Now showing items 1-20 of 233

    Adoption E-commerce in development country and the moderator effect of digital divide 

    Sánchez Torres, Javier Alirio (Date of defense: 2018-03-21)

    With the creation and worldwide diffusion of the Internet since the end of the last century, social and economic relations have seen a strong tendency to move from analog to digital, generating new ways of performing ...

    Agroecological Landscape Modelling as a Deliberative Tool, Learning from Social Metabolism Assessment of Historical Transitions to Industrial Agriculture for Future Sustainable Food System 

    Padró i Caminal, Roc (Date of defense: 2018-02-15)

    The fundamental objective of this thesis is setting up a model to optimize the functioning of agricultural activity at the landscape level. It is a thesis with a strong methodological component. However, to base how the ...

    Alguns aspectes de la provisió i la despesa en serveis socials: teoria i aplicació al cas de Catalunya 

    Costa Cuberta, Mercè (Date of defense: 1984-01-01)

    Els nexes d'unió entre la Hisenda Pública i la Política Social han tingut un reconeixement explícit, que s'ha posat de manifest en entrar en conflicte els dos conceptes, degut a l'evolució i l'allunyament dels seus objectius. ...

    An Analysis of Factors for Preventing and Detecting Corruption: Evidence in Indonesia Village Government 

    Putri, Caesar Marga (Date of defense: 2023-11-30)

    [eng] The enactment of Village Law No 6 of 2014 is intended for village decentralisation which allows the village government to manage the village under regency and ministry regulations. Its purpose is to increase community ...

    Analysis of Emerging Market Multinationals’ subsidiaries in developed host countries: An institutional theory approach 

    Barahona Márquez, Felix (Date of defense: 2018-01-19)

    During the last decade, the emerging market multinational enterprises (EMNEs) appeared on the world scene, increasing their presence not only in emerging countries but in most of the developed countries as well, home to ...

    Analysis of Michelin-starred restaurants and their geographical concentration: the case of Catalonia 

    Escalante Álamo, Raúl (Date of defense: 2022-10-11)

    One of the most important sectors for developed economies is the restaurant industry. It is a sector closely linked to tourism, which under the umbrella of the hospitality industry employs millions of people around the ...

    Analysis of the process of acquisition of skills and competencies in Spain 

    Guio Jaimes, Juan Manuel (Date of defense: 2017-09-22)

    This thesis has provide a thorough analysis of the factors that influence the decision process of educational acquisition and an individual's permanence in the school system, first from the perspective of factors closely ...

    An analytical study about the relationship between Green Supply Chain Management practices and Organizational Performance 

    Amirbagheri, Keivan (Date of defense: 2019-12-17)

    En esta disertación de doctorado en tres capítulos principales, estudié un estudio analítico sobre la relación entre las prácticas de Green Supply Chain Management y el desempeño organizacional utilizando tres metodologías ...

    Análisis de la implantación de la estrategia de servitización en las empresas manufactureras españolas 

    Castellón Orozco, Helen Davilene (Date of defense: 2020-11-13)

    La elevada competencia a la que se enfrentan las empresas manufactureras hoy en día obliga a las organizaciones a establecer nuevas estrategias de diferenciación. En la búsqueda de esta diferencia, las empresas manufactureras ...

    Análisis de las relaciones interfirmas en el clúster del turismo de intereses especiales de la región de Los Lagos, Chile 

    Vera Garnica, José (Date of defense: 2021-03-08)

    La investigación estudia las relaciones interfirmas en empresas del clúster del turismo de intereses especiales de la región de los Lagos en Chile, utilizando como metodología el estudio de casos múltiples en unidades ...

    Análisis de modelos de demanda del consumidor: especificación del AIDS-aplicación al caso español 

    Marín Feria, Susana (Date of defense: 1987-01-01)

    La presente tesis se enmarca dentro del campo económico de la “teoría del consumidor” y, más concretamente, se dirige al análisis de los sistemas completos de ecuaciones de demanda. De las posibilidades que genera el ...

    Análisis económico actuarial del desarrollo de planes de pensiones complementarios en las empresas latinoamericanas y de países emergentes 

    Valero Carreras, Diego (Date of defense: 2011-11-29)

    La tesis pretende demostrar que el desarrollo de pensiones complementarias en países emergentes puede ser una fórmula posible de reducción de la pobreza en la vejez, entendida esta como la provisión de elementos suficientes ...

    Análisis multivariante de series temporales: dominio frecuencial frente a dominio temporal 

    Alegre Escolano, Antonio (Date of defense: 1979-01-01)

    La tesis se estructura en 6 capítulos. El capítulo 1, a modo de introducción, cubre tres objetivos que son los siguientes: justificación de la elección del tema objeto de estudio, situación del tema de la investigación en ...

    Approaches to variable pay systems 

    García-Hernández, Rosa (Date of defense: 2016-01-22)

    The general goal of this thesis is to analyze, in some European countries, the connections of Variable Pay Systems with company behaviour, collective bargaining, wage determination and wage inequality. We introduce three ...

    Bank and Sovereign Risk: The Case of European Economic and Monetary Union 

    Singh, Manish Kumar (Date of defense: 2018-06-15)

    This thesis consists of four self-contained but related papers trying to uncover different aspects of banking and sovereign risk in the member countries of European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). From a methodological ...

    Banking Regulation, Financial Stability and Credit in Mexico (1960-2016) 

    López Romero, Marisol (Date of defense: 2021-02-26)

    INTRODUCCIÓN: El objetivo de este trabajo es profundizar sobre las razones por las cuales existe una escasa concesión del crédito en México. En particular, el crédito que va dirigido a promover el crecimiento económico, ...

    Biomass Energies in Industrializing Catalonia: The Changing Role of Firewood and Charcoal in the City and Province of Barcelona (1780-1960) 

    Maynou Felker, Marc (Date of defense: 2021-02-24)

    There is a debate in the international literature between two differing conceptions of the Energy Transition: the so-cal led «energy ladder approach», according to which societies transit from qualitatively ...

    Birds of passage: circular migration and tourism development in Spain, 1955-1973 

    García-Barrero, José Antonio (Date of defense: 2022-07-07)

    Circular migrations have played an important role in multiple migratory episodes in the past and present. They have also increasingly been a source of interest for political institutions. Based on the Triple Win theory, ...

    Bolivia Public Finances, 1882-2007. Challenges and restricitons of State intervention in a small, multiethnic and revolutíonary economy 

    Peres Cajías, José Alejandro (Date of defense: 2013-10-25)

    My dissertation aims at analyzing the impact of State intervention in Bolivia by looking at the long term evolution of Bolivian Public Finances, 1882-2007. My dissertation is compound by four different chapters. In the ...

    Building knowledge in performance measurement and management: A critical realist approach 

    Armstrong, Ryan (Date of defense: 2018-12-19)

    Within management and organizational studies, researchers and practitioners alike have maintained a constant interest in the topic performance management as a means of improving individual and organizational performance. ...