2019-07-03)

    En aquesta tesi s'han estudiat els efectes dels marges i de la gestió agrícola sobre l'abundància dels àfids i sobre el control biològic exercit per diversos enemics naturals, però sobretot pels parasitoides himenòpters. ...

    Efectos de la contaminación sobre la biología y el comportamiento de dos ciprínidos autóctonos de la Península Ibérica 

    Soler Vilaplana, Patricia M. (Date of defense: 2021-04-09)

    El objetivo general de esta tesis ha sido evaluar los efectos de determinados contaminantes sobre la reproducción, el estrés fisiológico y el comportamiento dos especies de ciprínidos autóctonas del NE de Cataluña y el SE ...

    Effects of dam decommissioning on carbon cycling in reservoirs. Case study of the Enobieta Reservoir, N Iberian Peninsula 

    Mabano, Amani (Date of defense: 2023-12-19)

    [eng] The overall objective of this thesis is to explore the effects of DD on C cycling in reservoirs because there are many dams under removal and many more predicted in the near future. To answer this question, we conducted ...

    Effects of environmental predictability on life history traits and population dynamics. Insights from a three-year population experiment on the common lizard (Zootoca vivipara) 

    Masó Ferrerons, Guillem (Date of defense: 2019-04-25)

    A central theme in ecology and evolution is to understand whether and how species respond to environmental changes. The amount of studies focusing on how species might cope with climate change has been steeply growing, ...

    Effects of flow intermittence on dissolved organic matter quality 

    Granados Pérez, Verónica (Date of defense: 2022-04-27)

    Water availability is the primary driver of dissolved organic matter (DOM) dynamics in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES). Therefore, current research manifests the global influence of flow disruption on ...

    Effects of frequency and duration of flow intermittence on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: insights form Mediterranean streams 

    Arias del Real, Rebeca (Date of defense: 2020-07-06)

    Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES) are watercourses that naturally and periodically cease to flow. They represent more than half of the global river network and are expanding due to global change. In this ...

    Estrategia de vida de una especie longeva y migratoria 

    Cruz Flores, Marta (Date of defense: 2020-06-05)

    Los océanos están sufriendo un cambio muy rápido. Esto evidencia la necesidad de estudiar especies a largo plazo que puedan informarnos sobre la magnitud y dirección de estos cambios. Los ambientes oceánicos son especialmente ...

    Estrès, reproducció i senescència en l’èxit invasor: l’estudi de cas de Carpobrotus edulis 

    Fenollosa Romaní, Erola (Date of defense: 2020-09-09)

    Les espècies exòtiques invasores constitueixen una de les majors amenaces a la biodiversitat global. Aquelles àrees que acullen un gran nombre d’espècies natives, i constitueixen per tant punts calents de biodiversitat ...

    Estructura funcional de la vegetació alpina dels Pirineus. Resposta de les comunitats als factors ambientals i als efectes del canvi global 

    Illa Bachs, Estela, 1978- (Date of defense: 2016-12-12)

    En aquesta tesi ens plantegem aprofundir en el coneixement de l’estructura funcional i dels processos que expliquen la diversificació de les comunitats vegetals alpines pirinenques, i que regeixen el funcionament i la ...

    Estudios dirigidos a la ecología química de insectos plaga mediante semioquímicos 

    Domínguez Cuadrado, Aroa (Date of defense: 2018-03-09)

    Los insectos están presentes en todos los ecosistemas terrestres, donde desempeñan importantes funciones ecológicas y están en constante interacción con las actividades humanas, siendo algunos beneficiosos para ellas y ...

    Evaluación de programas de enriquecimiento ambiental en dos cercopitécidos africanos, mangabey de collar (Cercocebus torquatus torquatus) y dril (Mandrillus leucophaeus poensis) 

    Escobar, Marc (Date of defense: 2016-12-02)

    En esta tesis se ha estudiado la efectividad de los programas de enriquecimiento ambiental estructural y social aplicados a dos especies de primates, el mangabey de collar (Cercocebus torquatus torquatus) y el dril ...

    Evolutionary patterns and processes of migratory behaviour in Palearctic-Paleotropical birds = Patrones y procesos evolutivos del comportamiento migratorio en aves del Paleártico­-Paleotrópico 

    Ponti de la Iglesia, Raquel (Date of defense: 2018-11-16)

    One of the most fascinating aspects of birds is their capability of migrate from one area to another throughout the year. Unravelling the patterns and processes involved in the evolution of migration is paramount to ...

    From rice fields to seabirds: an integrative approach to study mercury dynamics in the Ebro Delta 

    Sánchez-Fortún Burriel, Moisès (Date of defense: 2022-07-20)

    Mercury pollution is of great concern for the scientific community due to their ubiquity and persistence in the environment. Its bioaccumulation and biomagnification capacities along food webs enhance their toxicity both ...

    Functional and Phylogenetic Diversity of Amphibians in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Implications for a Systematic Conservation Planning 

    Siqueira Campos, Felipe (Date of defense: 2018-06-18)

    Biodiversity patterns are results of ecological and evolutionary processes. Understanding the forces shaping biodiversity patterns help to predict the responses of ecosystems to environmental change. Considering the role ...

    Genetic variability of minnows and loaches in rivers and high mountain lakes from the Pyrenees and Italian Alps 

    Suh, Jongmo (Date of defense: 2024-02-20)

    [eng] The invasion of alien species is a major global threat to ecosystems, with significant impacts, especially on freshwater ecosystems. The species diversity in freshwater ecosystems has significantly declined worldwide, ...

    Genomic divergence along the continuum of speciation in a recent evolutionary radiation of montane grasshoppers 

    Tonzo, Vanina (Date of defense: 2020-09-21)

    Unraveling the proximate processes that have shaped genetic variation of populations and led to lineage diversification and speciation is fundamental to understand the origin of present-day biodiversity patterns at both ...

    Gestió dels sistemes hortícoles ecològics a Europa mitjançant la introducció de cultius amb serveis agroecològics i la seva gestió amb el roller crimper 

    Navarro Miró, David (Date of defense: 2020-12-18)

    La introducció dels cultius que proveeixen serveis agroecològics (ASC) és una de les estratègies àmpliament reconeguda per millorar la sostenibilitat dels sistemes de cultiu. Tot i això, algunes autores i autors han ...

    Global patterns in wolf (Canis lupus) ecology: Implications for management = Patrons globals en l'ecologia del llop: Implicacions en la gestió 

    Sazatornil i Luna, Victor (Date of defense: 2018-12-19)

    Environmental authorities, conservation professionals, and several other social sectors frequently demand scientifically sound information to inform policy and decision-making processes. Beyond national or subnational ...