Now showing items 691-710 of 1298

    Machine learning approach to the study of chromatin 

    Cuscó Pons, Pol (Date of defense: 2017-12-13)

    Des de l’aparició de les tecnologies de seqüenciació d’alt rendiment, els conjunts de dades biològiques han esdevingut cada cop més grans i complexes, la qual cosa els fa pràcticament impossibles d’interpretar manualment. ...

    Machine learning in structural biology and chemoinformatics : Driving drug discovery one epoch at a time 

    Jiménez Luna, José (Date of defense: 2019-10-24)

    Deep learning approaches have become increasingly popular in the last years thanks to their state-of the-art performance in fields such as computer vision and natural language understanding. The first goal of this thesis ...

    Maintaining regenerative competence of muscle stem cells: role of mitochondrial dynamics 

    Hong, Xiaotong (Date of defense: 2022-10-06)

    La regeneración del músculo esquelético depende de la expansión correcta de las células madre inactivas residentes (células satélite), un proceso que se vuelve menos eficiente con el envejecimiento, por razones en gran ...

    Making protein dynamics FAIR : Research platforms for the collection, dissemination, and analysis of molecular dynamics simulations 

    Torrens Fontanals, Mariona (Date of defense: 2022-02-11)

    Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are a well-established technique to characterize the structural motions of biological systems at atomic resolution. However, accessing, viewing, and sharing MD trajectories is typically ...

    Mapping eQTL networks with mixed graphical models 

    Tur Mongé, Inma (Date of defense: 2014-05-12)

    Expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) mapping constitutes a challenging problem due to the high-dimensional multivariate nature of continuous gene expression traits and discrete genotypes from genetical genomics ...

    Maternidad y trabajo remunerado : utlización de las prestaciones sociales durante el embarazo en una muestra de trabajadoras de un hospital de Barcelona (España) 

    Villar Vinuesa, Rocío (Date of defense: 2019-02-20)

    Introducción: La protección social a las trabajadoras embarazadas comprende la incapacidad temporal por contingencia común (ITcc) y la prestación por riesgo durante el embarazo y/o la lactancia (PRE). Objetivos: 1) Examinar ...

    Max1 links MBF dependent transcription upon completion of DNA synthesis in fission yeast 

    Gómez Escoda, Blanca (Date of defense: 2010-11-26)

    When DNA replication is challenged, cells activate a DNA synthesis checkpoint blocking cell cycle progression until they are able to overcome the replication defects. In fission yeast, Cds1 is the effector kinase of this ...

    MDMA pharmacology in humans and serotonergic effects 

    Yubero Lahoz, Samanta (Date of defense: 2013-11-18)

    3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) is one of the most abused recreational drugs in the world. It has been extensively reported that this drug inhibits its own metabolism by inhibiting a polymorphic liver ...

    Measure and effect of diet in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 

    Batlle Garcia, Jordi de (Date of defense: 2011-05-09)

    Background and objectives: Recent research has shown an association between a healthy diet and reduced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) incidence. However, the potential role of diet in COPD prognosis is ...

    Measuring financial protection of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants when accessing health services : (From asylum to resettlement) 

    Fares, Hani (Date of defense: 2022-07-05)

    Refugees and asylum-seekers often encounter situations in which their health and well-being are compromised. Despite their health needs, access to healthcare is often restricted in host countries, and this is aggravated ...

    Measuring health related quality of life in heart failure 

    Garin Boronat, Olatz (Date of defense: 2013-03-15)

    L’objectiu global d’aquesta tesis doctoral va ser identificar les fortaleses i limitacions de les mesures de Qualitat de Vida Relacionada amb la Salut desenvolupades específicament per pacients amb insuficiència cardíaca. ...

    Measuring the quantitative relationship between organismal gene expression and lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans 

    Oswal, Natasha Nikhil (Date of defense: 2023-06-08)

    El envejecimiento implica un aumento de la fragilidad en función del tiempo que resulta en la aceleración de la mortalidad. Para comprender el papel temporal de varias proteínas en el envejecimiento, utilizamos el sistema ...

    Mecanisme d'activació de fibronectina i LEF1 per Snail1 durant la transició epili-mesènquima 

    Agustí Benito, Cristina (Date of defense: 2007-05-28)

    La transició Epiteli-Mesènquima es dóna durant el desenvolupament embrionari i en els estadis tardans de la progressió tumoral permetent que es produeixi la metàstasi. Aquestes transicions necessiten una repressió de ...

    Mecanismes de regulació en l'activitat biològica del factor de transcripció Snail 

    Domínguez Solà, David (Date of defense: 2003-04-03)

    Els factors de transcripció de la família Snail són fonamentals en la "transició epiteli-mesènquima", procés morfogènic essencial en el desenvolupament embrionari i en els fenòmens metastàsics tumorals.<br/>En els mamífers ...

    Mecanismes moleculars en el transtorn de la conducta alimentària: estudis en humans i en model murins 

    Mercader Bigas, Josep Maria (Date of defense: 2008-07-11)

    Els trastorns de la conducta alimentària (TCA) tenen una etiologia complexa en la que hi intervenen factors de predisposició socioculturals, ambientals i genètics. S'ha aprofundit en les bases moleculars dels TCA mitjançant ...

    Mechanical control of epithelial tissue formation and function in early development 

    Tolosa Ramon, Queralt (Date of defense: 2023-07-26)

    The outer epithelial layer is the first cell type that emerges during development, providing essential mechanical protection and is indispensable for morphogenesis. Here, we study how the interplay between molecular and ...

    Mechanical control of nuclear plasticity and mechanotransduction in cell migration 

    Pezzano, Fabio (Date of defense: 2022-06-13)

    Cells commonly live in a crowded environment, in a tissue or in a developing embryo. The extracellular matrix and/or surrounding neighboring cells can impose physical deformations to which cells need to adapt in order to ...

    Mechanism and dynamics of transgenerational epigenetic memory in Caenorhabditis elegans 

    Kłosin, Adam (Date of defense: 2015-11-09)

    Desde Darwin y Lamarck, a los biólogos les ha intrigado la posibilidad de que rasgos adquiridos debido al ambiente pudieran ser heredados. Se han descrito muchos ejemplos de este tipo debidos a perturbaciones del ambiente ...

    Mechanism of RanGTP dependent microtubule assembly during mitosis 

    Scrofani, Jacopo (Date of defense: 2014-10-10)

    During mitosis, spindle assembly involves different sources of microtubules including centrosomes and chromosomes. While the role of centrosomes has been extensively studied, we still do not fully understand how chromosomes ...

    Mechanism of regulation of the RPL30 pre-mRNA splicing in yeast 

    Macías Ribela, Sara (Date of defense: 2008-06-13)

    The mechanisms of pre-mRNA splicing regulation are poorly understood. Here we dissect how the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ribosomal L30 protein blocks splicing of its pre-mRNA upon binding a kink-turn structure including the ...