Técnicas de agrupamiento bilingüe aplicadas a la inferencia de traductores 

    Barrachina Mir, Sergio (Fecha de defensa: 2003-06-20)

    La tesis presenta un método de agrupamiento bilingüe que puede utilizarse para la mejora de sistemas de traducción automática basados en ejemplos. Este método de agrupamiento es una extensión del caso monolingüe ...

    Técnicas de submuestreo, Toma de decisiones y Análisis de diversidad en aprendisaje supervisado con Sistemas Múltiples de Clasificación 

    Valdovinos Rosas, Rosa María (Fecha de defensa: 2006-06-23)

    En la presente Tesis Doctoral, se analiza fundamentalmente la aplicabilidad de los Sistemas de Múltiple Clasificación (SMC) en el marco de la regla del vecino más cercano. Una primera línea fundamental de investigación se ...

    Técnicas geoestadísticas espectrales. Análisis de la estacionariedad e independencia 

    Juan Verdoy, Pablo (Fecha de defensa: 2005-05-13)

    En cualquier análisis estadístico en ciencias ambientales, se puede decir que la determinación de la estructura espacial subyacente es necesaria. Estudiamos dependencias espaciales, utilizando el análisis espectral de ...

    The analysis of location in a science an technology park on sustainability performance through knowledge spillovers and absorptive capacity 

    Fernández-Yáñez, José María (Fecha de defensa: 2022-11-17)

    Sustainability performance requires reconciling an economic return with a reduction of business impact on the environment and ensuring social well-being. To improve sustainability performance, knowledge is a fundamental ...

    The communicative theory of Terminology (CTT) applied to the development of a corpus-based specialised dictionary of the ceramics industry 

    Edo Marzá, Nuria (Fecha de defensa: 2008-06-19)

    Esta tesis es el resultado de un proyecto destinado a la creación de un diccionario activo, bilingüe (español-inglés; inglés-español) y especializado de la industria cerámica y azulejera con la Teoría Comunicativa de la ...

    The Critical Translation and Interpreting Stories of the Amistad Case 

    Zaragoza De Leon, Jeanette de los Ángeles (Fecha de defensa: 2018-11-26)

    This doctoral thesis entitled, "The Critical Translation and Interpreting Stories of the Amistad Case," unravels the role and impact of the interpreting and translation matters in the Amistad Case. Until now, academic and ...

    The economics and dynamics of resource wars 

    Serrano González, Emilia Belén (Fecha de defensa: 2016-01-27)

    The twentieth century was a convulsive one in terms of wars, political conflicts and terrorism. Crime is now more international than it has ever been before. These days, geographical borders do not limit any war; conflicts ...

    The effect of family structure and family support on women's coping with fertility treatments 

    Rimer, Limor (Fecha de defensa: 2021-01-27)

    Objetivos: Examinar las dificultades que experimentan las mujeres durante el tratamiento de fertilidad, sus sistemas de apoyo y cómo afrontar el tratamiento, en tres estructuras familiares: la pareja casada heterosexual, ...

    The effect of instruction on the development of pragmatic competence in the English as a foreign language context: A study based on suggestions 

    Martínez Flor, Alicia (Fecha de defensa: 2004-12-16)

    This dissertation investigates the effects of instruction on the acquisition of pragmatic competence in the classroom setting, and specifically in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom. In particular, we examine ...

    The effect of intensity of content and language integrated learning programmes on students’ multilingual writing 

    Guzmán Alcón, Irene (Fecha de defensa: 2023-10-06)

    The study examines how the intensity of CLIL programmes and out of school activities influence students’ communicative appropriateness in writing from a multilingual perspective. It follows a mixed-method research approach, ...

    The effect of out-of-school media contact on language attitudes in multilingual adolescents: a complex psychosociolinguistic system 

    Nightingale, Richard (Fecha de defensa: 2016-11-21)

    Esta tesis analiza las actitudes lingüísticas de los adolescentes multilingües en función de su contacto con los idiomas a través de los medios de comunicación. El estudio utiliza la teoría de Sistemas Dinámicos y Complejos ...

    The effects of adenosine antagonists on distinct aspects of motivated behavior: interaction with ethanol and dopamine depletion. 

    López Cruz, Laura (Fecha de defensa: 2016-05-18)

    La adenosina es un neuromodulador del sistema nervioso central involucrado en numerosos procesos y que actúa principalmente en dos tipos de receptores adenosinérgicos (A1 y A2A). La cafeína es una metilxantina que actúa ...

    The Employers' responsibility towards employees in group healt insurance plans in Israel: analysis of the perception of the insurance companies, the employers and employees 

    Luttinger, Shlomi (Fecha de defensa: 2022-12-15)

    This comprehensive study uses mixed methods research. The study reveals how each of the “participants” in group health insurance arrangements interpret the term “faith and diligence” and how they perceive an employer’s ...

    The Empowerment of Perceptual Learning Styles with the Use of Social Media in the University Foreign Language Classroom 

    Gargallo Camarillas, Noelia (Fecha de defensa: 2022-07-14)

    The integration of new media technologies in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom has contributed to the evolution of the 21st century educational system towards multimodal communication. This doctoral ...

    The Feedback between Real and Credit Markets 

    Ciola, Emanuele (Fecha de defensa: 2019-03-14)

    The main purpose of this thesis is to extend the theoretical knowledge on the relationship between the financial and the real sectors. Speciffically, we investigate how the allocation of capital affects the dynamics of ...

    The Five-Factor Model and the Dark Tetrad of Personality: Psychometric Properties of Brief Instruments in Youth 

    Walker, Jordi Ortet (Fecha de defensa: 2023-09-29)

    Short questionnaires assessing personality traits are lacking, especially in youth. Our aim was to cover the need for psychometrically sound, brief tools of FFM and “dark” personality. To this end, four studies were carried ...

    The Five-Factor Model of Personality and the Structure of Psychopathology in Adolescence 

    Etkin, Paula (Fecha de defensa: 2021-06-16)

    This work aimed to study the structure of psychopathology in adolescents, its associations with the Five-Factor Model of personality, the convergence between a general factor of psychopathology (p) and a general factor of ...

    The Impact of Lockdown in Emotion and Behavior using Time Series: Distress, Depression and Anxious Arousal 

    Flor Arasil, Patricia (Fecha de defensa: 2022-05-26)

    The COVID-19 lockdown that struck Spain during March 2020 ended up with a period of 60 days of lockdown, a natural context where to study the effects of isolation or its feeling. It is known that long periods of isolation ...

    The Impact of Parental Migration on Emotional Health of Left Behind Children: A Study with Brazilian Immigrants in The United States 

    Lopes Clark, Liliane (Fecha de defensa: 2022-09-11)

    This study conducted in the USA investigated the parental migration impact on the emotional health of Brazilian left behind children. Fifty individuals participated. The mean separation time found was 7.33 years. The ...

    The implications of FinTech for traditional banking and regional economic development in China 

    Wu, Minzhi (Fecha de defensa: 2023-10-06)

    Over the past decade, the emergence of FinTech has reshaped the landscape of the financial sector worldwide. Although there are several alternative approaches to defining FinTech, a worldwide and generally accepted definition, ...