Microscopic analysis of rotating black holes 

    Maccarrone Heredia, Alessandro (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-08)

    The main objective of this thesis is to understand from a microscopic point of view some of the characteristic phenomena of rotating black holes. The inclusion of rotation gives rise to physics that allows a more precise ...

    Modelo cuasicristalino de Bahe: propiedades termodinámicas de las disoluciones acuosas de los haluros alcalinos, El 

    Gómez Estévez, Juan Luis (Fecha de defensa: 1983-05-01)

    El estudio de las disoluciones líquidas y en particular de aquellas que contienen electrolitos es uno de los más acuciantes, tanto desde un punto de vista teórico como para el análisis de los procesos biológicos y ...

    Movimiento cuántico de vórtices a bajas temperaturas en superconductores de alta temperatura crítica basados en talio 

    García Santiago, Antoni (Fecha de defensa: 1995-12-18)

    El objeto de estudio de esta tesis es la dinámica intragranular de vórtices a bajas temperaturas en distintas muestras pertenecientes esencialmente a las familias de superconductores de alta temperatura crítica (SCAT) con ...

    Nanomagnetism and high frequency experiments. Basic science and technological applications 

    López Domínguez, Víctor (Fecha de defensa: 2014-06-11)

    The interaction between magnetic nanoparticles and high frequencies, such as microwaves or terahertz waves, is one of the most active field of research, with interesting applications in the screening of electromagnetic ...

    New Applications of the Gauge/Gravity Duality 

    Fernández, Daniel (Fernández Moreno) (Fecha de defensa: 2013-06-14)

    The purpose of this thesis is to put forth and present a series of new applications of the gauge/string duality to areas of high energy physics and condensed matter physics. The contributions showcased in this thesis amount ...

    New mechanisms in the adsorption of colloidal suspensions 

    Pagonabarraga Mora, Ignacio (Fecha de defensa: 1995-06-23)

    In this thesis we have studied the influence of transport mechanisms on the adsorption kinetics of colloidal suspensions, as well as in the distribution of colloidal particles at the adsorbed layer. Adsorption of colloidal ...

    New techniques for the analysis of the large scale structure of the Universe 

    Gil Marín, Héctor (Fecha de defensa: 2012-05-03)

    The goal of this thesis is to study the large scale structure of the Universe from a theoretical point of view. In particular, the different chapters of this thesis focus on developing statistic tools to improve the ...

    Non-binary maximum entropy network ensembles and their application to the study of urban mobility 

    Sagarra Pascual, Oleguer Josep (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-22)

    Complex networks grow subject to structural constraints which affect their measurable properties. Assessing the effect that such constraints impose on their observables is thus a crucial aspect to be taken into account in ...

    Novel quantum phenomena and excitation modes in type-I superconductors and magnetic vortices 

    Zarzuela Fernández, Ricardo (Fecha de defensa: 2014-11-27)

    The aim of this thesis was to study quantum phenomena and excitation modes in type-I superconductors and magnetic vortices. The intermediate state in type-I superconductors is characterized by the gradual penetration ...

    Noves aplicacions de l'àlgebra geomètrica a la física matemàtica 

    Miralles Esteban, David (Fecha de defensa: 2002-01-24)

    En la presente tesis se han tratado los siguientes aspectos: 1,- Se ha reformulado la presentación de la teoría de espinores consiguiendo una única definición de espinor que da énfasis al observador y matiza el papel ...

    Particle propagation in non-trivial backgrounds: a quantum field theory approach 

    Arteaga Barriel, Daniel (Fecha de defensa: 2007-06-28)

    The basic aim of the thesis is the study of the propagation of particles and quasiparticles in non-trivial backgrounds from the quantum field theory point of view. By "non-trivial background" we mean either a non-vacuum ...

    Probing gauge theories: Exact results and holographic computations 

    Garolera Huguet, Blai (Fecha de defensa: 2015-02-27)

    The holographic duality between gauge theories and string theories has opened a new door to access the strongly coupled regime of quantum field theories and offers, at the same time, a completely new way to ...

    Propiedades magnéticas de materiales nanoestructurados: vidrios metálicos recristalizados y partículas pequeñas de hexaferrita 

    García del Muro y Solans, Montserrat (Fecha de defensa: 1997-02-18)

    Esta memoria presenta el estudio de las propiedades magnéticas de dos sistemas físicos pertenecientes a lo que puede considerarse una nueva generación de materiales, los constituidos por entidades básicas de tamaño ...

    Protein dynamics studied by coarse-grained and atomistic theoretical approaches 

    Orellana, Laura (Fecha de defensa: 2014-05-30)

    Protein structure, dynamics and function, are inseparable in order to understand the mechanisms of Life at the molecular level. From the structure comes dynamics, and from dynamics many, if not all, protein functions. ...

    Reconstruction, mobility, and synchronization in complex networks 

    Prignano, Luce (Fecha de defensa: 2012-07-20)

    During the last decades, it has become clear that systems formed by many interacting parts show emergent dynamical properties which are inherently related to the topology of the underlying pattern of connections among the ...

    Search for monochromatic gravitational-wave signals in data of the cryogenic detector "Explorer" 

    Montero Torralbo, Miquel (Fecha de defensa: 1998-03-27)

    This essay is devoted to the search for monochromatic gravitational wave signals in the data of the cryogenic detector "Explorer". With this aim several filtering procedures have been designed and applied. Nevertheless, ...

    Simulació de sistemes iònics 

    Trullàs Simó, Joaquim (Fecha de defensa: 1990-01-01)

    La història de la simulació de sistemes de N cossos pot resumir-se breument dient que aquesta ha anat evolucionant dels primers estudis de líquids simples a l'estudi de sistemes cada vegada més complexes (sals foses, líquids ...

    Simulació per dinàmica de Langevin generalitzada en sistemes de partícules interactives 

    Sesé i Castel, Gemma (Fecha de defensa: 1990-05-25)

    L'anàlisi des del punt de vista dinàmic d'un sistema format per un conjunt de partícules que interactuen entre sí pot realitzar-se mitjançant diferents mètodes de simulació (Allen et al., 1987). D'entre tots ells, el més ...

    Single molecule studies in a temperature-jump optical trap 

    Lorenzo Ros, Sara de (Fecha de defensa: 2015-01-23)

    In the field of biophysics, the study of the thermodynamic characteristics of biomolecules, such as DNA, RNA or proteins, allows us to understand more about the building blocks of life. The thermodynamic characterization ...

    Sistemes nanoestructurats mitjançant monocapes de Langmuir 

    Vallvé Antón, Maria dels Àngels (Fecha de defensa: 2010-06-18)

    Els treballs presentats en aquesta tesi fan referència a sistemes amb estructures d’escales nanomètriques. L’estructura d'aquests sistemes s’obté mitjançant la formació de monocapes de Langmuir, dipositant dissolucions de ...