El espacio a partir del plano: el neoplasticismo en la arquitectura contemporánea 

    Díez Blanco, María Teresa (Fecha de defensa: 2022-02-07)

    The Dutch De Stijl group was born at a time of common interest among avant-garde artists and architects of the first half of the 20th century in the purification of the means of expression, based until then on a tradition ...

    El fenomen Barcelona & Gaudí : claus per a l'estudi del procés de conformació 

    Vidal Peig, Teresa (Fecha de defensa: 2017-03-08)

    This Thesis is a study on the conforming process of the architect Antoni Gaudí and his work image as a reference and city claim of Barcelona, and how he has became the masterpiece on the International Catalan Modernism ...

    El museo de arte como obra arquitectónica y artística 

    Vélez Restrepo, María Isabel (Fecha de defensa: 2020-12-17)

    The topic of this investigation is focused in the study of the transformations and relationships of the Art Museum being both an artistic work of art and an architectural work. The concept of “work” is the result of a ...

    El territorio ampurdanés entre los siglos V al X : Dispositio et compositio ecclesiae 

    Valls Mora, Montserrat (Fecha de defensa: 2019-09-16)

    The ecclesiastical rural architecture before the year 1000 in the Hispanic north east, has relevant information on the territorial evolution and social changes that happen in an era full of lights and shadows. This ...

    Generación y control de formas libres en entornos BIM : modelado paramétrico, modelado algorítmico 

    Larrondo Lizarraga, Antonio (Fecha de defensa: 2017-07-12)

    The present thesis work intends to explore and research how far these new tools and modeling techniques can reach, regarding the generation and control of free forms (conceptual or mass modeling) in geometries generally ...

    The generative, analytic and instructional capacities of sound in architecture : fundamentals, tools and evaluation of a design methodology 

    Llorca Bofí, Josep (Fecha de defensa: 2018-12-04)

    The disciplines of space and time form two domains to which it is daring to compare, since it is obvious that they are of a different nature. Music happens in time, while architecture happens in space. However, from the ...

    Guillem Reynés i Font. Una arquitectura interrumpida: el regionalismo como búsqueda utópica entre tradición y modernidad 

    Reynés Corbella, Guillermo (Fecha de defensa: 2020-12-30)

    The thesis arose out of an initial process of systemisation and inventory of the documentary archives of the Majorcan architect, Guillem Reynés Font (Palma, 1877-1918), which has been conserved by his grandson, Guillermo ...

    The innovative expression of Chinese traditional culture and art in contemporary architectural design 

    Li, Gaoli (Fecha de defensa: 2019-09-10)

    Recent improvements in contemporary Chinese society will not only be reflected by new economic models, cultural products, scientific and technological achievements and aesthetic values, but also manifest in diverse ...

    La experiencia del ILAUD y la "Escuela de Barcelona" 

    Belloni, Paolo (Fecha de defensa: 2018-07-20)

    ILAUD (International Laboratory of Urban Design) is an international research laboratory organized since 1974 by Giancarlo De Carlo at the University of Urbino with the aim to create an international network on the processes ...

    La Seu Episcopal d’Ègara : el projecte d’un conjunt cristià al segle V 

    González Pérez, Francisco Javier (Fecha de defensa: 2022-07-19)

    The aim of this research about built heritage is to understand how were the buildings placed in the monumental ensemble of Saint Peter of Terrassa configured, from middle 5th century to second half of the 6th century. To ...

    Linking architecture and emotions: sensory dynamics and methodological innovations 

    Zhang, Zhihui (Fecha de defensa: 2024-05-07)

    (English) This study delves deeply into the complex relationship between the field of architecture and human emotions, aiming to fill a significant gap in existing research. It extensively explores the profound impact of ...

    Los sistemas defensivos de la ciudad de Palma y su influencia en el desarrollo de la trama urbana en los siglos XVII al XIX 

    Oliver Monserrat, Miquel (Fecha de defensa: 2020-07-23)

    This thesis analyzes the influence of the defensive systems and the military architecture on the urban pattern development of the city of Palma from the 17th to the 19th century which coincides with the construction and ...

    Masía urbana: el papel arquitectónico y urbanístico de la masía en el área suburbana de Barcelona durante el siglo XX 

    Park, Jeongsoo (Fecha de defensa: 2023-06-27)

    (English) This thesis is based on a new concept of the ‘Urban Masia’ applied to the city of Barcelona between from the 1860s to the present. *(Although ‘‘masia’’ usually translated as 'farmhouse' in many cases, this term ...

    Modeling and thermal optimization of residential buildings using BIM and based on RTS method : application to traditional and standard house in Sousse city 

    Benzarti Ghedas, Habiba (Fecha de defensa: 2017-04-20)

    The thermal quality of the contemporary building tends to be deteriorated due to aesthetic and economic considerations. Cheap materials which are thermally inappropriate are still rising in new buildings. Actually, the ...

    Renovation of vernacular architecture in rural China 

    Ying, Li (Fecha de defensa: 2017-04-06)

    With the rapid progress of urbanization in China, a lot of villages face serious brain-drain. A serious problem of culture deterioration arises except in a few traditional villages. Most newly built rural homes are weak ...

    Residential outdoor spaces and thermal stress : courtyard design approach to thermally enhance outdoor spaces in single-family houses in the desert climate of Riyadh 

    Alkhoudiri, Ahmed Salah M. (Fecha de defensa: 2023-07-21)

    (English) The typological shift of single-family houses in Riyadh during the 20th century has negatively impacted the inhabitants. The shift from attached houses with courtyards to detached houses with setbacks created ...

    The elements of drawing & the lamp of life : J. Mª. Jujol desde una mirada contemporánea 

    Mercadé i Brullés, Juan . (Fecha de defensa: 2019-09-13)

    The main objectives of the thesis are: to verify and confirm the fundamental role of drawing in the training of the architect, portraying Jujol as a reference as a master of this discipline. Analyze his evolution, subsequent ...

    The value of urban community public space - from Barcelona to Chongqing 

    Xu, Ti (Fecha de defensa: 2023-04-27)

    (English) The community is the main urban space for expressing public space, and it is quite related to the daily life of everyone. In China, the community associated with housing became much more complex than before in ...

    Un viaje en el tiempo : el “Poble Espanyol” de Montjuïc 

    Moliner Nuño, Sandra (Fecha de defensa: 2018-03-15)

    To carry out the project of the Poble Espanyol de Montjuïc, created for the Universal Exposition of Barcelona in 1929, a series of trips across Spain were undertaken between 1927 and 1928. They visited 1,600 towns where ...

    Urban co-creation: community planning, bottom-up and participation tools 

    Sève, Bruno (Fecha de defensa: 2020-11-12)

    For whom do we transform our built environment? The answer may seem obvious, since architecture, in theory, is conceived for humans and for the emancipation of communities. However, it is clear that architecture has moved ...