Now showing items 258-277 of 299

    Seguridad y eficacia de varnimcabtagene autoleucel (ARI-0001) en síndromes linfoproliferativos CD19 positivos 

    Ortiz-Maldonado Gibson, Valentín (Date of defense: 2022-10-26)

    [spa] En términos generales, el pronóstico de los síndromes linfoproliferativos originados en el linfocito B es francamente desfavorable una vez estos recaen o son refractarios (R/R) a la primera o posteriores líneas de ...

    Seqüeles dentals en adolescents sotmesos a tractament oncològic durant la primera infància 

    Rabassa Blanco, Judit (Date of defense: 2022-12-16)

    [cat] El càncer infantil és una de les principals causes de mortalitat durant la infància i l’adolescència. Segons l’Associació Espanyola contra el càncer, 1500 nens/es de 0 a 14 anys són diagnosticats anualment d’aquesta ...

    Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Children with Cleft Palate 

    Moraleda Cibrián, Marta (Date of defense: 2022-07-11)

    [eng] INTRODUCTION: One in 700 newborns in the United States is born with cleft palate every year. It is estimated that the prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing symptoms in children with cleft palate, compared with ...

    Spatial learning in the network of hippocampal place cells: Altering memory using a mouse model of passive transfer of antibodies from patients with anti-NMDAR encephalitis 

    Zamani Mozafarabadi, AmirPasha (Date of defense: 2022-12-16)

    [eng] Anti-NMDAR encephalitis is the most frequent antibody-mediated encephalitis known to date, in which patients develop specific antibodies directed against the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) in the central ...

    Spatiotemporal dynamics of the cerebral cortex: from unconscious brain states towards consciousness 

    Camassa, Alessandra (Date of defense: 2021-07-23)

    Understanding the dynamics of the brain that gives rise to conscious experience and that underscore the transition through different brain states is one of the central problems of today’s neuroscience. The cerebral cortex ...

    Study of collective cell durotaxis as an active wetting phenomenon 

    Pallares Pallares, Macià Esteve (Date of defense: 2022-03-08)

    Cell migration is essential to many biological processes. In adult organisms, it is crucial for wound healing, homeostasis, and immune response, whereas aberrant cell migration potentially leads to pathology. For example, ...

    Synaptic and circuit mechanisms of working memory and their dysfunction in anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis and schizophrenia 

    Stein, Heike (Date of defense: 2020-11-13)

    [eng] In this thesis, I investigate different synaptic and circuit mechanisms of working memory, how their interaction produces specific working memory biases, and how their disruption in psychiatric or neurological disease ...

    The implementation of Advanced Practice Nursing in Catalonia 

    Sevilla Guerra, Sonia (Date of defense: 2018-06-01)

    INTRODUCTION: The expansion of professional roles has been proved to be an innovative solution across some countries in order to help address healthcare integration, coordination, continuity, access and health care ...

    The new bioactive hydraulic sealers in endodontics 

    Bardini, Giulia (Date of defense: 2022-11-30)

    [eng] INTRODUCTION: In the last twenty years, sealing cements based on tricalcium silicate cements have been introduced into the market for orthograde filling of the root canal system. These silicate-based sealing cements ...

    The role of genome architecture in normal and neoplastic B cells: a multi-omics approach 

    Vilarrasa Blasi, Roser (Date of defense: 2020-10-09)

    [eng] Nuclear organization and its impact on gene regulation have started to be elucidated thanks to the development of chromosomal conformation capture techniques. In this doctoral thesis, in situ Hi-C data and nine ...

    El tipo de donante, la hemoglobina basal y la amplitud máxima del coágulo del tromboelastograma basal: cofactores determinantes de la transfusión de concentrados de hematíes en el trasplante hepático 

    Viguera Fernández, Laura (Date of defense: 2022-11-15)

    [spa] La primera hipótesis de esta tesis doctoral, establece que la hemoglobina basal (previa al trasplante hepático) y la amplitud máxima del coagulo del tromboelastograma, pueden predecir la transfusión intraoperatoria ...

