Now showing items 57-64 of 64

    Structure and Traffic on Complex Networks 

    Duch i Gavaldà, Jordi (Date of defense: 2008-04-18)

    In a time when large amounts of data about social, economical, technological, and biological systems are produced in a daily bases, complex networks have become a powerful tool to represent the structure of complex systems. ...

    Structure versus Magnetism in Magnetic Nanoparticles 

    Moya Álvarez, Carlos (Date of defense: 2015-12-01)

    From the fundamental point of view, NPs formed by MFe2O4 with (M= Co, Fe) are ideal system models to study the new magnetic phenomena associated with the so-called particle-like behaviour, which emerges from the size ...

    Structure, Mechanical Properties, and Self-Assembly of Viral Capsids 

    Luque Santolaria, Antoni (Date of defense: 2011-06-08)

    Viruses are submicroscopic biological entities that need to infect a host cell in order to replicate. In their simplest form viruses are constituted by an infective genetic material and a protein shell (the capsid) that ...

    The Molecular Toolbox: Dendrimer Decorated Biomaterials for Musculoskeletal Regeneration 

    Seelbach, Ryan (Date of defense: 2015-06-12)

    Regenerative medicine takes multifaceted approaches towards healing complex injury and restoring normal tissue function by combining biomaterials with cells and drugs. Recently, naturally occurring polymers found in the ...

    The motion sensing problem in spherical gravitational wave detectors 

    Serrano Moral, Ma. Ángeles (María Ángeles) (Date of defense: 1999-05-28)

    La tesis presenta una cuidadosa descripción del comportamiento dinámico de las antenas esféricas resonantes de ondas gravitatorias cuando son excitadas por radiación gravitatoria, o también por señales de calibración, ...

    The role of clustering in the stucture and function of complex networks 

    Colomer de Simón, Pol (Date of defense: 2016-06-09)

    The study of a system from a network perspective focuses on the impact that connectivity between the elements has on the function of the system. The observation and measurement of parameters of real-world networks reveals ...

    Thermal Diagnostics in the LISA Technology Package Experiment 

    Nofrarias Serra, Miquel (Date of defense: 2007-12-13)

    LISA Pathfinder (LPF) is an ESA mission, with NASA contributions, devoted to pave the way to the future spaceborne gravitational wave observatory LISA.<br/>The LISA Technology Package (LTP) experiment in the LPF mission ...

    Vortex Dynamics in Superconducting Thin Films under Microwave Fields 

    Cuadra-Solís, Pedro-de-Jesús (Date of defense: 2015-10-29)

    In this thesis we have studied the vortex dynamics in type-2 superconducting thin films made of La1.82Sr0.18CuO4, patterned Pb and MgB2, by means of the combination of microwave, dc and ac measurements. In particular, we ...