    Tomografía por Emisión de Positrones cuantificada en la evaluación prequirúrgica de la epilepsia 

    Mayoral Peñalva, Maria (Date of defense: 2019-07-24)

    La epilepsia es una enfermedad con una elevada prevalencia e impacto sociosanitario. Aproximadamente un tercio de los pacientes son resistentes al tratamiento farmacológico y en estos casos debe considerarse la cirugía ...

    Towards precision medicine in pediatric liver cancer: discovery and validation of prognostic biomarkers 

    Carrillo Reixach, Juan (Date of defense: 2022-12-19)

    [eng] Pediatric liver cancer is considered a rare disease and represents <3% of all pediatric tumors worldwide. The main types of liver tumors in the pediatric age group are hepatoblastoma (HB) and hepatocellular carcinoma ...

    Tracking preformed serological and T-cell alloimmune memory together with donor/recipient Molecular Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) disparity to improve immune-risk stratification in Kidney Transplantation 

    Meneghini, Maria Antonia Emilia (Date of defense: 2021-10-21)

    INTRODUCTION: The presence of a donor-specific alloimmune response negatively impacts allograft outcomes, being associated to risk of rejection and premature graft loss. Alloimmunity can be both preformed (memory) or can ...

    Tractament de l'hepatitis C crònica amb agents antivirals directes en pacients majors de 65 anys 

    Amorós Reboredo, Patrícia (Date of defense: 2020-11-26)

    ANTECEDENTS DEL TEMA En els últims anys els agents antivirals directes aprovats pel tractament de l’hepatitis C han permès l’accés al tractament a grups de pacients que anteriorment no es tractaven pel risc que comportava ...

    Transcriptional and epigenetic events underpinning the peptide-MHC-nanoparticle-induced transdifferentiation of T-follicular helper cells into T-regulatory type 1 cells in vivo 

    Garnica Caparrós, Josep (Date of defense: 2022-11-10)

    [spa] Descripción de los eventos transcriptómicos y epigenéticos que tienen lugar en la diferenciación de TFH a TR1 mediada por el tratamiento con nanopartículas decoradas con complejos péptido-MHC, mediante estudios tanto ...

    Transcriptional and epigenetic re-programming of autoantigen-specific CD4+ T-cells by pMHC class II-based nanomedicines 

    Solé Sánchez, Patricia (Date of defense: 2020-12-09)

    [eng] Regulatory cells are essential to immune homeostasis. Both autoimmune diseases and the progression of cancer are related to alterations in the development and/or function of the regulatory compartment. In addition ...

    Transiciones en el consumo de tabaco, actitudes y formación en tabaquismo en una cohorte de estudiantes de Enfermería en Cataluña: Estudio ECTEC-S 

    Laroussy El Tayea, Kenza (Date of defense: 2023-12-05)

    [spa] INTRODUCCIÓN: El consumo de tabaco sigue siendo el problema de salud pública más importante, ya que representa la principal causa de morbilidad y mortalidad prevenible a nivel mundial. A pesar de conocerse las ...

    A translational bioinformatics approach to improve genetic diagnostics of hereditary cancer using next-generation sequencing data 

    Moreno Cabrera, José Marcos (Date of defense: 2021-06-17)

    This PhD thesis has been carried out with the aim of improving, from a bioinformatic-based approach, the genetic diagnostics of hereditary cancer. More specifically, the aims were: 1. To perform a comprehensive evaluation ...

    El Trastorno Bipolar en Edad Avanzada: un análisis neuropsicológico, clínico y de funcionamiento psicosocial 

    Montejo Egido, Laura (Date of defense: 2022-06-23)

    [spa] Introducción: El trastorno bipolar (TB) es una enfermedad mental crónica y recurrente caracterizada por alteraciones en el estado de ánimo alternándose episodios depresivos con episodios de (hipo)manía y con periodos ...